lvstyles.h 6.03 KB
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/** \file lvstyles.h

    \brief CSS Styles and node format

    (c) Vadim Lopatin, 2000-2006

    This source code is distributed under the terms of
    GNU General Public License.

    See LICENSE file for details.


#if !defined(__LV_STYLES_H_INCLUDED__)

#include "cssdef.h"
#include "lvmemman.h"
#include "lvrefcache.h"
#include "lvtextfm.h"
#include "lvfntman.h"

    \brief Element style record.

    Contains set of style properties.
typedef struct css_style_rec_tag {
    int                  refCount; // for reference counting
    lUInt32              hash; // cache calculated hash value here
    css_display_t        display;
    css_white_space_t    white_space;
    css_text_align_t     text_align;
    css_text_align_t     text_align_last;
    css_text_decoration_t text_decoration;
    css_vertical_align_t vertical_align;
    css_font_family_t    font_family;
    lString8             font_name;
    css_length_t         font_size;
    css_font_style_t     font_style;
    css_font_weight_t    font_weight;
    css_length_t         text_indent;
    css_length_t         line_height;
    css_length_t         width;
    css_length_t         height;
    css_length_t         margin[4]; ///< margin-left, -right, -top, -bottom
    css_length_t         padding[4]; ///< padding-left, -right, -top, -bottom
    css_length_t         color;
    css_length_t         background_color;
    css_length_t         letter_spacing;
    css_page_break_t     page_break_before;
    css_page_break_t     page_break_after;
    css_page_break_t     page_break_inside;
    css_hyphenate_t        hyphenate;
    css_list_style_type_t list_style_type;
    css_list_style_position_t list_style_position;
    : refCount(0)
    , hash(0)
    , display( css_d_inherit )
    , white_space(css_ws_inherit)
    , text_align(css_ta_inherit)
    , text_align_last(css_ta_inherit)
    , text_decoration (css_td_inherit)
    , vertical_align(css_va_inherit)
    , font_family(css_ff_inherit)
    , font_size(css_val_inherited, 0)
    , font_style(css_fs_inherit)
    , font_weight(css_fw_inherit)
    , text_indent(css_val_inherited, 0)
    , line_height(css_val_inherited, 0)
    , width(css_val_unspecified, 0)
    , height(css_val_unspecified, 0)
    , color(css_val_inherited, 0)
    , background_color(css_val_unspecified, 0)
    , letter_spacing(css_val_unspecified, 0)
    , page_break_before(css_pb_auto)
    , page_break_after(css_pb_auto)
    , page_break_inside(css_pb_auto)
    , hyphenate(css_hyph_inherit)
    , list_style_type(css_lst_inherit)
    , list_style_position(css_lsp_inherit)
    void AddRef() { refCount++; }
    int Release() { return --refCount; }
    int getRefCount() { return refCount; }
    bool serialize( SerialBuf & buf );
    bool deserialize( SerialBuf & buf );
} css_style_rec_t;

/// style record reference type
typedef LVFastRef< css_style_rec_t > css_style_ref_t;
/// font reference type
typedef LVFastRef< LVFont > font_ref_t;

/// to compare two styles
bool operator == (const css_style_rec_t & r1, const css_style_rec_t & r2);

/// style hash table size
#define LV_STYLE_HASH_SIZE 0x100

/// style cache: allows to avoid duplicate style object allocation
class lvdomStyleCache : public LVRefCache< css_style_ref_t >
    lvdomStyleCache( int size = LV_STYLE_HASH_SIZE ) : LVRefCache< css_style_ref_t >( size ) {}

/// element rendering methods
enum lvdom_element_render_method
    erm_invisible = 0, ///< invisible: don't render
    erm_block,         ///< render as block element (render as containing other elements)
    erm_final,         ///< final element: render the whole it's content as single render block
    erm_inline,        ///< inline element
    erm_mixed,         ///< block and inline elements are mixed: autobox inline portions of nodes; TODO
    erm_list_item,     ///< render as block element as list item
    erm_table,         ///< table element: render as table
    erm_table_row_group, ///< table row group
    erm_table_header_group, ///< table header group
    erm_table_footer_group, ///< table footer group
    erm_table_row,  ///< table row
    erm_table_column_group, ///< table column group
    erm_table_column, ///< table column
    erm_table_cell, ///< table cell
    erm_table_caption, ///< table caption
    erm_runin          ///< run-in

/// node format record
class lvdomElementFormatRec {
    int  _x;
    int  _width;
    int  _y;
    int  _height;
    : _x(0), _width(0), _y(0), _height(0)//, _formatter(NULL)
    void clear()
        _x = _width = _y = _height = 0;
    bool operator == ( lvdomElementFormatRec & v )
        return (_height==v._height && _y==v._y && _width==v._width && _x==v._x );
    bool operator != ( lvdomElementFormatRec & v )
        return (_height!=v._height || _y!=v._y || _width!=v._width || _x!=v._x );
    // Get/Set
    int getX() const { return _x; }
    int getY() const { return _y; }
    int getWidth() const { return _width; }
    int getHeight() const { return _height; }
    void getRect( lvRect & rc ) const
        rc.left = _x; = _y;
        rc.right = _x + _width;
        rc.bottom = _y + _height;
    void setX( int x ) { _x = x; }
    void setY( int y ) { _y = y; }
    void setWidth( int w ) { _width = w; }
    void setHeight( int h ) { _height = h; }

/// calculate cache record hash
lUInt32 calcHash(css_style_rec_t & rec);
/// calculate font instance record hash
lUInt32 calcHash(font_ref_t & rec);
/// calculate cache record hash
inline lUInt32 calcHash(css_style_ref_t & rec) { return rec.isNull() ? 0 : calcHash( *rec.get() ); }

/// splits string like "Arial", Times New Roman, Courier;  into list
// returns number of characters processed
int splitPropertyValueList( const char * fontNames, lString8Collection & list );

/// joins list into string of comma separated quoted values
lString8 joinPropertyValueList( const lString8Collection & list );

#endif // __LV_STYLES_H_INCLUDED__