lvmemman.h 5.47 KB
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/** \file lvmemman.h
    \brief Fast memory manager implementation

    CoolReader Engine

    (c) Vadim Lopatin, 2000-2006
    This source code is distributed under the terms of
    GNU General Public License.

    See LICENSE file for details.



#include "crsetup.h"
#include "lvtypes.h"

#define CR_FATAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN             -1

/// fatal error function type
typedef void (lv_FatalErrorHandler_t)(int errorCode, const char * errorText );

/// fatal error function calls fatal error handler
void crFatalError( int code, const char * errorText );
inline void crFatalError() { crFatalError( -1, "Unknown fatal error" ); }

/// set fatal error handler
void crSetFatalErrorHandler( lv_FatalErrorHandler_t * handler );

/// typed realloc with result check (size is counted in T), fatal error if failed
template <typename T> T * cr_realloc( T * ptr, size_t newSize ) {
    T * newptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(realloc(ptr, sizeof(T)*newSize));
    if ( newptr )
        return newptr;
    free(ptr); // to bypass cppcheck warning
    crFatalError(-2, "realloc failed");
    return NULL;

#include <stdlib.h>

#define THROW_MEM_MAN_EXCEPTION crFatalError(-1, "Memory manager fatal error" );

#define FIRST_SLICE_SIZE       16
#define MAX_SLICE_COUNT        24

/// memory block
union ldomMemBlock {
//    struct {
        char buf[4];
//    };
//    struct {
        ldomMemBlock * nextfree;
//    };

/// memory allocation slice
struct ldomMemSlice {
    ldomMemBlock * pBlocks; // first block
    ldomMemBlock * pEnd;    // first free byte after last block
    ldomMemBlock * pFree;   // first free block
    size_t block_size;      // size of block
    size_t block_count;     // count of blocks
    size_t blocks_used;     // number of used blocks
    inline ldomMemBlock * blockByIndex( size_t index )
        return (ldomMemBlock *) ( (char*)pBlocks + (block_size*index) );
    inline ldomMemBlock * nextBlock( ldomMemBlock * p )
        return (ldomMemBlock *) ( (char*)p + (block_size) );
    inline ldomMemBlock * prevBlock( ldomMemBlock * p )
        return (ldomMemBlock *) ( (char*)p - (block_size) );
    ldomMemSlice( size_t blockSize, size_t blockCount )
    :   block_size(blockSize),

        pBlocks = (ldomMemBlock *) malloc(block_size * block_count);
        pEnd = blockByIndex(block_count);
        pFree = pBlocks;
        for (ldomMemBlock * p = pBlocks; p<pEnd; )
            p = p->nextfree = nextBlock(p);
        prevBlock(pEnd)->nextfree = NULL;
        free( pBlocks );
    inline ldomMemBlock * alloc_block()
        ldomMemBlock * res = pFree;
        pFree = res->nextfree;
        return res;
    inline bool free_block( ldomMemBlock * pBlock )
        if (pBlock < pBlocks || pBlock >= pEnd)
            return false; // chunk does not belong to this slice
        pBlock->nextfree = pFree;
        pFree = pBlock;
        return true;

/// storage for blocks of specified size
struct ldomMemManStorage
    size_t block_size;      // size of block
    size_t slice_count;     // count of existing blocks
    ldomMemSlice * slices[MAX_SLICE_COUNT];
    ldomMemManStorage( size_t blockSize )
        : block_size(blockSize)
        slice_count = 1;
        slices[0] = new ldomMemSlice(block_size, FIRST_SLICE_SIZE);
        for (size_t i=0; i<slice_count; i++)
            delete slices[i];
    void * alloc()
        // search for existing slice
        for (int i=slice_count-1; i>=0; --i)
            if (slices[i]->pFree != NULL)
                return slices[i]->alloc_block();
        // alloc new slice
        if (slice_count >= MAX_SLICE_COUNT)
        slices[slice_count] = 
            new ldomMemSlice(block_size, FIRST_SLICE_SIZE << (slice_count+1));
        return slices[slice_count++]->alloc_block();
    void free( ldomMemBlock * pBlock )
        for (int i=slice_count-1; i>=0; --i)
            if (slices[i]->free_block(pBlock))
        //throw; // wrong pointer!!!

/// allocate memory
void * ldomAlloc( size_t n );
/// free memory
void   ldomFree( void * p, size_t n );


/// declare allocator for class: use in class declarations
#define DECLARE_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(classname) \
    void * operator new( size_t size ); \
    void operator delete( void * p );

/// define allocator for class: use in class definitions
#define DEFINE_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(classname) \
static ldomMemManStorage * pms ## classname = NULL; \
void * classname::operator new( size_t size ) \
{ \
    if (pms ## classname == NULL) \
    { \
        pms ## classname = new ldomMemManStorage(sizeof(classname)); \
    } \
    return pms ## classname->alloc(); \
} \
void classname::operator delete( void * p ) \
{ \
    pms ## classname->free((ldomMemBlock *)p); \

void ldomFreeStorage();


#endif //__LV_MEM_MAN_H_INCLUDED__