antiword.h 27.3 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745
 * antiword.h
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 A.J. van Os; Released under GNU GPL
 * Description:
 * Generic include file for project 'Antiword'

#if !defined(__antiword_h)
#define __antiword_h 1

#if defined(DEBUG) == defined(NDEBUG)
#error Exactly one of the DEBUG and NDEBUG flags MUST be set
#endif /* DEBUG == NDEBUG */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if defined(__riscos)
#include "DeskLib:Font.h"
#include "DeskLib:Wimp.h"
#include "Desklib:Window.h"
#include "drawfile.h"
#define window_ANY	event_ANY
#define icon_ANY	event_ANY
#include <sys/types.h>
#endif /* __riscos */
#include "wordconst.h"
#include "wordtypes.h"
#include "fail.h"
#include "debug.h"

/* Constants */
#if !defined(PATH_MAX)
 #if defined(__riscos)
 #define PATH_MAX		 255
  #if defined(MAXPATHLEN)
  #define PATH_MAX		1024
  #endif /* MAXPATHLEN */
 #endif /* __riscos */
#endif /* !PATH_MAX */

#if !defined(CHAR_BIT)
#define CHAR_BIT		8
#endif /* CHAR_BIT */

#if !defined(TIME_T_MIN)
#define TIME_T_MIN		((time_t)0 < (time_t)-1 ?\
				(time_t)0 :\
				(time_t)1 << (sizeof(time_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1))
#endif /* TIMER_T_MIN */

#if !defined(TIME_T_MAX)
#if defined(__TURBOC__)	/* Turbo C chokes on the subtraction below */
#define TIME_T_MAX		(LONG_MAX)
#else	/* All others */
#define TIME_T_MAX		(~(time_t)0 - TIME_T_MIN)
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
#endif /* TIME_T_MAX */

#if !defined(SIZE_T_MAX)
#define SIZE_T_MAX		(~(size_t)0)
#endif /* SIZE_T_MAX */

#if defined(__riscos)
#define FILE_SEPARATOR		"."
#elif defined(__dos) || defined(__CYGMING__)
#define FILE_SEPARATOR		"\\"
#else	/* All others */
#define FILE_SEPARATOR		"/"
#endif /* __riscos */

/* PNG chunk names */
#define PNG_CN_IDAT		0x49444154
#define PNG_CN_IEND		0x49454e44
#define PNG_CN_IHDR		0x49484452
#define PNG_CN_PLTE		0x504c5445

/* The screen width */
#define MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH	 45
#define MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH	145

#if defined(__riscos)
/* The scale factors as percentages */
#define MIN_SCALE_FACTOR	 25
#define MAX_SCALE_FACTOR	400

/* Filetypes */
#define FILETYPE_MSWORD		0xae6
#define FILETYPE_DRAW		0xaff
#define FILETYPE_JPEG		0xc85
#define FILETYPE_SPRITE		0xff9
#define FILETYPE_TEXT		0xfff

/* The button numbers in the choices window */

/* The button numbers in the scale view window */
#define SCALE_50_PCT			 5
#define SCALE_75_PCT			 6
#define SCALE_100_PCT			 7
#define SCALE_150_PCT			 8

/* Save menu fields */
/* Margins for the PostScript version */
#define PS_LEFT_MARGIN			(72 * 640L)
#define PS_RIGHT_MARGIN			(48 * 640L)
#define PS_TOP_MARGIN			(72 * 640L)
#define PS_BOTTOM_MARGIN		(72 * 640L)
#endif /* __riscos */

/* Macros */
#define STREQ(x,y)	(*(x) == *(y) && strcmp(x,y) == 0)
#define STRNEQ(x,y,n)	(*(x) == *(y) && strncmp(x,y,n) == 0)
#if defined(__dos) || defined(__EMX__)
#define STRCEQ(x,y)	(stricmp(x,y) == 0)
#define STRCEQ(x,y)	(strcasecmp(x,y) == 0)
#endif /* __dos or __EMX__ */
#define elementsof(a)	(sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
#define odd(x)		(((x)&0x01)!=0)
#define ROUND4(x)	(((x)+3)&~0x03)
#define ROUND128(x)	(((x)+127)&~0x7f)
#define BIT(x)		(1UL << (x))
#if !defined(max)
#define max(x,y)	((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
#endif /* !max */
#if !defined(min)
#define min(x,y)	((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
#endif /* !min */

#if defined(__riscos)
/* The name of the table font */
#define TABLE_FONT			"Corpus.Medium"
/* Names of the default fonts */
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_PLAIN		"Corpus.Medium"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_BOLD		"Corpus.Bold"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_ITALIC		"Corpus.Medium.Oblique"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_BOLDITALIC	"Corpus.Bold.Oblique"
#define FONT_SERIF_PLAIN		"Trinity.Medium"
#define FONT_SERIF_BOLD			"Trinity.Bold"
#define FONT_SERIF_ITALIC		"Trinity.Medium.Italic"
#define FONT_SERIF_BOLDITALIC		"Trinity.Bold.Italic"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_PLAIN		"Homerton.Medium"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_BOLD		"Homerton.Bold"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_ITALIC		"Homerton.Medium.Oblique"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_BOLDITALIC	"Homerton.Bold.Oblique"
/* The name of the table font */
#define TABLE_FONT			"Courier"
/* Names of the default fonts */
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_PLAIN		"Courier"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_BOLD		"Courier-Bold"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_ITALIC		"Courier-Oblique"
#define FONT_MONOSPACED_BOLDITALIC	"Courier-BoldOblique"
#define FONT_SERIF_PLAIN		"Times-Roman"
#define FONT_SERIF_BOLD			"Times-Bold"
#define FONT_SERIF_ITALIC		"Times-Italic"
#define FONT_SERIF_BOLDITALIC		"Times-BoldItalic"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_PLAIN		"Helvetica"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_BOLD		"Helvetica-Bold"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_ITALIC		"Helvetica-Oblique"
#define FONT_SANS_SERIF_BOLDITALIC	"Helvetica-BoldOblique"
/* The name of the antiword directories and the font information file */
#if defined(__dos)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"C:\\antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontname.txt"
#elif defined(__amigaos)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"SYS:.antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		".antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#elif defined(N_PLAT_NLM)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"SYS:/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontname.txt"
#elif defined(__vms)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"/usr/share/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#elif defined(__BEOS__)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"/boot/home/config/apps/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#elif defined(__CYGMING__)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"C:\\antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#elif defined(__Plan9__)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"/sys/lib/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		"lib/antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#elif defined(__sun__)
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"/usr/local/share/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		".antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#else	/* All others */
#define GLOBAL_ANTIWORD_DIR	"/usr/share/antiword"
#define ANTIWORD_DIR		".antiword"
#define FONTNAMES_FILE		"fontnames"
#endif /* __dos */
/* The names of grouped mapping files */
	/* ASCII */
#define MAPPING_FILE_CP437	"cp437.txt"
	/* Latin1 */
#define MAPPING_FILE_8859_1	"8859-1.txt"
	/* Latin2 */
#define MAPPING_FILE_8859_2	"8859-2.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_CP852	"cp852.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_CP1250	"cp1250.txt"
	/* Cyrillic */
#define MAPPING_FILE_8859_5	"8859-5.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_KOI8_R	"koi8-r.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_KOI8_U	"koi8-u.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_CP866	"cp866.txt"
#define MAPPING_FILE_CP1251	"cp1251.txt"
	/* Latin9 */
#define MAPPING_FILE_8859_15	"8859-15.txt"
	/* UTF-8 */
#define MAPPING_FILE_UTF_8	"UTF-8.txt"
#endif /* __riscos */

/* Prototypes */

/* asc85enc.c */
extern void	vASCII85EncodeByte(FILE *, int);
extern void	vASCII85EncodeArray(FILE *, FILE *, size_t);
extern void	vASCII85EncodeFile(FILE *, FILE *, size_t);
/* blocklist.c */
extern void	vDestroyTextBlockList(void);
extern BOOL	bAdd2TextBlockList(const text_block_type *);
extern void	vSplitBlockList(FILE *, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG,
extern BOOL	bExistsHdrFtr(void);
extern BOOL	bExistsTextBox(void);
extern BOOL	bExistsHdrTextBox(void);
extern USHORT	usNextChar(FILE *, list_id_enum, ULONG *, ULONG *, USHORT *);
extern USHORT	usToHdrFtrPosition(FILE *, ULONG);
extern USHORT	usToFootnotePosition(FILE *, ULONG);
extern ULONG	ulCharPos2FileOffsetX(ULONG, list_id_enum *);
extern ULONG	ulCharPos2FileOffset(ULONG);
extern ULONG	ulHdrFtrOffset2CharPos(ULONG);
extern ULONG	ulGetSeqNumber(ULONG);
#if defined(__riscos)
extern ULONG	ulGetDocumentLength(void);
#endif /* __riscos */
/* chartrans.c */
extern UCHAR	ucGetBulletCharacter(conversion_type, encoding_type);
extern UCHAR	ucGetNbspCharacter(void);
extern BOOL	bReadCharacterMappingTable(FILE *);
extern ULONG	ulTranslateCharacters(USHORT, ULONG, int, conversion_type,
			encoding_type, BOOL);
extern ULONG	ulToUpper(ULONG);
/* datalist.c */
extern void	vDestroyDataBlockList(void);
extern BOOL	bAdd2DataBlockList(const data_block_type *);
extern ULONG	ulGetDataOffset(FILE *);
extern BOOL	bSetDataOffset(FILE *, ULONG);
extern int	iNextByte(FILE *);
extern USHORT	usNextWord(FILE *);
extern ULONG	ulNextLong(FILE *);
extern USHORT	usNextWordBE(FILE *);
extern ULONG	ulNextLongBE(FILE *);
extern size_t	tSkipBytes(FILE *, size_t);
extern ULONG	ulDataPos2FileOffset(ULONG);
/* depot.c */
extern void	vDestroySmallBlockList(void);
extern BOOL	bCreateSmallBlockList(ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t);
extern ULONG	ulDepotOffset(ULONG, size_t);
/* dib2eps & dib2sprt.c */
extern BOOL	bTranslateDIB(diagram_type *,
			FILE *, ULONG, const imagedata_type *);
#if defined(__dos)
/* dos.c */
extern int	iGetCodepage(void);
#endif /* __dos */
/* doclist.c */
extern void	vDestroyDocumentInfoList(void);
extern void	vCreateDocumentInfoList(const document_block_type *);
extern UCHAR	ucGetDopHdrFtrSpecification(void);
/* draw.c & output.c */
extern BOOL	bAddDummyImage(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern diagram_type *pCreateDiagram(const char *, const char *);
extern void	vPrologue2(diagram_type *, int);
extern void	vMove2NextLine(diagram_type *, drawfile_fontref, USHORT);
extern void	vSubstring2Diagram(diagram_type *,
			char *, size_t, long, UCHAR, USHORT,
			drawfile_fontref, USHORT, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfParagraph1(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vStartOfParagraph2(diagram_type *);
extern void	vEndOfParagraph(diagram_type *, drawfile_fontref, USHORT, long);
extern void	vEndOfPage(diagram_type *, long, BOOL);
extern void	vSetHeaders(diagram_type *, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfList(diagram_type *, UCHAR, BOOL);
extern void	vEndOfList(diagram_type *);
extern void	vStartOfListItem(diagram_type *, BOOL);
extern void	vEndOfTable(diagram_type *);
extern BOOL	bAddTableRow(diagram_type *, char **, int,
			const short *, UCHAR);
#if defined(__riscos)
extern BOOL	bDestroyDiagram(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern void	vImage2Diagram(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *,
			UCHAR *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bVerifyDiagram(diagram_type *);
extern void	vShowDiagram(diagram_type *);
extern void	vMainButtonClick(mouse_block *);
extern BOOL	bMainKeyPressed(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bMainEventHandler(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bRedrawMainWindow(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bScaleOpenAction(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern void	vSetTitle(diagram_type *);
extern void	vScaleButtonClick(mouse_block *, diagram_type *);
extern BOOL	bScaleKeyPressed(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bScaleEventHandler(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern void	vImagePrologue(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern void	vImageEpilogue(diagram_type *);
extern void	vDestroyDiagram(diagram_type *);
#endif /* __riscos */
/* finddata.c */
extern BOOL	bAddDataBlocks(ULONG , ULONG, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bGet6DocumentData(FILE *, ULONG,
				const ULONG *, size_t, const UCHAR *);
/* findtext.c */
extern BOOL	bAddTextBlocks(ULONG , ULONG, BOOL,
				USHORT, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bGet6DocumentText(FILE *, BOOL, ULONG,
				const ULONG *, size_t, const UCHAR *);
extern BOOL	bGet8DocumentText(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
				const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
				const UCHAR *);
/* fmt_text.c */
extern void	vPrologueFMT(diagram_type *, const options_type *);
extern void	vSubstringFMT(diagram_type *, const char *, size_t, long,
/* fontlist.c */
extern void	vDestroyFontInfoList(void);
extern void	vCorrectFontValues(font_block_type *);
extern void	vAdd2FontInfoList(const font_block_type *);
extern const font_block_type	*pGetNextFontInfoListItem(
					const font_block_type *);
/* fonts.c */
extern int	iGetFontByNumber(UCHAR, USHORT);
extern const char	*szGetOurFontname(int);
extern int	iFontname2Fontnumber(const char *, USHORT);
extern void	vCreate0FontTable(void);
extern void	vCreate2FontTable(FILE *, int, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vCreate6FontTable(FILE *, ULONG,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vCreate8FontTable(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vDestroyFontTable(void);
extern const font_table_type	*pGetNextFontTableRecord(
						const font_table_type *);
extern size_t	tGetFontTableLength(void);
extern void	vCorrectFontTable(conversion_type, encoding_type);
extern long	lComputeSpaceWidth(drawfile_fontref, USHORT);
/* fonts_r.c & fonts_u.c */
extern FILE	*pOpenFontTableFile(void);
extern void	vCloseFont(void);
extern drawfile_fontref	tOpenFont(UCHAR, USHORT, USHORT);
extern drawfile_fontref	tOpenTableFont(USHORT);
extern long	lComputeStringWidth(const char *, size_t, drawfile_fontref, USHORT);
extern size_t	tCountColumns(const char *, size_t);
extern size_t	tGetCharacterLength(const char *);
/* fonts_u.c */
#if !defined(__riscos)
extern const char	*szGetFontname(drawfile_fontref);
#endif /* !__riscos */
/* hdrftrlist.c */
extern void	vDestroyHdrFtrInfoList(void);
extern void	vCreat8HdrFtrInfoList(const ULONG *, size_t);
extern void	vCreat6HdrFtrInfoList(const ULONG *, size_t);
extern void	vCreat2HdrFtrInfoList(const ULONG *, size_t);
extern const hdrftr_block_type *pGetHdrFtrInfo(int, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);
extern void	vPrepareHdrFtrText(FILE *);
#if defined(__riscos)
/* icons.c */
extern void	vUpdateIcon(window_handle, icon_block *);
extern void	vUpdateRadioButton(window_handle, icon_handle, BOOL);
extern void	vUpdateWriteable(window_handle, icon_handle, const char *);
extern void	vUpdateWriteableNumber(window_handle, icon_handle, int);
#endif /* __riscos */
/* imgexam.c */
extern image_info_enum	eExamineImage(FILE *, ULONG, imagedata_type *);
/* imgtrans */
extern BOOL	bTranslateImage(diagram_type *,
			FILE *, BOOL, ULONG, const imagedata_type *);
/* jpeg2eps.c & jpeg2spr.c */
extern BOOL	bTranslateJPEG(diagram_type *,
			FILE *, ULONG, size_t, const imagedata_type *);
/* listlist.c */
extern void	vDestroyListInfoList(void);
extern void	vBuildLfoList(const UCHAR *, size_t);
extern void	vAdd2ListInfoList(ULONG, USHORT, UCHAR,
			const list_block_type *);
extern const list_block_type	*pGetListInfo(USHORT, UCHAR);
extern USHORT	usGetListValue(int, int, const style_block_type *);
/* misc.c */
#if !defined(__riscos)
extern const char	*szGetHomeDirectory(void);
extern const char	*szGetAntiwordDirectory(void);
#endif /* !__riscos */
extern long	lGetFilesize(const char *);
#if defined(DEBUG)
extern void	vPrintBlock(const char *, int, const UCHAR *, size_t);
extern void	vPrintUnicode(const char *, int, const UCHAR *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bCheckDoubleLinkedList(output_type *);
#endif /* DEBUG */

#define aw_rewind rewind
#define aw_getc getc
extern void aw_rewind(FILE * f);
extern int aw_getc(FILE * f);

extern BOOL	bReadBytes(UCHAR *, size_t, ULONG, FILE *);
extern BOOL	bReadBuffer(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t, size_t,
			UCHAR *, ULONG, size_t);
extern ULONG	ulColor2Color(UCHAR);
extern output_type *pSplitList(output_type *);
extern size_t	tNumber2Roman(UINT, BOOL, char *);
extern size_t	tNumber2Alpha(UINT, BOOL, char *);
extern char	*unincpy(char *, const UCHAR *, size_t);
extern size_t	unilen(const UCHAR *);
extern const char	*szBasename(const char *);
extern long	lComputeLeading(USHORT);
extern size_t	tUcs2Utf8(ULONG, char *, size_t);
extern void	vGetBulletValue(conversion_type, encoding_type, char *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bAllZero(const UCHAR *, size_t);
extern BOOL	bGetNormalizedCodeset(char *, size_t, BOOL *);
extern const char	*szGetDefaultMappingFile(void);
extern time_t	tConvertDTTM(ULONG);
/* notes.c */
extern void	vDestroyNotesInfoLists(void);
extern void	vGetNotesInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *, int);
extern void	vPrepareFootnoteText(FILE *);
extern const char	*szGetFootnootText(UINT);
extern notetype_enum eGetNotetype(ULONG);
/* options.c */
extern int	iReadOptions(int, char **);
extern void	vGetOptions(options_type *);
extern void vSetOptions(options_type *pOptions);
#if defined(__riscos)
extern void	vChoicesOpenAction(window_handle);
extern BOOL	bChoicesMouseClick(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bChoicesKeyPressed(event_pollblock *, void *);
#endif /* __riscos */
/* out2window.c */
extern void	vSetLeftIndentation(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vAlign2Window(diagram_type *, output_type *,
			long, UCHAR);
extern void	vJustify2Window(diagram_type *, output_type *,
			long, long, UCHAR);
extern void	vResetStyles(void);
extern size_t	tStyle2Window(char *, size_t, const style_block_type *,
			const section_block_type *);
extern void	vTableRow2Window(diagram_type *, output_type *,
			const row_block_type *, conversion_type, int);
/* pdf.c */
extern void	vCreateInfoDictionary(diagram_type *, int);
extern void	vProloguePDF(diagram_type *,
			const char *, const options_type *);
extern void	vEpiloguePDF(diagram_type *);
extern void	vImageProloguePDF(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern void	vImageEpiloguePDF(diagram_type *);
extern BOOL	bAddDummyImagePDF(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern void	vAddFontsPDF(diagram_type *);
extern void	vMove2NextLinePDF(diagram_type *, USHORT);
extern void	vSubstringPDF(diagram_type *,
				char *, size_t, long, UCHAR, USHORT,
				drawfile_fontref, USHORT, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfParagraphPDF(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vEndOfParagraphPDF(diagram_type *, USHORT, long);
extern void	vEndOfPagePDF(diagram_type *, BOOL);
/* pictlist.c */
extern void	vDestroyPictInfoList(void);
extern void	vAdd2PictInfoList(const picture_block_type *);
extern ULONG	ulGetPictInfoListItem(ULONG);
/* png2eps.c & png2spr.c */
extern BOOL	bTranslatePNG(diagram_type *,
			FILE *, ULONG, size_t, const imagedata_type *);
/* postscript.c */
extern void	vProloguePS(diagram_type *,
			const char *, const char *, const options_type *);
extern void	vEpiloguePS(diagram_type *);
extern void	vImageProloguePS(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern void	vImageEpiloguePS(diagram_type *);
extern BOOL	bAddDummyImagePS(diagram_type *, const imagedata_type *);
extern void	vAddFontsPS(diagram_type *);
extern void	vMove2NextLinePS(diagram_type *, USHORT);
extern void	vSubstringPS(diagram_type *,
				char *, size_t, long, UCHAR, USHORT,
				drawfile_fontref, USHORT, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfParagraphPS(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vEndOfParagraphPS(diagram_type *, USHORT, long);
extern void	vEndOfPagePS(diagram_type *, BOOL);
/* prop0.c */
extern void	vGet0DopInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet0SepInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet0PapInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet0ChrInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
/* prop2.c */
extern void	vGet2DopInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet2SepInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet2HdrFtrInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern row_info_enum	eGet2RowInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, row_block_type *);
extern void	vGet2StyleInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, style_block_type *);
extern void	vGet2PapInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet1FontInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, size_t, font_block_type *);
extern void	vGet2FontInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, size_t, font_block_type *);
extern void	vGet2ChrInfo(FILE *, int, const UCHAR *);
/* prop6.c */
extern void	vGet6DopInfo(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet6SepInfo(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet6HdrFtrInfo(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern row_info_enum	eGet6RowInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, row_block_type *);
extern void	vGet6StyleInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, style_block_type *);
extern void	vGet6PapInfo(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet6FontInfo(int, USHORT,
			const UCHAR *, int, font_block_type *);
extern void	vGet6ChrInfo(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
/* prop8.c */
extern void	vGet8DopInfo(FILE *, const pps_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet8SepInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet8HdrFtrInfo(FILE *, const pps_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern row_info_enum	eGet8RowInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, row_block_type *);
extern void	vGet8StyleInfo(int,
			const UCHAR *, int, style_block_type *);
extern void	vGet8LstInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet8PapInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet8FontInfo(int, USHORT,
			const UCHAR *, int, font_block_type *);
extern void	vGet8ChrInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
/* properties.c */
extern void	vGetPropertyInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *, int);
extern row_info_enum	ePropMod2RowInfo(USHORT, int);
/* propmod.c */
extern void	vDestroyPropModList(void);
extern void	vAdd2PropModList(const UCHAR *);
extern const UCHAR	*aucReadPropModListItem(USHORT);
/* rowlist.c */
extern void	vDestroyRowInfoList(void);
extern void	vAdd2RowInfoList(const row_block_type *);
extern const row_block_type	*pGetNextRowInfoListItem(void);
/* riscos.c */
#if defined(__riscos)
extern int	iGetFiletype(const char *);
extern void	vSetFiletype(const char *, int);
extern BOOL	bMakeDirectory(const char *);
extern int	iReadCurrentAlphabetNumber(void);
extern int	iGetRiscOsVersion(void);
extern BOOL	bDrawRenderDiag360(void *, size_t,
			window_redrawblock *, double, os_error *);
#if defined(DEBUG)
extern BOOL	bGetJpegInfo(UCHAR *, size_t);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* __riscos */
/* saveas.c */
#if defined(__riscos)
extern BOOL	bSaveTextfile(event_pollblock *, void *);
extern BOOL	bSaveDrawfile(event_pollblock *, void *);
#endif /* __riscos */
/* sectlist.c */
extern void	vDestroySectionInfoList(void);
extern void	vAdd2SectionInfoList(const section_block_type *, ULONG);
extern void	vGetDefaultSection(section_block_type *);
extern void	vDefault2SectionInfoList(ULONG);
extern const section_block_type *
		pGetSectionInfo(const section_block_type *, ULONG);
extern size_t	tGetNumberOfSections(void);
extern UCHAR	ucGetSepHdrFtrSpecification(size_t);
/* stylelist.c */
extern void	vDestroyStyleInfoList(void);
extern level_type_enum	eGetNumType(UCHAR);
extern void	vCorrectStyleValues(style_block_type *);
extern void	vAdd2StyleInfoList(const style_block_type *);
extern const style_block_type	*pGetNextStyleInfoListItem(
					const style_block_type *);
extern const style_block_type	*pGetNextTextStyle(const style_block_type *);
extern USHORT	usGetIstd(ULONG);
extern BOOL	bStyleImpliesList(const style_block_type *, int);
/* stylesheet.c */
extern void	vDestroyStylesheetList(void);
extern USHORT	usStc2istd(UCHAR);
extern void	vGet2Stylesheet(FILE *, int, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet6Stylesheet(FILE *, ULONG, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vGet8Stylesheet(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vFillStyleFromStylesheet(USHORT, style_block_type *);
extern void	vFillFontFromStylesheet(USHORT, font_block_type *);
/* summary.c */
extern void	vDestroySummaryInfo(void);
extern void	vSet0SummaryInfo(FILE *, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vSet2SummaryInfo(FILE *, int, const UCHAR *);
extern void	vSet6SummaryInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern void	vSet8SummaryInfo(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *);
extern const char	*szGetTitle(void);
extern const char	*szGetSubject(void);
extern const char	*szGetAuthor(void);
extern const char	*szGetLastSaveDtm(void);
extern const char	*szGetModDate(void);
extern const char	*szGetCreationDate(void);
extern const char	*szGetCompany(void);
extern const char	*szGetLanguage(void);
/* tabstop.c */
extern void	vSetDefaultTabWidth(FILE *, const pps_info_type *,
			const ULONG *, size_t, const ULONG *, size_t,
			const UCHAR *, int);
extern long	lGetDefaultTabWidth(void);
/* text.c */
extern void	vPrologueTXT(diagram_type *, const options_type *);
extern void	vEpilogueTXT(FILE *);
extern void	vMove2NextLineTXT(diagram_type *);
extern void	vSubstringTXT(diagram_type *, const char *, size_t, long);
extern void	vStartOfParagraphTXT(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vEndOfParagraphTXT(diagram_type *, long);
extern void	vEndOfPageTXT(diagram_type *, long);
/* unix.c */
extern void	werr(int, const char *, ...);
#if !defined(__riscos)
extern void	Hourglass_On(void);
extern void	Hourglass_Off(void);
#endif /* !__riscos */
/* utf8.c */
#if !defined(__riscos)
extern long	utf8_strwidth(const char *, size_t);
extern int	utf8_chrlength(const char *);
extern BOOL	is_locale_utf8(void);
#endif /* !__riscos */
/* word2text.c */
extern BOOL	bOutputContainsText(const output_type *);
extern BOOL	bWordDecryptor(FILE *, long, diagram_type *);
extern output_type	*pHdrFtrDecryptor(FILE *, ULONG, ULONG);
extern char		*szFootnoteDecryptor(FILE *, ULONG, ULONG);
/* worddos.c */
extern int	iInitDocumentDOS(FILE *, long);
/* wordlib.c */
extern BOOL	bIsWordForDosFile(FILE *, long);
extern BOOL	bIsRtfFile(FILE *);
extern BOOL	bIsWordPerfectFile(FILE *);
extern BOOL	bIsWinWord12File(FILE *, long);
extern BOOL	bIsMacWord45File(FILE *);
extern int	iGuessVersionNumber(FILE *, long);
extern int	iGetVersionNumber(const UCHAR *);
extern BOOL	bIsOldMacFile(void);
extern int	iInitDocument(FILE *, long);
extern void	vFreeDocument(void);
/* wordmac.c */
extern int	iInitDocumentMAC(FILE *, long);
/* wordole.c */
extern int	iInitDocumentOLE(FILE *, long);
/* wordwin.c */
extern int	iInitDocumentWIN(FILE *, long);
/* xmalloc.c */
extern void 	*xmalloc(size_t);
extern void	*xcalloc(size_t, size_t);
extern void 	*xrealloc(void *, size_t);
extern char	*xstrdup(const char *);
extern void 	*xfree(void *);
/* xml.c */
extern void	vCreateBookIntro(diagram_type *, int);
extern void	vPrologueXML(diagram_type *, const options_type *);
extern void	vEpilogueXML(diagram_type *);
extern void	vMove2NextLineXML(diagram_type *);
extern void	vSubstringXML(diagram_type *,
				const char *, size_t, long, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfParagraphXML(diagram_type *, UINT);
extern void	vEndOfParagraphXML(diagram_type *, UINT);
extern void	vEndOfPageXML(diagram_type *);
extern void	vSetHeadersXML(diagram_type *, USHORT);
extern void	vStartOfListXML(diagram_type *, UCHAR, BOOL);
extern void	vEndOfListXML(diagram_type *);
extern void	vStartOfListItemXML(diagram_type *, BOOL);
extern void	vEndOfTableXML(diagram_type *);
extern void	vAddTableRowXML(diagram_type *, char **, int,
			const short *, UCHAR);

#endif /* __antiword_h */