agg_bezier_arc.h 5.8 KB
// Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) - Version 2.5
// A high quality rendering engine for C++
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev
// Contact:
// AGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// AGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with AGG; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
// MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include "agg_conv_transform.h"

namespace agg

    void arc_to_bezier(double cx, double cy, double rx, double ry, 
                       double start_angle, double sweep_angle,
                       double* curve);

    // See implemantaion agg_bezier_arc.cpp
    class bezier_arc
        bezier_arc() : m_vertex(26), m_num_vertices(0), m_cmd(path_cmd_line_to) {}
        bezier_arc(double x,  double y, 
                   double rx, double ry, 
                   double start_angle, 
                   double sweep_angle)
            init(x, y, rx, ry, start_angle, sweep_angle);

        void init(double x,  double y, 
                  double rx, double ry, 
                  double start_angle, 
                  double sweep_angle);

        void rewind(unsigned)
            m_vertex = 0;

        unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y)
            if(m_vertex >= m_num_vertices) return path_cmd_stop;
            *x = m_vertices[m_vertex];
            *y = m_vertices[m_vertex + 1];
            m_vertex += 2;
            return (m_vertex == 2) ? path_cmd_move_to : m_cmd;

        // Supplemantary functions. num_vertices() actually returns doubled 
        // number of vertices. That is, for 1 vertex it returns 2.
        unsigned  num_vertices() const { return m_num_vertices; }
        const double* vertices() const { return m_vertices;     }
        double*       vertices()       { return m_vertices;     }
        unsigned m_vertex;
        unsigned m_num_vertices;
        double   m_vertices[26];
        unsigned m_cmd;

    // Compute an SVG-style bezier arc. 
    // Computes an elliptical arc from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). The size and 
    // orientation of the ellipse are defined by two radii (rx, ry) 
    // and an x-axis-rotation, which indicates how the ellipse as a whole 
    // is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. The center 
    // (cx, cy) of the ellipse is calculated automatically to satisfy the 
    // constraints imposed by the other parameters. 
    // large-arc-flag and sweep-flag contribute to the automatic calculations 
    // and help determine how the arc is drawn.
    class bezier_arc_svg
        bezier_arc_svg() : m_arc(), m_radii_ok(false) {}

        bezier_arc_svg(double x1, double y1, 
                       double rx, double ry, 
                       double angle,
                       bool large_arc_flag,
                       bool sweep_flag,
                       double x2, double y2) : 
            m_arc(), m_radii_ok(false)
            init(x1, y1, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x2, y2);

        void init(double x1, double y1, 
                  double rx, double ry, 
                  double angle,
                  bool large_arc_flag,
                  bool sweep_flag,
                  double x2, double y2);

        bool radii_ok() const { return m_radii_ok; }

        void rewind(unsigned)

        unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y)
            return m_arc.vertex(x, y);

        // Supplemantary functions. num_vertices() actually returns doubled 
        // number of vertices. That is, for 1 vertex it returns 2.
        unsigned  num_vertices() const { return m_arc.num_vertices(); }
        const double* vertices() const { return m_arc.vertices();     }
        double*       vertices()       { return m_arc.vertices();     }

        bezier_arc m_arc;
        bool       m_radii_ok;

