#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PPHtmlDrawer.h"
#include "atlconv.h"    // for Unicode conversion - requires #include <afxdisp.h> // MFC OLE automation classes

#include <shellapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib")

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

#define PPHTMLDRAWER_NO_HOVERLINK	-2	//A hot area is not exist under the cursor
#define PPHTMLDRAWER_BREAK_CHARS	_T(" -.,!:;)}]?") //A set of the chars to break line in the text wrap mode

enum {
		MODE_DRAW = 0,

#define m_szOffsetShadow.cx		4 //
#define m_szOffsetShadow.cy		4 //
#define m_szDepthShadow.cx		7 //
#define m_szDepthShadow.cy		7 //
#define PPHTMLDRAWER_SHADOW_COLOR		RGB (64, 64, 64) //A gradient shadow's color

// CPPHtmlDrawer


	m_hInstDll = NULL;
	m_bFreeInstDll = FALSE;
	m_hDC = NULL;
	m_hImageList = NULL;
	m_csCallbackRepaint.hWnd = NULL;
	m_csCallbackRepaint.nMessage = 0;
	m_csCallbackRepaint.lParam = 0;
	m_csCallbackRepaint.wParam = 0;
	m_csCallbackLink.hWnd = NULL;
	m_csCallbackLink.nMessage = 0;
	m_csCallbackLink.lParam = 0;
	m_csCallbackLink.wParam = 0;


	m_hLinkCursor = NULL; // No cursor as yet

//	EnableTextWrap(FALSE); //A text warpping was disabled by default
//	EnableTextWrap(TRUE); //A text warpping was disabled by default
	SetImageShadow(4, 4);


	if (NULL != m_hLinkCursor)
		m_hLinkCursor = NULL;
	if (NULL != m_hImageList)

void CPPHtmlDrawer::EnableOutput(BOOL bEnable /* = TRUE */)
	m_bIsEnable = bEnable;
} //End of EnableOutput

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetDisabledColor(COLORREF color)
	m_crDisabled = color;

HICON CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIconFromResources(DWORD dwID, int nWidth /* = 0 */, int nHeight /* = 0 */) const
	if (0 == dwID) return NULL;

	// Find correct resource handle
#ifdef _MFC_VER
	HINSTANCE hInstResource = AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwID), RT_GROUP_ICON);
	HINSTANCE hInstResource = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
	// Set icon when the mouse is IN the button
	HICON hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(hInstResource, MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwID), IMAGE_ICON, nWidth, nHeight, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
	return hIcon;

HICON CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIconFromFile(LPCTSTR lpszPath, int nWidth /* = 0 */, int nHeight /* = 0 */) const
	HICON hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(NULL, lpszPath, IMAGE_ICON, nWidth, nHeight, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
	return hIcon;

HICON CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIconFromDll(DWORD dwID, int nWidth /* = 0 */, int nHeight /* = 0 */, LPCTSTR lpszPathDll /* = NULL */) const
	if (0 == dwID) return NULL;

	HICON hIcon = NULL;

	BOOL bNewDll = FALSE;

	if (NULL == lpszPathDll)
		if (NULL != m_hInstDll)
			hInstDll = m_hInstDll;
		//Load New Library
		hInstDll = ::LoadLibraryEx(lpszPathDll, NULL, 0);
		if (NULL != hInstDll)
			bNewDll = TRUE;	

	if (NULL != hInstDll)
		hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(hInstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwID), IMAGE_ICON, nWidth, nHeight, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);

		if (bNewDll)

	return hIcon;

HBITMAP CPPHtmlDrawer::GetBitmapFromResources(DWORD dwID) const
	if (0 == dwID) return NULL;

	// Find correct resource handle
#ifdef _MFC_VER
	HINSTANCE hInstResource = AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwID), RT_BITMAP);
	HINSTANCE hInstResource = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
	// Load bitmap
	return hBitmap;

HBITMAP CPPHtmlDrawer::GetBitmapFromFile(LPCTSTR lpszPath) const
	HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(NULL, lpszPath, IMAGE_BITMAP,

	return hBitmap;

HBITMAP CPPHtmlDrawer::GetBitmapFromDll(DWORD dwID, LPCTSTR lpszPathDll /* = NULL */) const
	if (0 == dwID) return NULL;

	HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;

	BOOL bNewDll = FALSE;

	if (NULL == lpszPathDll)
		if (NULL != m_hInstDll)
			hInstDll = m_hInstDll;
		//Load New Library
		hInstDll = ::LoadLibraryEx(lpszPathDll, NULL, 0);
		if (NULL != hInstDll)
			bNewDll = TRUE;	

	if (NULL != hInstDll)

		if (bNewDll)

	return hBitmap;

CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStringFromResource(DWORD dwID) const
	if (0 == dwID) return _T("");

	CPPString str;

	return str;

CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStringFromDll(DWORD dwID, LPCTSTR lpszPathDll /* = NULL */) const
	if (0 == dwID) return _T("");

	CPPString str = _T("");

	BOOL bNewDll = FALSE;

	if (NULL == lpszPathDll)
		if (NULL != m_hInstDll)
			hInstDll = m_hInstDll;
		//Load New Library
		hInstDll = ::LoadLibraryEx(lpszPathDll, NULL, 0);
		if (NULL != hInstDll)
			bNewDll = TRUE;	

	if (NULL != hInstDll)
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define CHAR_FUDGE 1    // one TCHAR unused is good enough
#define CHAR_FUDGE 2    // two BYTES unused for case of DBC last char
		// try fixed buffer first (to avoid wasting space in the heap)
		TCHAR szTemp[256];
		DWORD dwLen = ::LoadString(hInstDll, dwID, szTemp, (sizeof(szTemp) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
		// If resource not found (or ::LoadString failure)
		if (0 != dwLen) 
			if ((sizeof(szTemp) * sizeof(TCHAR)) - dwLen > CHAR_FUDGE)
				str = szTemp;
			} // if
				// try buffer size of 512, then larger size until entire string is retrieved
				int nSize = 256;
					nSize += 256;
					dwLen = ::LoadString(hInstDll, dwID, str.GetBuffer(nSize-1), nSize);
				} while (nSize - dwLen <= CHAR_FUDGE);

		if (bNewDll)
	return str;

// Get tooltip string for menu and toolbar items from the 
// resources of the application.
// Parameters:
//		nID - Resource ID of the string
//		nNumParam - Which parameter will gets:
//					 0=long,
//					 1=short,
//					 2=disable
// Format prompt string:  long prompt \n short prompt \n disable prompt
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetResCommandPrompt(UINT nID, UINT nNumParam /* = 0 */)
	CPPString str = GetStringFromResource(nID);
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		int nFirst = 0;
		int nLast = nFirst;
		UINT nCount = 0;
		while ((nCount <= nNumParam) && (nFirst < str.GetLength()))
			nLast = str.Find(_T('\n'), nFirst);
			if (nLast < 0)
				//Char wasn't found
				if (nCount == nNumParam)
					str = str.Mid(nFirst, str.GetLength() - nFirst);
				return str;
				//Char was found
				if (nCount == nNumParam)
					str = str.Mid(nFirst, nLast - nFirst);
					return str;
					nFirst = nLast + 1;
				} //if
			} //if
			nCount ++;
		} //while
	} //if

	return _T("");
} //End of GetResCommandPrompt

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetListSpecChars()
	AddSpecChar(_T("&amp;"), _T("&"));			// ampersand
	AddSpecChar(_T("&bull;"), _T("\x95\0"));	// bullet  NOT IN MS SANS SERIF
	AddSpecChar(_T("&copy;"), _T("\xA9\0"));	// copyright
//	AddSpecChar(_T("&euro;"), _T("\x80\0"));	// euro sign IN NOT CYRILLIC FONTS
	AddSpecChar(_T("&euro;"), _T("\x88\0"));	// euro sign IN CYRILLIC FONTS
	AddSpecChar(_T("&gt;"), _T(">"));			// greater than
	AddSpecChar(_T("&iquest;"), _T("\xBF\0"));	// inverted question mark
	AddSpecChar(_T("&lt;"), _T("<<"));			// less than
	AddSpecChar(_T("&nbsp;"), _T(" "));			// nonbreaking space
	AddSpecChar(_T("&para;"), _T("\xB6\0"));	// paragraph sign
	AddSpecChar(_T("&pound;"), _T("\xA3\0"));	// pound sign
	AddSpecChar(_T("&quot;"), _T("\""));		// quotation mark
	AddSpecChar(_T("&reg;"), _T("\xAE\0"));		// registered trademark
	AddSpecChar(_T("&trade;"), _T("\x99\0"));	// trademark NOT IN MS SANS SERIF
} //End of SetListSpecChars

void CPPHtmlDrawer::AddSpecChar(LPCTSTR lpszAlias, LPCTSTR lpszValue)
	iter_mapStyles iter = m_mapSpecChars.find(lpszAlias);
	if (iter != m_mapSpecChars.end())
		iter->second = lpszValue;		//Modifies
		m_mapSpecChars.insert(std::make_pair(lpszAlias, lpszValue)); //Add new
} //End of AddSpecialChar

void CPPHtmlDrawer::ReplaceSpecChars()
	CPPString sAlias, sValue;
	for (iter_mapStyles iter = m_mapSpecChars.begin(); iter != m_mapSpecChars.end(); ++iter)
		sAlias = iter->first;
		sValue = iter->second;
		m_csHtmlText.Replace(sAlias, sValue);
	} //for

	if (!m_bEnableEscapeSequences)
		//ENG: Remove escape sequences
		//RUS: ������� ����������?������?
		//ENG: Replace escape sequences to HTML tags
		//RUS: ����?�� ����������?������?HTML ������
		m_csHtmlText.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("<br>"));
		m_csHtmlText.Replace(_T("\t"), _T("<t>"));
	} //if
} //End of ReplaceSpecChars

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetListOfTags()
	AddTagToList(_T("b"), TAG_BOLD, _T("bold"));
	AddTagToList(_T("i"), TAG_ITALIC, _T("italic"));
	AddTagToList(_T("em"), TAG_ITALIC, _T("italic"));
	AddTagToList(_T("u"), TAG_UNDERLINE, _T("underline"));
	AddTagToList(_T("s"), TAG_STRIKEOUT, _T("strikeout"));
	AddTagToList(_T("strike"), TAG_STRIKEOUT, _T("strikeout"));
	AddTagToList(_T("font"), TAG_FONT, _T("font"));
	AddTagToList(_T("hr"), TAG_HLINE, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("br"), TAG_NEWLINE, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("\n"), TAG_NEWLINE, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("t"), TAG_TABULATION, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("\t"), TAG_TABULATION, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("left"), TAG_LEFT, _T("left"));
	AddTagToList(_T("center"), TAG_CENTER, _T("center"));
	AddTagToList(_T("right"), TAG_RIGHT, _T("right"));
	AddTagToList(_T("justify"), TAG_JUSTIFY, _T("justify"));
	AddTagToList(_T("baseline"), TAG_BASELINE, _T("baseline"));
	AddTagToList(_T("top"), TAG_TOP, _T("top"));
	AddTagToList(_T("vcenter"), TAG_VCENTER, _T("vcenter"));
	AddTagToList(_T("middle"), TAG_VCENTER, _T("vcenter"));
	AddTagToList(_T("bottom"), TAG_BOTTOM, _T("vcenter"));
	AddTagToList(_T("bmp"), TAG_BITMAP, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("icon"), TAG_ICON, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("ilst"), TAG_IMAGELIST, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("string"), TAG_STRING, _T(""));
	AddTagToList(_T("body"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("body"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h1"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h1"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h2"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h2"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h3"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h3"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h4"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h4"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h5"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h5"));
	AddTagToList(_T("h6"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("h6"));
	AddTagToList(_T("code"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("code"));
	AddTagToList(_T("pre"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("pre"));
	AddTagToList(_T("big"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("big"));
	AddTagToList(_T("small"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("small"));
	AddTagToList(_T("sub"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("sub"));
	AddTagToList(_T("sup"), TAG_NEWSTYLE, _T("sup"));
	AddTagToList(_T("span"), TAG_SPAN, _T("span"));
	AddTagToList(_T("a"), TAG_HYPERLINK, _T("link"));
} //End of SetListOfTags

// Format for the new tags:
//		lpszName		- a tag's name in the HTML string
//		dwTagIndex		- ID of the tag
//		lpszFullName	- a custom name if tag must be closing. Empty if not.  
void CPPHtmlDrawer::AddTagToList(LPCTSTR lpszName, DWORD dwTagIndex, LPCTSTR lpszFullName)
	tp.dwTagIndex = dwTagIndex;
	tp.strTagName = lpszFullName;

	iterMapTags iterMap = m_mapTags.find(lpszName);
	if (iterMap != m_mapTags.end())
		iterMap->second = tp; //Modifies
		m_mapTags.insert(std::make_pair(lpszName, tp)); //Add new
} //End of AddTagToList

DWORD CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTagFromList(CPPString sTagName, CPPString & strFullName, BOOL & bCloseTag)

	bCloseTag = (sTagName.GetAt(0) == _T('/')) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (bCloseTag)
		sTagName = sTagName.Mid(1);

	iterMapTags iterMap = m_mapTags.find(sTagName);
	if (iterMap != m_mapTags.end())
		STRUCT_TAGPROP tp = iterMap->second;
		strFullName = tp.strTagName;
		return tp.dwTagIndex;
	} //if

	return TAG_NONE;
} //End of GetTagFromList

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetTableOfColors()
	//Frequency used
	SetColorName(_T("aqua"), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("black"), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("blue"), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("brown"), RGB(0xA5, 0x2A, 0x2A)); 
	SetColorName(_T("cyan"), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF));
	SetColorName(_T("gold"), RGB(0xFF, 0xD7, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("gray"), RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)); 
	SetColorName(_T("green"), RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("magenta"), RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("maroon"), RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("navy"), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80)); 
	SetColorName(_T("olive"), RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("orange"), RGB(0xFF, 0xA5, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("pink"), RGB(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCB)); 
	SetColorName(_T("purple"), RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80)); 
	SetColorName(_T("red"), RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("silver"), RGB(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("snow"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFA, 0xFA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("violet"), RGB(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("white"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("yellow"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00)); 

	//Common Used
	SetColorName(_T("aliceblue"), RGB(0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("antiquewhite"), RGB(0xFA, 0xEB, 0xD7)); 
	SetColorName(_T("aquamarine"), RGB(0x7F, 0xFF, 0xD4)); 
	SetColorName(_T("azure"), RGB(0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("beige"), RGB(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xDC)); 
	SetColorName(_T("bisque"), RGB(0xFF, 0xE4, 0xC4));
	SetColorName(_T("blanchedalmond"), RGB(0xFF, 0xEB, 0xCD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("blueviolet"), RGB(0x8A, 0x2B, 0xE2)); 
	SetColorName(_T("burlywood"), RGB(0xDE, 0xB8, 0x87)); 
	SetColorName(_T("cadetblue"), RGB(0x5F, 0x9E, 0xA0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("chartreuse"), RGB(0x7F, 0xFF, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("chocolate"), RGB(0xD2, 0x69, 0x1E)); 
	SetColorName(_T("coral"), RGB(0xFF, 0x7F, 0x50)); 
	SetColorName(_T("cornflowerblue"), RGB(0x64, 0x95, 0xED)); 
	SetColorName(_T("cornsilk"), RGB(0xFF, 0xF8, 0xDC)); 
	SetColorName(_T("crimson"), RGB(0xDC, 0x14, 0x3C)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkblue"), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x8B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkcyan"), RGB(0x00, 0x8B, 0x8B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkgoldenrod"), RGB(0xB8, 0x86, 0x0B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkgray"), RGB(0xA9, 0xA9, 0xA9)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkgreen"), RGB(0x00, 0x64, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkkhaki"), RGB(0xBD, 0xB7, 0x6B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkmagenta"), RGB(0x8B, 0x00, 0x8B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkolivegreen"), RGB(0x55, 0x6B, 0x2F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkorange"), RGB(0xFF, 0x8C, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkorchid"), RGB(0x99, 0x32, 0xCC)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkred"), RGB(0x8B, 0x00, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darksalmon"), RGB(0xE9, 0x96, 0x7A)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkseagreen"), RGB(0x8F, 0xBC, 0x8B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkslateblue"), RGB(0x48, 0x3D, 0x8B)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkslategray"), RGB(0x2F, 0x4F, 0x4F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkturquoise"), RGB(0x00, 0xCE, 0xD1)); 
	SetColorName(_T("darkviolet"), RGB(0x94, 0x00, 0xD3)); 
	SetColorName(_T("deeppink"), RGB(0xFF, 0x14, 0x93)); 
	SetColorName(_T("deepskyblue"), RGB(0x00, 0xBF, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("dimgray"), RGB(0x69, 0x69, 0x69)); 
	SetColorName(_T("dodgerblue"), RGB(0x1E, 0x90, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("firebrick"), RGB(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22)); 
	SetColorName(_T("floralwhite"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFA, 0xF0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("forestgreen"), RGB(0x22, 0x8B, 0x22)); 
	SetColorName(_T("fuchsia"), RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("gainsboro"), RGB(0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC)); 
	SetColorName(_T("ghostwhite"), RGB(0xF8, 0xF8, 0xFF)); 
	SetColorName(_T("goldenrod"), RGB(0xDA, 0xA5, 0x20)); 
	SetColorName(_T("greenyellow"), RGB(0xAD, 0xFF, 0x2F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("honeydew"), RGB(0xF0, 0xFF, 0xF0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("hotpink"), RGB(0xFF, 0x69, 0xB4)); 
	SetColorName(_T("indianred"), RGB(0xCD, 0x5C, 0x5C)); 
	SetColorName(_T("indigo"), RGB(0x4B, 0x00, 0x82)); 
	SetColorName(_T("ivory"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("khaki"), RGB(0xF0, 0xE6, 0x8C)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lavender"), RGB(0xE6, 0xE6, 0xFA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lavenderblush"), RGB(0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF5)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lawngreen"), RGB(0x7C, 0xFC, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lemonchiffon"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFA, 0xCD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightblue"), RGB(0xAD, 0xD8, 0xE6)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightcoral"), RGB(0xF0, 0x80, 0x80)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightcyan"), RGB(0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF));
	SetColorName(_T("lightgoldenrodyellow"), RGB(0xFA, 0xFA, 0xD2)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightgreen"), RGB(0x90, 0xEE, 0x90)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightgrey"), RGB(0xD3, 0xD3, 0xD3)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightpink"), RGB(0xFF, 0xB6, 0xC1)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightsalmon"), RGB(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x7A)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightseagreen"), RGB(0x20, 0xB2, 0xAA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightskyblue"), RGB(0x87, 0xCE, 0xFA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightslategray"), RGB(0x77, 0x88, 0x99)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lightsteelblue"), RGB(0xB0, 0xC4, 0xDE));
	SetColorName(_T("lightyellow"), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("lime"), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("limegreen"), RGB(0x32, 0xCD, 0x32)); 
	SetColorName(_T("linen"), RGB(0xFA, 0xF0, 0xE6)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumaquamarine"), RGB(0x66, 0xCD, 0xAA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumblue"), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xCD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumorchid"), RGB(0xBA, 0x55, 0xD3)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumpurple"), RGB(0x93, 0x70, 0xDB)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumseagreen"), RGB(0x3C, 0xB3, 0x71)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumslateblue"), RGB(0x7B, 0x68, 0xEE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumspringgreen"), RGB(0x00, 0xFA, 0x9A)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumturquoise"), RGB(0x48, 0xD1, 0xCC)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mediumvioletred"), RGB(0xC7, 0x15, 0x85)); 
	SetColorName(_T("midnightblue"), RGB(0x19, 0x19, 0x70)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mintcream"), RGB(0xF5, 0xFF, 0xFA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("mistyrose"), RGB(0xFF, 0xE4, 0xE1)); 
	SetColorName(_T("moccasin"), RGB(0xFF, 0xE4, 0xB5)); 
	SetColorName(_T("navajowhite"), RGB(0xFF, 0xDE, 0xAD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("oldlace"), RGB(0xFD, 0xF5, 0xE6)); 
	SetColorName(_T("olivedrab"), RGB(0x6B, 0x8E, 0x23)); 
	SetColorName(_T("orangered"), RGB(0xFF, 0x45, 0x00)); 
	SetColorName(_T("orchid"), RGB(0xDA, 0x70, 0xD6)); 
	SetColorName(_T("palegoldenrod"), RGB(0xEE, 0xE8, 0xAA)); 
	SetColorName(_T("palegreen"), RGB(0x98, 0xFB, 0x98)); 
	SetColorName(_T("paleturquoise"), RGB(0xAF, 0xEE, 0xEE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("palevioletred"), RGB(0xDB, 0x70, 0x93)); 
	SetColorName(_T("papayawhip"), RGB(0xFF, 0xEF, 0xD5));
	SetColorName(_T("peachpuff"), RGB(0xFF, 0xDA, 0xB9)); 
	SetColorName(_T("peru"), RGB(0xCD, 0x85, 0x3F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("plum"), RGB(0xDD, 0xA0, 0xDD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("powderblue"), RGB(0xB0, 0xE0, 0xE6)); 
	SetColorName(_T("rosybrown"), RGB(0xBC, 0x8F, 0x8F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("royalblue"), RGB(0x41, 0x69, 0xE1)); 
	SetColorName(_T("saddlebrown"), RGB(0x8B, 0x45, 0x13)); 
	SetColorName(_T("salmon"), RGB(0xFA, 0x80, 0x72)); 
	SetColorName(_T("sandybrown"), RGB(0xF4, 0xA4, 0x60)); 
	SetColorName(_T("seagreen"), RGB(0x2E, 0x8B, 0x57)); 
	SetColorName(_T("seashell"), RGB(0xFF, 0xF5, 0xEE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("sienna"), RGB(0xA0, 0x52, 0x2D)); 
	SetColorName(_T("skyblue"), RGB(0x87, 0xCE, 0xEB)); 
	SetColorName(_T("slateblue"), RGB(0x6A, 0x5A, 0xCD)); 
	SetColorName(_T("slategray"), RGB(0x70, 0x80, 0x90)); 
	SetColorName(_T("springgreen"), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x7F)); 
	SetColorName(_T("steelblue"), RGB(0x46, 0x82, 0xB4)); 
	SetColorName(_T("tan"), RGB(0xD2, 0xB4, 0x8C)); 
	SetColorName(_T("teal"), RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80)); 
	SetColorName(_T("thistle"), RGB(0xD8, 0xBF, 0xD8)); 
	SetColorName(_T("tomato"), RGB(0xFF, 0x63, 0x47)); 
	SetColorName(_T("turquoise"), RGB(0x40, 0xE0, 0xD0)); 
	SetColorName(_T("wheat"), RGB(0xF5, 0xDE, 0xB3)); 
	SetColorName(_T("whitesmoke"), RGB(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5)); 
	SetColorName(_T("yellowgreen"), RGB(0x9A, 0xCD, 0x32));

	//Systems colors
	SetColorName(_T("activeborder"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER)); 
	SetColorName(_T("activecaption"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION)); 
	SetColorName(_T("appworkspace"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("background"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND)); 
	SetColorName(_T("buttonface"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("buttonhighlight"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("buttonshadow"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)); 
	SetColorName(_T("buttontext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("captiontext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("graytext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("highlight"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("highlighttext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("inactiveborder"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER)); 
	SetColorName(_T("inactivecaption"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION)); 
	SetColorName(_T("inactivecaptiontext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("infobackground"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOBK)); 
	SetColorName(_T("infotext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("menu"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU)); 
	SetColorName(_T("menutext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("scrollbar"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_SCROLLBAR)); 
	SetColorName(_T("threeddarkshadow"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW)); 
	SetColorName(_T("threedface"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); 
	SetColorName(_T("threedhighlight"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("threedlightshadow"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT)); 
	SetColorName(_T("threedshadow"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); 
	SetColorName(_T("window"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); 
	SetColorName(_T("windowframe"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)); 
	SetColorName(_T("windowtext"), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); 
} //End SetTableOfColors

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetColorName(LPCTSTR lpszColorName, COLORREF color)
	iterMapColors iterMap = m_mapColors.find(lpszColorName);
	if (iterMap != m_mapColors.end())
		iterMap->second = color; //Modifies
		m_mapColors.insert(std::make_pair(lpszColorName, color)); //Add new
} //End SetColorName

COLORREF CPPHtmlDrawer::GetColorByName(LPCTSTR lpszColorName, COLORREF crDefColor /* = RGB(0, 0, 0) */)
	if (m_bIsEnable)
		iterMapColors iterMap = m_mapColors.find(lpszColorName);
		if (iterMap != m_mapColors.end())
			crDefColor = iterMap->second;
		//For disabled output
		crDefColor = m_crDisabled;
	} //if
	return crDefColor;
} //End GetColorByName

// Gets the system tooltip's logfont
LPLOGFONT CPPHtmlDrawer::GetSystemToolTipFont() const
    static LOGFONT lf;
    ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS);
    if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), &ncm, 0))
        return FALSE;
    memcpy(&lf, &(ncm.lfStatusFont), sizeof(LOGFONT));
    return &lf; 
} //End GetSystemToolTipFont

// Check a pointer over the hyperlink
//   In: lpPoint - the coordinates of the mouse pointer 
//  Out: -1 - hyperlink not found
//       index of the hyperlink
int CPPHtmlDrawer::PtInHyperlink(LPPOINT lpPoint)
	for (UINT i = 0; i < m_arrLinks.size(); ++i)
		STRUCT_HYPERLINK & link = m_arrLinks [i];
		if ((link.rcArea.left <= lpPoint->x) && (link.rcArea.right >= lpPoint->x) &&
			(link.rcArea.top <= lpPoint->y) && (link.rcArea.bottom >= lpPoint->y))
			return i;
	} //for
	return -1;
} //End PtInHyperlink

void CPPHtmlDrawer::JumpToHyperlink(int nLink)
	STRUCT_HYPERLINK & link = m_arrLinks [nLink];
//	TRACE(_T("Jump to Hyperlink number = %d\n"), nLink);
	if (!link.sHyperlink.IsEmpty())
		switch (link.nTypeLink)
		case LINK_HREF:
		} //switch
	} //if
} //End JumpToHyperlink

void CPPHtmlDrawer::OnLButtonDown(LPPOINT lpClient)
//	TRACE (_T("CPPHtmlDrawer::OnLButtonDown()\n"));
	int nLink = PtInHyperlink(lpClient);
	if (nLink >= 0)
		//Hyperlink under the mouse pointer
	} //if
} //End OnLButtonDown

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::OnSetCursor(LPPOINT lpClient)
	int nLink = PtInHyperlink(lpClient);
	if (nLink >= 0)
		STRUCT_HYPERLINK link = m_arrLinks [nLink];
		if (m_nHoverIndexLink != link.nIndexLink)
			m_nHoverIndexLink = link.nIndexLink;
			//Redraw Window
		} //if
		if (!link.sHyperlink.IsEmpty() && (NULL != m_hLinkCursor))
			return TRUE;
		} //if
	else if (m_nHoverIndexLink != PPHTMLDRAWER_NO_HOVERLINK)
		//Redraw Window
	} //if
    return FALSE;
} //End OnSetCursor

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::OnTimer()
	BOOL bRedraw = FALSE;
	if (m_arrAni.size() > 0)
		for (UINT i = 0; i < m_arrAni.size(); ++i)
			STRUCT_ANIMATION & sa = m_arrAni [i];
			if (sa.nMaxImages > 0)
				sa.nTimerCount ++;
				if (sa.nTimerCount >= sa.nSpeed)
					sa.nTimerCount = 0;
					sa.nIndex ++;
					if (sa.nIndex >= sa.nMaxImages)
						sa.nIndex = 0;
					bRedraw = TRUE;
				} //if
				m_arrAni [i] = sa;
			} //if
		} //for
	} //if

	return bRedraw;
} //End of OnTimer

void CPPHtmlDrawer::CallbackOnRepaint(int nIndexLink)
//	TRACE(_T("CPPHtmlDrawer::CallbackOnRepaint()\n")); 

	if ((NULL == m_csCallbackRepaint.hWnd) || !m_csCallbackRepaint.nMessage)
	::SendMessage(m_csCallbackRepaint.hWnd, m_csCallbackRepaint.nMessage, (LPARAM)nIndexLink, m_csCallbackRepaint.lParam);  
} //End CallbackOnRepaint

void CPPHtmlDrawer::CallbackOnClickHyperlink(LPCTSTR sLink)
//	TRACE(_T("CPPHtmlDrawer::CallbackOnClickHyperlink()\n")); 

	if ((NULL == m_csCallbackLink.hWnd) || !m_csCallbackLink.nMessage)
	::SendMessage(m_csCallbackLink.hWnd, m_csCallbackLink.nMessage, (LPARAM)sLink, m_csCallbackLink.lParam);  	
} //if CallbackOnClickHyperlink

HINSTANCE CPPHtmlDrawer::GotoURL(LPCTSTR url, int showcmd /* = SW_SHOW */)


    // First try ShellExecute()
    HINSTANCE result = ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), url, NULL, NULL, showcmd);

    // If it failed, get the .htm regkey and lookup the program
    if ((UINT)result <= HINSTANCE_ERROR) 

        if (GetRegKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T(".htm"), key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 
            lstrcat(key, _T("\\shell\\open\\command"));

            if (GetRegKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,key,key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 
                TCHAR *pos;
                pos = _tcsstr(key, _T("\"%1\""));
                if (pos == NULL) 
				{                     // No quotes found
                    pos = _tcsstr(key, _T("%1"));      // Check for %1, without quotes 
                    if (pos == NULL)                   // No parameter at all...
                        pos = key+lstrlen(key)-1;
                        *pos = '\0';                   // Remove the parameter
                    *pos = '\0';                       // Remove the parameter

                lstrcat(pos, _T(" "));
                lstrcat(pos, url);

                result = (HINSTANCE) WinExec(T2A(key),showcmd);
            } //if
        } //if
    } //if
    return result;
} //End GotoURL

LONG CPPHtmlDrawer::GetRegKey(HKEY key, LPCTSTR subkey, LPTSTR retdata)
    HKEY hkey;
    LONG retval = RegOpenKeyEx(key, subkey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);

    if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        long datasize = MAX_PATH;
        TCHAR data[MAX_PATH];
        RegQueryValue(hkey, NULL, data, &datasize);
    } //if

    return retval;
} //End GetRegKey

void CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtml (LPSIZE lpSize, LPCRECT lpRect)
	//ENG: Bounding rectangle of a current area for output
	//RUS: �������������� ������������� ��� ������?������?������
	RECT rcArea;
	rcArea.left = lpRect->left;
	rcArea.right = lpRect->right;
	rcArea.top = lpRect->top;
	rcArea.bottom = lpRect->bottom;

	SIZE szArea;
	szArea.cx = szArea.cy = 0;
	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: In preparing mode clears an auxiliary tables
		//RUS: ?������ ���������� ������?��������������?������?
//		m_arrTable.clear();
//		m_arrTableSizes.clear();
	} //if

	m_nCurLine = 0;
	m_nCurTable = -1;
	m_nNumCurTable = -1;
	m_nCurIndexLink = -1;
	m_nCurIndexAni = -1;
	//ENG: Clear stack of tags
	//RUS: ������?���� ����?
	int nIndex = 0;
	int nBegin;
	CPPString strText;
	//ENG: Applies a default styles
	//RUS: ��������� ����?��-��������?
	SelectNewHtmlStyle(_T("body"), m_defStyle);
	//ENG: Creates a default font
	//RUS: ������?����?�� ��������?
	m_lfDefault.lfHeight = m_defStyle.nSizeFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfWidth = 0;
	m_lfDefault.lfOrientation = 0;
	m_lfDefault.lfEscapement = 0;
	m_lfDefault.lfWeight = m_defStyle.nWeightFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfItalic = m_defStyle.bItalicFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfStrikeOut = m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfUnderline = m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
	m_lfDefault.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
	m_lfDefault.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
	m_lfDefault.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
	m_lfDefault.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE;
	_tcscpy (m_lfDefault.lfFaceName, m_defStyle.sFaceFont);
	m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&m_lfDefault);
	//ENG: Remember a current context setting
	//RUS: ���������� ������?��������?�������� ����������
	m_hOldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hFont);
	m_nOldBkMode = ::SetBkMode(m_hDC, m_defStyle.nBkMode);
	m_crOldText = ::SetTextColor(m_hDC, m_defStyle.crText);
	m_crOldBk = ::SetBkColor(m_hDC, m_defStyle.crBkgnd);
	::GetTextMetrics(m_hDC, &m_tm);
	while (nIndex < m_csHtmlText.GetLength())
		//ENG: Searching a begin of table
		//RUS: ���� ������ ������?
		nBegin = nIndex;
		BOOL bFoundTable = SearchTag(m_csHtmlText, nIndex, _T("table"));

		//ENG: Gets a text before a table
		//RUS: �������� ����?�� ������?
		strText = m_csHtmlText.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);

		//ENG: If text before a table is exist
		//RUS: ���� ����?����?�������� ����������
		if (!strText.IsEmpty())
			//ENG: Add a tag BODY around of a output text
			//RUS: ��������� ��?BODY ������ ���������� ������
//			strText = _T("<body>") + strText + _T("</body>");

			//ENG: Output a text before of a table
			//RUS: ������?����?����?��������
			szArea = DrawHtmlString(strText, &rcArea);

			//ENG: Updates a output area size
			//RUS: ��������� ������ ������?������
			lpSize->cx = max(lpSize->cx, szArea.cx);
			lpSize->cy += szArea.cy;
			if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
				rcArea.top += szArea.cy;
		} //if
		//ENG: If table was found
		//RUS: ���� ������?���� ������?
		if (bFoundTable)
			//ENG: Searching an end of the table
			//RUS: ���� ��������?������?
			nBegin = nIndex;
			nIndex += 6;
			SearchEndOfTable(m_csHtmlText, nIndex);

			//ENG: Cuts a text of a table
			//RUS: �������� ����?������?
			strText = m_csHtmlText.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);

			//ENG: Output a table
			//RUS: ����?������?
			szArea = DrawHtmlTable(strText, &rcArea);
			//ENG: Updates a output area size
			//RUS: ��������� ������ ������?������
			lpSize->cx = max(lpSize->cx, szArea.cx);
			lpSize->cy += szArea.cy;
			if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
				rcArea.top += szArea.cy;
		} //if
	} //while
	//ENG: Restore context setting
	//RUS: ��������������?�������� ��������?����������
	::SetBkMode(m_hDC, m_nOldBkMode);
	::SetBkColor(m_hDC, m_crOldBk);
	::SetTextColor(m_hDC, m_crOldText);
	::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hOldFont);
	//ENG: Clear stack of tags
	//RUS: ������?���� ����?
	//ENG: Delete a font
	//RUS: ������� ����?
} //End of DrawHtml

SIZE CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlTable (CPPString & sTable, LPCRECT lpRect)
	//ENG: Jump to the next table
	//RUS: �������� ����?������?

	int i;
	UINT pos;
	SIZE size = {0, 0};
	SIZE szTable;
	RECT rcTable = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	RECT rcRow;

	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) 
		//ENG: Get size of the table
		//RUS: �������� ������?������?
		szTable = GetTableDimensions(sTable);
		sc.nRowSpan = 0;
		sc.nColSpan = 0;
//		sc.bHeightPercent = FALSE;
//		sc.bWidthPercent = FALSE;
//		sc.nHeight = 0;
//		sc.nWidth = 0;
		sc.szText.cx = sc.szText.cy = sc.szCell.cx = sc.szCell.cy = 0;
		sc.bFixedWidth = FALSE;
		//ENG: Creates a template of an empty table
		//RUS: ������?������ ������ ������?
		vecRow rows;
		for (i = 0; i < szTable.cx; i++)
		} //for
		for (i = 0; i < szTable.cy; i++)
		} //for
		//ENG: Add a new table
		//RUS: ��������� ����?������?
	} //if

	//ENG: Gets an info about a current table
	//RUS: ����� ���������� ?������?������?
	int nIndexTable = m_nCurTable;
	STRUCT_TABLE cur_table = m_arrTables [nIndexTable];
	szTable.cx = cur_table.width.size();
	szTable.cy = cur_table.height.size();

	//ENG: Applies styles of <table> tag
	//RUS: ��������� ����?������?(��?<table>)
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("table");
	SelectNewHtmlStyle(m_defStyle.strTag, m_defStyle);
	//ENG: Passes a tag body and get a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ���������� ��?������ �����??�������� ������ ������?����
	int nIndex = 0;
	CPPString sTag;
	SearchNextTag(sTable, sTag, nIndex);
	CPPString sProperties = SplitTag(sTag);

	//ENG: Analyses a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ����������?�������� ����
	AnalyseCellParam(sProperties, m_defStyle, TRUE);

	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS != m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: Gets a real size of the table
		//RUS: �������� �������� ������?������?
		rcTable.left = lpRect->left;
		rcTable.top = rcTable.bottom = lpRect->top;

		int nWidthTable = m_defStyle.nPadding + cur_table.width.size() - 1;
		for (pos = 0; pos < cur_table.width.size(); ++pos)
			nWidthTable += cur_table.width [pos] + m_defStyle.nPadding;
		rcTable.bottom += m_defStyle.nPadding + cur_table.height.size() - 1;
		for (pos = 0; pos < cur_table.height.size(); ++pos)
			rcTable.bottom += cur_table.height [pos] + m_defStyle.nPadding;

		if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOUBLE == m_defStyle.nBorderStyle)
			nWidthTable += 6;
			rcTable.bottom += 6;
			nWidthTable += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 2;
			rcTable.bottom += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 2;
		} //if

		//ENG: Horizontal align of the table
		//RUS: ������������ ������?�� ����������?
		int nRealWidth = lpRect->right - lpRect->left;

		if (nWidthTable < nRealWidth)
			//RUS: ��������? ��������� ������?�� ��?��������?������?
			int nDelta = nRealWidth - nWidthTable;
			int nNotFixedColumns = 0;
			for (pos = 0; pos < cur_table.fixed_width.size(); ++pos)
				if (!cur_table.fixed_width [pos])
			} //for
			for (pos = 0; (pos < cur_table.fixed_width.size()) && (nNotFixedColumns > 0); ++pos)
				if (!cur_table.fixed_width [pos])
					int nStep = nDelta / nNotFixedColumns;
					cur_table.width [pos] += nStep;
					nDelta -= nStep;
					nWidthTable += nStep;
				} //if
			} //for
		} //if

		if (nWidthTable < nRealWidth)
			switch (m_defStyle.nHorzAlign)
			case ALIGN_RIGHT:
				rcTable.left = lpRect->right - nWidthTable;
				rcTable.left += (nRealWidth - nWidthTable) / 2;
			} //switch
		} //if
		rcTable.right = rcTable.left + nWidthTable;

		//Calculate the real column's width and row's height
//		if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOUBLE == m_defStyle.nBorderStyle)
//			rcTable.bottom += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 6;
//		else
//			rcTable.bottom += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 2;
	} //if

	//Draw table border
	if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
		if (m_defStyle.nFillBkgnd >= 0)
			m_drawmanager.FillEffect(m_hDC, m_defStyle.nFillBkgnd, &rcTable, 
				m_defStyle.crBkgnd, m_defStyle.crMidBkgnd, m_defStyle.crEndBkgnd,
		else if (!m_defStyle.strNameResBk.IsEmpty())
			DrawBackgroundImage(m_hDC, rcTable.left, rcTable.top, rcTable.right - rcTable.left, rcTable.bottom - rcTable.top, m_defStyle.strNameResBk);
		} //if
		if (m_defStyle.nBorderWidth > 0)
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				m_drawmanager.DrawRectangle(m_hDC, &rcTable, m_defStyle.crBorderLight, m_defStyle.crBorderDark,
					m_defStyle.nBorderStyle, m_defStyle.nBorderWidth);
				m_drawmanager.DrawRectangle(m_hDC, &rcTable, m_crDisabled, m_crDisabled,
					m_defStyle.nBorderStyle, m_defStyle.nBorderWidth);
			} //if
		} //if
	} //if

	rcRow = rcTable;

	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS != m_nNumPass)
		if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOUBLE == m_defStyle.nBorderStyle)
			rcRow.left += 3;
			rcRow.top  += 3;
			rcRow.right -= 3;
			rcRow.bottom -= 3;
			rcRow.left += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
			rcRow.top  += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
			rcRow.right -= m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
			rcRow.bottom -= m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
	} //if

	if (szTable.cx && szTable.cy)
		int nNewRow = 0;
		int nEndRow;
		CPPString sTagName, sTagParam, sRow;
		for (i = 0; i < szTable.cy; ++i)
			//ENG: Searching a begin of the row
			//RUS: ����?������ ������
			if (SearchTag(sTable, nNewRow, _T("tr")))
				//ENG: The begin of the row was found. Searching end of the row
				//RUS: ������ ������ ������? ���� ��������?������
				nEndRow = nNewRow;
				SearchEndOfRow(sTable, nEndRow);
				//ENG: The end of the row was found
				//RUS: ��������?������ ������?
				sRow = sTable.Mid(nNewRow, nEndRow - nNewRow);
				//ENG: Draw a row of the table
				//RUS: ������?������ ������?
				DrawHtmlTableRow(sRow, &rcRow, cur_table, i);
				//ENG: Jump to char after the end of the row
				//RUS: ����������? �� ������, ��������?�� ���������� ������
				nNewRow = nEndRow + 5;
			} //if
		} //for
	} //if

	if (MODE_DRAW != m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: Analysing cell's width
		//RUS: ������ ������ �����?
		for (i = 1; i <= szTable.cx; i++)
			for (int y = 0; y < szTable.cy; y++)
				vecRow & row = cur_table.cells [y];
				for (int x = 0; x < szTable.cx; x++)
					STRUCT_CELL & sc = row [x];
					if (sc.nColSpan == i)
						if (i == 1)
							cur_table.width [x] = max (cur_table.width [x], sc.szCell.cx);
							if (sc.bFixedWidth)
								cur_table.fixed_width [x] = TRUE;
							int span_width = 0;
							for (int z = 0; z < i; z++)
								span_width += cur_table.width [x + z];
								if (sc.bFixedWidth)
									cur_table.fixed_width [x + z] = TRUE;
							} //for
							if (span_width < sc.szText.cx)
								int step = (sc.szCell.cx - span_width) / i;
								cur_table.width [x + i - 1] += (sc.szCell.cx - span_width) % i;
								for (int z = 0; z < i; z++)
									cur_table.width [x + z] += step;
							} //if
						} //if
					} //if
				} //for
			} //for
		} //for

		//ENG: Analysing cell's height
		//RUS: ������ ������ �����?
		for (i = 1; i <= szTable.cy; i++)
			for (int y = 0; y < szTable.cy; y++)
				vecRow & row = cur_table.cells [y];
				for (int x = 0; x < szTable.cx; x++)
					STRUCT_CELL & sc = row [x];
					if (sc.nRowSpan == i)
						if (i == 1)
							cur_table.height [y] = max (cur_table.height [y], sc.szCell.cy);
							int span_height = 0;
							for (int z = 0; z < i; z++)
								span_height += cur_table.height [y + z];
							if (span_height < sc.szCell.cy)
								int step = (sc.szCell.cy - span_height) / i;
								cur_table.height [y] += (sc.szCell.cy - span_height) % i;
								for (int z = 0; z < i; z++)
									cur_table.height [y + z] += step;
							} //if
						} //if
					} //if
				} //for
			} //for
		} //for

		size.cx += m_defStyle.nPadding + szTable.cx - 1;
		size.cy += m_defStyle.nPadding + szTable.cy - 1;
		for (i = 0; i < szTable.cx; i++)
			size.cx += cur_table.width [i] + m_defStyle.nPadding;
		for (i = 0; i < szTable.cy; i++)
			size.cy += cur_table.height [i] + m_defStyle.nPadding;
		if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOUBLE == m_defStyle.nBorderStyle)
			size.cx += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 6;
			size.cy += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 6;
			size.cx += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 2;
			size.cy += m_defStyle.nBorderWidth * 2;
		} //if

//		size.cx = GetTableWidth(strTable, 0, size.cx, TRUE);
		size.cx = rcTable.right - rcTable.left;
		size.cy = rcTable.bottom - rcTable.top;
	} //if

	//ENG: Stores a current table
	//RUS: ��������� ������?������?
	m_arrTables [nIndexTable] = cur_table;

	//ENG: Restore styles before <table> tag
	//RUS: ��������������?����?�� ���� <table>
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("table");
	if (StoreRestoreStyle(TRUE))

	return size;
} //End DrawHtmlTable

// CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlTableRow
//	Draw a row of the table
// Parameters:
//		sRow	- a text of the cell with the tags. For example: "<tr>...</tr>"
//		lpRect	- a bounding rectangle for the row
//		st		- the info about current table
//		nRow	- the current row of the table
void CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlTableRow(CPPString & sRow, LPCRECT lpRect, STRUCT_TABLE & st, int nRow)
	//ENG: Applies styles of <tr> tag
	//RUS: ��������� ����?������ (��?<tr>)
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("tr");
	SelectNewHtmlStyle(m_defStyle.strTag, m_defStyle);
	int nCol = 0;
	int i;
	vecRow & row = st.cells [nRow];
	//ENG: Passes a tag body and get a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ���������� ��?������ �����??�������� ������ ������?����
	int nIndex = 0;
	CPPString sTag;
	SearchNextTag(sRow, sTag, nIndex);
	CPPString sProperties = SplitTag(sTag);

	//ENG: Analyses a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ����������?�������� ����
	AnalyseCellParam(sProperties, m_defStyle, FALSE);
	while (nIndex < sRow.GetLength())
		int nEndRow = nIndex;
		int nNewCell = nIndex;
		//ENG: Search an end of the cell or a begin of the nested table
		//RUS: ���� ����?�����?��?������ ��������?������?
		SearchTag(sRow, nEndRow, _T("/tr"));
		SearchTag(sRow, nNewCell, _T("td"));
		if (nNewCell < nEndRow)
			//ENG: Search an existing cell
			//RUS: ����?������������ �����?
			STRUCT_CELL * sc2 = &row [nCol];
			while ((sc2->nColSpan < 0) && (nCol < (int)row.size())) 
				sc2 = &row [nCol];
			} //while
			STRUCT_CELL & sc = row [nCol];
			//ENG: Searching the end of the cell
			//RUS: ���� ��������?�����?
			nIndex = nNewCell;
			SearchEndOfCell(sRow, nIndex);
			CPPString sCell = sRow.Mid(nNewCell, nIndex - nNewCell);

			RECT rcCell = {0, 0, 0, 0};
			if (MODE_FIRSTPASS != m_nNumPass)
				//ENG: Gets a real rectangle to draw a cell
				//RUS: �������� �������� ������������� ��� ������ �����?
				rcCell = *lpRect;
				rcCell.left += m_defStyle.nPadding;
				for (i = 0; i < nCol; i++)
					rcCell.left += st.width [i] + m_defStyle.nPadding + 1;
				rcCell.right = rcCell.left;
				for (i = 0; i < sc.nColSpan; i++)
					rcCell.right += st.width [nCol + i];
				rcCell.right += (sc.nColSpan - 1) * (m_defStyle.nPadding + 1);
				rcCell.top += m_defStyle.nPadding;
				for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
					rcCell.top += st.height [i] + m_defStyle.nPadding + 1;
				rcCell.bottom = rcCell.top;
				for (i = 0; i < sc.nRowSpan; i++)
					rcCell.bottom += st.height [nRow + i];
				rcCell.bottom += (sc.nRowSpan - 1) * (m_defStyle.nPadding + 1);

				//ENG: cellspacing - margins from table's edge to the cell's edge
				//RUS: cellspacing - ������ �� ������?������?�� �����?
//				rcCell.left += m_defStyle.nPadding;
//				rcCell.top += m_defStyle.nPadding;
//				rcCell.right -= m_defStyle.nPadding;
//				rcCell.bottom -= m_defStyle.nPadding;
			} //if

			DrawHtmlTableCell(sCell, &rcCell, sc);

			if (MODE_DRAW != m_nNumPass)
				//ENG: Add a cellspacing
				//RUS: ��������� ������ �����?��
//				sc.szCell.cx += m_defStyle.nPadding + m_defStyle.nPadding;
//				sc.szCell.cy += m_defStyle.nPadding + m_defStyle.nPadding;
				//ENG: Stores a span cells
				//RUS: ���������� ������������ �����?
				int nColSpan = sc.nColSpan + nCol;
				int nRowSpan = sc.nRowSpan + nRow;
				for (i = nCol + 1; i < nColSpan; i++)
					STRUCT_CELL & scTemp = row [i];
					scTemp.nColSpan = -1;
					scTemp.nRowSpan = -1;
				} //for
				for (i = nRow + 1; i < nRowSpan; i++)
					vecRow & rowTemp = st.cells [i];
					STRUCT_CELL & scTemp = rowTemp [nCol];
					scTemp.nColSpan = -1;
					scTemp.nRowSpan = -1;
				} //for
			} //if
			nCol += sc.nColSpan;
			nIndex = sRow.GetLength();
		} //if
	} //while

	//ENG: Restore styles before <tr> tag
	//RUS: ��������������?����?�� ���� <tr>
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("tr");
	if (StoreRestoreStyle(TRUE))

} //End of DrawHtmlTableRow

// CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlTableCell
//	Draw a table's cell
// Parameters:
//		sCell	- a text of the cell with the tags. For example: "<td>...</td>"
//		lpRect	- a bounding rectangle for cell
//		sc		- the info about current cell
void CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlTableCell(CPPString & sCell, LPCRECT lpRect, STRUCT_CELL & sc)
	if (MODE_DRAW != m_nNumPass)
		sc.szText.cx = 0;
		sc.szText.cy = 0;
	} //if
	RECT rcCell = *lpRect;
	RECT rcText;

	//ENG: Applies styles of <td> tag
	//RUS: ��������� ����?�����?(��?<td>)
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("td");
	SelectNewHtmlStyle(m_defStyle.strTag, m_defStyle);

	//ENG: Passes a tag body and get a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ���������� ��?������ �����??�������� ������ ������?����
	int nIndex = 0;
	CPPString sTag;
	SearchNextTag(sCell, sTag, nIndex);
	CPPString sProperties = SplitTag(sTag);

	//ENG: Analyses a properties of the tag
	//RUS: ����������?�������� ����
	m_defStyle.nCellWidth = m_defStyle.nCellHeight = 0;
	m_defStyle.bCellWidthPercent = m_defStyle.bCellHeightPercent = FALSE;
	SIZE szSpan = AnalyseCellParam(sProperties, m_defStyle, FALSE);

	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: Stores a cell span info
		//RUS: ��������� ���������� �� ����������?�����
		sc.nColSpan = szSpan.cx;
		sc.nRowSpan = szSpan.cy;
		//ENG: Stores an info about the recommended cell sizes
		//RUS: ��������� ���������� �� ��������������?�������� �����?
//		sc.nWidth = m_defStyle.nCellWidth;
//		sc.bWidthPercent = m_defStyle.bCellWidthPercent;
//		sc.nHeight = m_defStyle.nCellHeight;
//		sc.bHeightPercent = m_defStyle.bCellHeightPercent;
		//RUS: ���� ������?����������?�a����?�����? �� ���������� �� ��?��������?
		sc.szText.cx = m_defStyle.nCellWidth;
//		sc.szText.cy = m_defStyle.nCellHeight;
		sc.szText.cy = 0;

		if (m_defStyle.nCellWidth > 0)
			sc.bFixedWidth = TRUE;

		rcText = rcCell;
		rcText.right = rcText.left + sc.szText.cx;
		rcText.bottom = rcText.top + sc.szText.cy;
	else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: cellspacing - margins from table's edge to the cell's edge
		//RUS: cellspacing - ������ �� ������?������?�� �����?
		rcText = rcCell;

		if (m_defStyle.nFillBkgnd >= 0)
			//ENG: Filling cell background
			//RUS: ���������� ���� �����?
			m_drawmanager.FillEffect(m_hDC, m_defStyle.nFillBkgnd, &rcText, 
				m_defStyle.crBkgnd, m_defStyle.crMidBkgnd, m_defStyle.crEndBkgnd, 5);
		} //if
		//Draws the border
		if (m_bIsEnable) 
			m_drawmanager.DrawRectangle(m_hDC, &rcText, m_defStyle.crBorderDark, m_defStyle.crBorderLight, m_defStyle.nBorderStyle);
			m_drawmanager.DrawRectangle(m_hDC, &rcText, m_crDisabled, m_crDisabled, m_defStyle.nBorderStyle);
		//ENG: cellpadding - margin from cell's edge to the inside cell text
		//RUS: cellpadding - ������ �� ������?�����? �� ������ ������ ��
		rcText.left += m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
		rcText.top += m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
		rcText.right -= m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
		rcText.bottom -= m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth;
		//Vertical align
		switch (m_defStyle.nVertAlign)
			rcText.top = rcText.bottom - sc.szText.cy;
			rcText.top += (rcText.bottom - rcText.top - sc.szText.cy) / 2;
		} //switch
	} //if

	//ENG: Draws a cell
	//RUS: ����?�����?
	while(nIndex < sCell.GetLength())
		int nEndCell = nIndex;
		int nNewTable = nIndex;
		//ENG: Search an end of the cell or a begin of the nested table
		//RUS: ���� ����?�����?��?������ ��������?������?
		SearchTag(sCell, nEndCell, _T("/td"));
		SearchTag(sCell, nNewTable, _T("table"));
		//ENG: Gets a nearly index of the tag
		//RUS: �������� ������ ���������� ����
		int nNearlyTag = min(nEndCell, nNewTable);
		SIZE szTemp = {0, 0};
		if (nNearlyTag > nIndex)
			//ENG: If between the last index and the current index there is a text
			//RUS: ���� ����?��������?�������� ?������?�������� ���������� ����?
			CPPString sText = sCell.Mid(nIndex, nNearlyTag - nIndex);
			szTemp = DrawHtmlString(sText, &rcText);
			nIndex = nNearlyTag;
		} //if
		else if (nNewTable < nEndCell)
			//ENG: A nested table was found
			//RUS: ������?��������� ������?
			nIndex = nNewTable;
			SearchEndOfTable(sCell, nIndex);
			CPPString sTable = sCell.Mid(nNewTable, nIndex - nNewTable);
			szTemp = DrawHtmlTable(sTable, &rcText); 
			//ENG: Alas, it is the end of the cell
			//RUS: ����?�����?
			nIndex = sCell.GetLength();
		} //if
		if (MODE_DRAW != m_nNumPass)
			//ENG: On first and second passes we are calculate the dimensions of the cell
			//RUS: �� ������ ?������ �������� ��������� ������?�����?
			sc.szText.cx = max(szTemp.cx, sc.szText.cx);
			sc.szText.cy += szTemp.cy;
		} //if
		rcText.top += szTemp.cy;
	} //while

	if (MODE_DRAW != m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: On first and second passes we are calculate the dimensions of the cell
		//RUS: �� ������ ?������ �������� ��������� ������?�����?
		sc.szCell.cx = max(m_defStyle.nCellWidth, sc.szText.cx);
		sc.szCell.cy = max(m_defStyle.nCellHeight, sc.szText.cy);

		//ENG: Add the margins of the text from the cell's edges
		//RUS: ��������� ������?������ �� ������ �����?
		sc.szCell.cx += 2 * (m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth);
		sc.szCell.cy += 2 * (m_defStyle.nMargin + m_defStyle.nBorderWidth);
	} //if
	//ENG: Restore styles before <td> tag
	//RUS: ��������������?����? ������?���� �� ���� <td>
	m_defStyle.strTag = _T("td");
	if (StoreRestoreStyle(TRUE))

SIZE CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawHtmlString (CPPString & sHtml, LPCRECT lpRect)
	SIZE szTextArea = {0, 0};

	COLORREF clrShadow = m_bIsEnable ? m_crShadow : GetColorByName(_T(""));

	//ENG: For any string we are add a <body> tag as wrapper
	//RUS: ��� ����?������ ��������� ��?<body>
	sHtml = _T("<body>") + sHtml;
	sHtml += _T("</body>");

	//ENG: Bounding rectangle for a full text
	//RUS: �������������� ������������� ��� ������ ����?������
	m_rcOutput.top = lpRect->top;
	m_rcOutput.left = lpRect->left;
	m_rcOutput.bottom = lpRect->bottom;
	m_rcOutput.right = lpRect->right;

	//ENG: The width of the bounding rectangle
	//RUS: ������ ��������������?�������������?
	int nTextWrapWidth = m_rcOutput.right - m_rcOutput.left;

	//ENG: A current position for output
	//RUS: ������� ������� ��� ������
	POINT ptOutput;
	ptOutput.x = lpRect->left;
	ptOutput.y = lpRect->top;

//	szTextArea.cx = szTextArea.cy = 0;
//	m_szOutput.cx = m_szOutput.cy = 0;

//	m_szOutput = CSize(0, 0);

	//ENG: If a text is empty
	//RUS: ���� ������ ��� ������ ��?
//	if (str.IsEmpty())
//	{
//		szTextArea.cx = szTextArea.cy = 0;
//		return;
//	} //if

	int nFirstLine = m_nCurLine;

//	POINT pt;
//	pt.x = lpRect->left;
//	pt.y = lpRect->top;

	int y;
	SIZE sz;

	CPPString sText = _T("");
	CPPString sTag = _T(""); //String of the tag
	CPPString sProperties = _T(""); //String of the tag's property
	CPPString sParameter = _T("");
	CPPString sValue = _T("");

	BOOL bCloseTag = FALSE; //TRUE if tag have symbol '\'

	//ENG: Initializing a new line
	//RUS: ������������� ����?������
	ptOutput.x = InitNewLine(ptOutput.x);
	int nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
	int nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
	int nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;

	int nIndex = 0;
	int nBegin = 0;
	int i = 0;
	while (i < sHtml.GetLength())
		//ENG: Searching a first tag
		//RUS: ����?������?����
		sText = SearchNextTag(sHtml, sTag, i);
		sProperties = SplitTag(sTag);

		//ENG: Before a tag was exist a text
		//RUS: ����?����?���� ����?��� ������
		if (!sText.IsEmpty())
			//ENG: Transform text
			//RUS: ����������?����?
			switch (m_defStyle.nTextTransform)
				//ENG: All chars make upper
				//RUS: ��?������?��������??������?������?
				//ENG: All chars make lower
				//RUS: ��?������?��������??������ ������?
				//ENG: Each first char of a word to upper
				//RUS: ����?������ ������ ����??������?������? ��������??������
				for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < sText.GetLength(); nIndex++)
					if ((sText.GetAt(nIndex) >= _T('a')) && (sText.GetAt(nIndex) <= _T('z')))
						if ((0 == nIndex) || (_T(' ') == sText.GetAt(nIndex - 1)))
							sText.SetAt(nIndex, sText.GetAt(nIndex) - _T('a') + _T('A'));
					} //if
				} //if
			} //switch

			//RUS: ����������?�� ��?��? ���� �� ����?������?���� ����?
			while (!sText.IsEmpty())
				//ENG: Reset an additional interval for space chars
				//RUS: ����?��������������?��������?����?������?
				::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, 0, 0);

				//ENG: Gets a size a output text
				//RUS: �������� ������ ���������� ������
				::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sText, sText.GetLength(), &sz);

				//ENG: Gets a real top coordinate to output with vertical alignment
				//RUS: �������� �������� ��������?����?������ ?������ ������������?����������?
				y = VerticalAlignText(ptOutput.y, sz.cy);

				CPPString sTemp = sText;
				int nMaxSize = nTextWrapWidth - ptOutput.x + m_rcOutput.left;

				if (m_nMaxWidth && ((nMaxSize - sz.cx) < 0) && nTextWrapWidth)
					//ENG: Text wrap was enabled and text out for a bounding rectangle
					int nRealSize = nMaxSize;
					sTemp = GetWordWrap(sText, nTextWrapWidth, nRealSize);
					sz.cx = nRealSize;
				} //if

				if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
					if (sz.cx)
						if ((0 == (nRealWidth - sz.cx)) && (_T(' ') == sTemp.GetAt(sTemp.GetLength() - 1)))
							//ENG: Removes the right space chars for the last output in line
							//RUS: ���� ��?��������?����??������, �� ������?������?������
							nSpacesInLine = GetCountOfChars(sTemp);
							SIZE szTemp;
							::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sTemp, sTemp.GetLength(), &szTemp);
							nRealWidth -= (sz.cx - szTemp.cx);
						} //if

						if ((ALIGN_JUSTIFY == m_hline.nHorzAlign) && m_hline.bWrappedLine)
							::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, nMaxSize - nRealWidth, nSpacesInLine);
						nRealWidth -= sz.cx;
						//ENG: Gets a size a output text
						//RUS: �������� ������ ���������� ������
						::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sTemp, sTemp.GetLength(), &sz);
						//ENG: Stores a current area as a hyperlink area if it available
						//RUS: ��������� ������?������?��?������?���������� ���� �� ����������
						StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + sz.cx, y + sz.cy);
						//ENG: Real output a text
						//RUS: ����?������
						::TextOut(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, sTemp, sTemp.GetLength());
						nSpacesInLine -= GetCountOfChars(sTemp);
						//ENG: If sets an overline style then draw a line over the text
						//RUS: ���� ���������� ����?overline, �� ������ ����?��?������?
						if (m_defStyle.bOverlineFont)
							HPEN hpenOverline = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, (m_defStyle.nWeightFont >= FW_BOLD) ? 2 : 1, m_defStyle.crText);
							HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, hpenOverline);
							::MoveToEx(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, NULL);
							::LineTo(m_hDC, ptOutput.x + sz.cx, y);
							::SelectObject(m_hDC, hOldPen);
						} //if
					} //if
					//ENG: Stores a last horizontal alignment
					//RUS: ��������� ��������?�������������� ������������
					m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign;

					m_hline.nSpaceChars += GetCountOfChars(sTemp);
				} //if

				//ENG: Moves to a right of the outputed text
				//RUS: ����������? ������ �� ����������?������
				ptOutput.x += sz.cx;
				if (!sText.IsEmpty())
					//ENG: Not all text was printed (cause text wrap) 
					//RUS: �� ��� ������ ��?�������� (?������ �������� ������)
					m_hline.bWrappedLine = TRUE;
					Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);
					nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
					nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
					nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
			} //while
		} //if

		//ENG: If tag was found then analyzing ...
		//RUS: ���� ��?������, ����������?...
		if (!sTag.IsEmpty())
			//ENG: Reset temporary parameters
			//RUS: ����?��������?����������
			bCloseTag = FALSE;
			//ENG: Get Tag's name
			//RUS: �������� ��� ����
			nIndex = 0;
			//ENG: Searching a tag's value
			//RUS: ����?������? ����
			DWORD dwTag = GetTagFromList(sTag, m_defStyle.strTag, bCloseTag);
			//ENG: If a tag was found in a list of the tags
			//RUS: ���� ��?������ ?������
			if (TAG_NONE != dwTag)
				//ENG: If it is a style tag 
				//RUS: ���� ������?��?��� ������ �� �������
				if (!m_defStyle.strTag.IsEmpty())
					//ENG: Checks on permissibility of tag
					//RUS: ��������� �� ������������ ����
					if (StoreRestoreStyle(bCloseTag))
						//ENG: If it isn't a close tag
						//RUS: ���� ��?�� ��������?����
						if (!bCloseTag)
							//ENG: Processing a tag
							//RUS: ��������?����
							switch (dwTag)
							case TAG_BOLD:
								m_defStyle.nWeightFont <<= 1;
								if (m_defStyle.nWeightFont > FW_BLACK)
									m_defStyle.nWeightFont = FW_BLACK;
							case TAG_ITALIC:
								m_defStyle.bItalicFont = m_defStyle.bItalicFont ? FALSE : TRUE;
							case TAG_UNDERLINE:
								m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont = m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont ? FALSE : TRUE;
							case TAG_STRIKEOUT:
								m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont = m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont ? FALSE : TRUE;
							case TAG_FONT:
								//Search parameters
								while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
									//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
									//RUS: ����?���������� ����
									sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, nIndex, sParameter);
									//ENG: If a parameter was found
									//RUS: ���� �������� ������
									if (!sParameter.IsEmpty())
										//ENG: Processing a parameters of a tag
										//RUS: ��������?���������� ����
										if (sParameter == _T("face"))
											m_defStyle.sFaceFont = GetStyleString(sValue, m_defStyle.sFaceFont);
										else if (sParameter == _T("size"))
											m_defStyle.nSizeFont = GetLengthUnit(sValue, m_defStyle.nSizeFont, TRUE);
										else if (sParameter == _T("color"))
											if (m_bIsEnable)
												m_defStyle.crText = GetStyleColor(sValue, m_defStyle.crText);
												m_defStyle.crText = GetColorByName(_T(""));
										else if (sParameter == _T("style"))
										else if (sParameter == _T("weight"))
											m_defStyle.nWeightFont = GetStyleFontWeight(sValue, m_defStyle.nWeightFont);
										else if (sParameter == _T("bkgnd"))
											if (((sValue == _T("transparent")) && sValue.IsEmpty()) || !m_bIsEnable)
												m_defStyle.nBkMode = TRANSPARENT;
												m_defStyle.nBkMode = OPAQUE;
												m_defStyle.crBkgnd = GetStyleColor(sValue, m_defStyle.crBkgnd);
											} //if
										} //if
									} //if
								} //while
							case TAG_LEFT:
								m_defStyle.nHorzAlign = ALIGN_LEFT;
							case TAG_CENTER:
								m_defStyle.nHorzAlign = ALIGN_CENTER;
							case TAG_RIGHT:
								m_defStyle.nHorzAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT;
							case TAG_JUSTIFY:
								m_defStyle.nHorzAlign = ALIGN_JUSTIFY;
							case TAG_BASELINE:
								m_defStyle.nVertAlign = ALIGN_BASELINE;
							case TAG_TOP:
								m_defStyle.nVertAlign = ALIGN_TOP;
							case TAG_VCENTER:
								m_defStyle.nVertAlign = ALIGN_VCENTER;
							case TAG_BOTTOM:
								m_defStyle.nVertAlign = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
							case TAG_NEWSTYLE:
								SelectNewHtmlStyle(sTag, m_defStyle);
							case TAG_SPAN:
								while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
									//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
									//RUS: ����?���������� ����
									sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, nIndex, sParameter);
									//ENG: If a parameter was found
									//RUS: ���� �������� ������
									if (sParameter == _T("class"))
										SelectNewHtmlStyle(_T(".") + GetStyleString(sValue, _T("")), m_defStyle);
								} //while
							case TAG_HYPERLINK:
								//ENG: A default values
								//RUS: ������? �� ��������?
								m_defStyle.nTypeLink = LINK_MESSAGE;
								while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
									//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
									//RUS: ����?���������� ����
									sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, nIndex, sParameter);
									//ENG: If a parameter was found
									//RUS: ���� �������� ������
									if (!sParameter.IsEmpty())
										//ENG: Processing a parameters of a tag
										//RUS: ��������?���������� ����
										if (sParameter == _T("href"))
											m_defStyle.nTypeLink = LINK_HREF;
											m_defStyle.sHyperlink = GetStyleString(sValue, _T(""));
										} //if
										if (sParameter == _T("msg"))
											m_defStyle.nTypeLink = LINK_MESSAGE;
											m_defStyle.sHyperlink = GetStyleString(sValue, _T(""));
										} //if
									} //if
								} //while
								//ENG: Gets a index of a current link
								//RUS: �������� ������ ������?����������?
								m_nCurIndexLink ++;
								//ENG: If a mouse over this link
								//RUS: ���� ��?��?���� ����?
								if (m_nCurIndexLink == m_nHoverIndexLink)
									SelectNewHtmlStyle(_T("a:hover"), m_defStyle);
									SelectNewHtmlStyle(_T("a:link"), m_defStyle);
								} //switch
							} //if
							//ENG: Update a device context
							//RUS: ���������� ��������?����������
						} //if
						BOOL bPercent;
						BOOL bShadow;
						BOOL bAutoDelete;
						int nWidth, nNum;
						STRUCT_IMAGE si;
						STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE csTemp; //Temporary structure
						SIZE szReal;
						HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;;
						HICON hIcon = NULL;
						DWORD nMaxCol, nMaxRow;
						UINT nIdRes, nIdDll;
						//CPPString str;
						//ENG: Processing a tag
						//RUS: ��������?����
						switch (dwTag)
						case TAG_HLINE:
							//ENG: Draws the horizontal line
							//RUS: ��������?�������������� ����?
							csTemp = m_defStyle;
							csTemp.nBorderWidth = 1;
							//ENG: Applies a new styles for <hr> tag
							SelectNewHtmlStyle(_T("hr"), csTemp);
							nWidth = 100;
							bPercent = TRUE;
							while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
								//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
								//RUS: ����?���������� ����
								sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, nIndex, sParameter);
								//ENG: If a parameter was found
								//RUS: ���� �������� ������
								if (!sParameter.IsEmpty())
									//ENG: Processing a parameters of a tag
									//RUS: ��������?���������� ����
									if (sParameter == _T("width"))
										bPercent = IsPercentableValue(sValue);
										nWidth = GetLengthUnit(sValue, 100);
									else if (sParameter == _T("size"))
										csTemp.nBorderWidth = GetLengthUnit(sValue, csTemp.nBorderWidth);
									else if (sParameter == _T("color"))
										if (m_bIsEnable)
											csTemp.crText = GetStyleColor(sValue, csTemp.crText);
											csTemp.crText = GetColorByName(_T(""));
								} //if
							} //while
							if (bPercent)
								if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
									m_hline.nAddPercentWidth += nWidth;
									nWidth = 1;
								else nWidth = ::MulDiv(lpRect->right - lpRect->left, nWidth, 100);
							} //if
							if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
								m_hline.nHeightLine = max(m_hline.nHeightLine, csTemp.nBorderWidth + 8);
								m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign; //Store a last horizontal alignment
							else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
								m_drawmanager.DrawLine(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, ptOutput.y + m_hline.nHeightLine / 2, 
									ptOutput.x + nWidth, ptOutput.y + m_hline.nHeightLine / 2, 
									csTemp.crText, CPPDrawManager::PEN_SOLID, csTemp.nBorderWidth);
							} //if
							ptOutput.x += nWidth;
						case TAG_NEWLINE:
							//ENG: New line
							//RUS: ����� ������
							nNum = 1;
							if (!sProperties.IsEmpty())
								sProperties = sProperties.Mid(1);
								nNum = GetLengthUnit(sProperties, nNum);
							} //if
							m_hline.bWrappedLine = FALSE;
							Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, nNum, &szTextArea);
							nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
							nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
							nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
						case TAG_TABULATION:
							//ENG: Tabulation
							//RUS: ����?���
							nNum = 1;
							if (!sProperties.IsEmpty())
								sProperties = sProperties.Mid(1);
								nNum = GetLengthUnit(sProperties, nNum);
							} //if
							Tag_Tabulation(&ptOutput, nNum);
						case TAG_BITMAP:
							//Draws the bitmap 
							//ENG: Default Parameters
							//RUS: ��������?�� ��������?
							si.nIdRes = 0;
							si.nIdDll = 0;
							si.nHandle = 0;
							si.nWidth = 100;
							si.bPercentWidth = TRUE;
							si.nHeight = 100;
							si.bPercentHeight = TRUE;
							si.crMask = RGB(255, 0, 255);
							si.bUseMask = FALSE;
							si.nStyles = 0;
							si.nHotStyles = 0;
							//ENG: Searching image parameters
							//RUS: ����?���������� �����������
							AnalyseImageParam(sProperties, si);
							//ENG: If a image's source was specified
							//RUS: ���� ������ �������� �����������
							if (si.nIdRes || si.nIdDll || si.nHandle || !si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
								//ENG: Sets a autodelete flag of the image object
								//RUS: ���������� ���� ��������������?������? ������?�����������
								bAutoDelete = TRUE;
								//ENG: Gets a handle of the image
								//RUS: �������� ���������� �����������
								if (si.nIdRes)
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromResources(si.nIdRes);
								else if (!si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromFile(si.strSrcFile);
								else if (si.nIdDll)
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromDll(si.nIdDll, si.strPathDll);
								else if (si.nHandle)
									hBitmap = (HBITMAP)si.nHandle;
									//ENG: If an image handle specified, disables autodelete
									//RUS: ���� ������ ���������� �����������, �� ��������?��������
									bAutoDelete = FALSE;
								} //if
								//ENG: If a handle of an image was retrieved
								//RUS: ���� ���������� ����������� ������?
								if (NULL != hBitmap)
									//ENG: Image with shadow or not?
									//RUS: ����������??����?��?��?
									bShadow = IsImageWithShadow(si);
									//ENG: Retrieves an original size of an image
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ������ �����������
									m_drawmanager.GetSizeOfBitmap(hBitmap, &sz);
									//ENG: Retrieves an output size
									//RUS: �������� ������?��� ���������
									if (si.bPercentWidth) si.nWidth = ::MulDiv(sz.cx, si.nWidth, 100);
									if (si.bPercentHeight) si.nHeight = ::MulDiv(sz.cy, si.nHeight, 100);
									//ENG: If a shadow was enabled then set a real size
									//RUS: ���� ���� ��������, �� ������������?�������� ������
									if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && bShadow)
										sz.cx = si.nWidth + m_szOffsetShadow.cx;
										sz.cy = si.nHeight + m_szOffsetShadow.cy;
									} //if
									int nMaxSize = nTextWrapWidth - ptOutput.x + m_rcOutput.left;
									if (m_nMaxWidth && ((nMaxSize - sz.cx) < 0) && nTextWrapWidth) 
										//ENG: Not all text was printed (cause text wrap) 
										//RUS: �� ��� ������ ��?�������� (?������ �������� ������)
										m_hline.bWrappedLine = TRUE;
										Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);
										nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
										nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
										nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
									} //if
									nRealWidth -= sz.cx;

									//ENG: Store a last horizontal alignment
									//RUS: ���������� ��������?�������������� ������������
									if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) 
										m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign;
									//ENG: Retrieves a vertical coordinates of drawing area
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ���������� ������?���������
									y = VerticalAlignImage(ptOutput.y, si.nHeight);
									//ENG: If an image is exist and not prepare mode
									//RUS: ���� ����������?�������� ?�� ���������� ����?����������
									if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass))
										//ENG: Add an output area to hyperlink list if needed
										//RUS: ���� ���������� ��������� ������?������ ?������ ����������?
										StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + sz.cx, y + sz.cy);
										//ENG: If a mouse over an image then applies a hot styles
										//RUS: ���� ���� ��?������������, �� ��������� �������������� ����?
										if (m_defStyle.nTypeLink != LINK_NONE)
											if (m_nCurIndexLink == m_nHoverIndexLink)
												si.nStyles = si.nHotStyles;
										} //if
										if (!m_bIsEnable)
											si.nStyles = (si.nStyles & 0xFF00) | IMAGE_EFFECT_MONOCHROME;
										//ENG: Drawing an image
										//RUS: ��������?�����������
										m_drawmanager.DrawBitmap(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, si.nWidth, si.nHeight, hBitmap, 
											si.bUseMask, si.crMask, si.nStyles, 
											m_szOffsetShadow.cx, m_szOffsetShadow.cy, 
											m_szDepthShadow.cx, m_szDepthShadow.cy, 
									} //if
									//ENG: Moves to a right of the outputed image
									//RUS: ����������? ������ �� ����������?�����������
									ptOutput.x += sz.cx; //si.nWidth;
									//ENG: If needed delete a handle of an image
									//RUS: ���� ���������� ������� ���������� �����������
									if (bAutoDelete)
								} //if
							} //if
						case TAG_ICON:
							//Draws the icon
							//ENG: Default Parameters
							//RUS: ��������?�� ��������?
							si.nIdRes = 0;
							si.nIdDll = 0;
							si.nHandle = 0;
							si.nWidth = 100;
							si.bPercentWidth = TRUE;
							si.nHeight = 100;
							si.bPercentHeight = TRUE;
							si.nStyles = 0;
							si.nHotStyles = 0;
							//ENG: Searching image parameters
							//RUS: ����?���������� �����������
							AnalyseImageParam(sProperties, si);
							//ENG: If a image's source was specified
							//RUS: ���� ������ �������� �����������
							if (si.nIdRes || si.nIdDll || si.nHandle || !si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
								//ENG: Sets a autodelete flag of the image object
								//RUS: ���������� ���� ��������������?������? ������?�����������
								bAutoDelete = TRUE;
								//RUS: �������� ��������?������ ������
								sz.cx = si.nWidth;
								sz.cy = si.nHeight;
								if (si.bPercentWidth) sz.cx = ::MulDiv(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), si.nWidth, 100);
								if (si.bPercentHeight) sz.cy = ::MulDiv(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), si.nHeight, 100);
								//ENG: Gets a handle of the image
								//RUS: �������� ���������� �����������
								if (si.nIdRes)
									hIcon = GetIconFromResources(si.nIdRes, sz.cx, sz.cy);
								else if (!si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
									hIcon = GetIconFromFile(si.strSrcFile, sz.cx, sz.cy);
								else if (si.nIdDll)
									hIcon = GetIconFromDll(si.nIdDll, sz.cx, sz.cy, si.strPathDll);
								else if (si.nHandle)
									hIcon = (HICON)si.nHandle;
									//ENG: If an image handle specified, disables autodelete
									//RUS: ���� ������ ���������� �����������, �� ��������?��������
									bAutoDelete = FALSE;
								} //if
								//ENG: If a handle of an image was retrieved
								//RUS: ���� ���������� ����������� ������?
								if (NULL != hIcon)
									//ENG: Image with shadow or not?
									//RUS: ����������??����?��?��?
									BOOL bShadow = IsImageWithShadow(si);
									//ENG: Retrieves an original size of an image
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ������ �����������
									m_drawmanager.GetSizeOfIcon(hIcon, &sz);
									si.nWidth = sz.cx;
									si.nHeight = sz.cy;
									//ENG: Retrieves an output size
									//RUS: �������� ������?��� ���������
									//									if (si.bPercentWidth) si.nWidth = ::MulDiv(sz.cx, si.nWidth, 100);
									//									if (si.bPercentHeight) si.nHeight = ::MulDiv(sz.cy, si.nHeight, 100);
									//ENG: If a shadow was enabled then set a real size
									//RUS: ���� ���� ��������, �� ������������?�������� ������
									if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && bShadow)
										sz.cx = si.nWidth + m_szOffsetShadow.cx;
										sz.cy = si.nHeight + m_szOffsetShadow.cy;
									} //if

									int nMaxSize = nTextWrapWidth - ptOutput.x + m_rcOutput.left;
									if (m_nMaxWidth && ((nMaxSize - sz.cx) < 0) && nTextWrapWidth) 
										//ENG: Not all text was printed (cause text wrap) 
										//RUS: �� ��� ������ ��?�������� (?������ �������� ������)
										m_hline.bWrappedLine = TRUE;
										Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);
										nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
										nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
										nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
									} //if
									nRealWidth -= sz.cx;
									//ENG: Store a last horizontal alignment
									//RUS: ���������� ��������?�������������� ������������
									if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) 
										m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign;
									//ENG: Retrieves a vertical coordinates of drawing area
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ���������� ������?���������
									y = VerticalAlignImage(ptOutput.y, si.nHeight);
									//ENG: If an image is exist and not prepare mode
									//RUS: ���� ����������?�������� ?�� ���������� ����?����������
									if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass))
										//ENG: Add an output area to hyperlink list if needed
										//RUS: ���� ���������� ��������� ������?������ ?������ ����������?
										StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + sz.cx, y + sz.cy);
										//ENG: If a mouse over an image then applies a hot styles
										//RUS: ���� ���� ��?������������, �� ��������� �������������� ����?
										if (m_defStyle.nTypeLink != LINK_NONE)
											if (m_nCurIndexLink == m_nHoverIndexLink)
												si.nStyles = si.nHotStyles;
										} //if
										if (!m_bIsEnable)
											si.nStyles = (si.nStyles & 0xFF00) | IMAGE_EFFECT_MONOCHROME;
										//ENG: Drawing an image
										//RUS: ��������?�����������
										m_drawmanager.DrawIcon(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, si.nWidth, si.nHeight, hIcon, si.nStyles, 
											m_szOffsetShadow.cx, m_szOffsetShadow.cy, 
											m_szDepthShadow.cx, m_szDepthShadow.cy, 
									} //if
									//ENG: Moves to a right of the outputed image
									//RUS: ����������? ������ �� ����������?�����������
									ptOutput.x += sz.cx; //si.nWidth;
									//ENG: If needed delete a handle of an image
									//RUS: ���� ���������� ������� ���������� �����������
									if (bAutoDelete) 
								} //if
							} //if
						case TAG_IMAGELIST:
							//Draws the icon from image list
							//ENG: Default Parameters
							//RUS: ��������?�� ��������?
							si.nIndexImageList = 0;
							si.nIdRes = 0;
							si.nIdDll = 0;
							si.nHandle = 0;
							si.nWidth = 100;
							si.bPercentWidth = TRUE;
							si.nHeight = 100;
							si.bPercentHeight = TRUE;
							si.nSpeed = 0;
							si.bUseMask = FALSE;
							si.crMask = RGB(255, 0, 255);
							si.cx = 0;//GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
							si.cy = 0;//GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
							si.nStyles = 0;
							si.nHotStyles = 0;
							//ENG: Searching image parameters
							//RUS: ����?���������� �����������
							AnalyseImageParam(sProperties, si);
							//ENG: Image with shadow or not?
							//RUS: ����������??����?��?��?
							bShadow = IsImageWithShadow(si);
							if (si.nIdRes || si.nIdDll || si.nHandle || !si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
								//ENG: Sets a autodelete flag of the image object
								//RUS: ���������� ���� ��������������?������? ������?�����������
								bAutoDelete = TRUE;
								//ENG: Gets a handle of the image
								//RUS: �������� ���������� �����������
								if (si.nIdRes)
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromResources(si.nIdRes);
								else if (!si.strSrcFile.IsEmpty())
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromFile(si.strSrcFile);
								else if (si.nIdDll)
									hBitmap = GetBitmapFromDll(si.nIdDll, si.strPathDll);
								else if (si.nHandle)
									hBitmap = (HBITMAP)si.nHandle;
									//ENG: If an image handle specified, disables autodelete
									//RUS: ���� ������ ���������� �����������, �� ��������?��������
									bAutoDelete = FALSE;
								} //if
								//ENG: If a handle of an image was retrieved
								//RUS: ���� ���������� ����������� ������?
								if (NULL != hBitmap)
									//ENG: Retrieves an original size of an image
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ������ �����������
									m_drawmanager.GetSizeOfBitmap(hBitmap, &sz);

									//ENG: Creates a no specified sizes
									//RUS: ������?���������� ������?
									if (!si.cx && !si.cy)
										si.cx = si.cy = min(sz.cx, sz.cy);
									else if (!si.cx)
										si.cx = si.cy;
									else if (!si.cy)
										si.cy = si.cx;
									//ENG: Retrieves an output size
									//RUS: �������� ������?��� ���������
									if (si.bPercentWidth) si.nWidth = ::MulDiv(si.cx, si.nWidth, 100);
									if (si.bPercentHeight) si.nHeight = ::MulDiv(si.cy, si.nHeight, 100);
									//ENG: If a shadow was enabled then set a real size
									//RUS: ���� ���� ��������, �� ������������?�������� ������
									szReal.cx = si.nWidth;
									szReal.cy = si.nHeight;
									if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && bShadow)
										szReal.cx += m_szOffsetShadow.cx;
										szReal.cy += m_szOffsetShadow.cy;
									} //if
									//ENG: Gets a max columns and rows of the images on the bitmap
									//RUS: �������� ������������ ����?������??����?����������?�� ��������
									nMaxCol = sz.cx / si.cx;
									nMaxRow = sz.cy / si.cy;
									if (si.nSpeed)
										if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
											sa.nIndex = si.nIndexImageList;
											sa.nMaxImages = nMaxCol * nMaxRow;
											sa.nSpeed = si.nSpeed;
											sa.nTimerCount = 0;
										else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
											m_nCurIndexAni ++;
											sa = m_arrAni [m_nCurIndexAni];
											si.nIndexImageList = sa.nIndex;
										} //if
									} //if
									//ENG: If a specified index of image is a legitimate value
									//RUS: ���� ��������?������ ����������� ��������
									if ((si.nIndexImageList < (int)(nMaxCol * nMaxRow)) && nMaxCol && nMaxRow)
										int nMaxSize = nTextWrapWidth - ptOutput.x + m_rcOutput.left;
										if (m_nMaxWidth && ((nMaxSize - szReal.cx) < 0) && nTextWrapWidth) 
											//ENG: Not all text was printed (cause text wrap) 
											//RUS: �� ��� ������ ��?�������� (?������ �������� ������)
											m_hline.bWrappedLine = TRUE;
											Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);
											nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
											nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
											nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
										} //if
										nRealWidth -= szReal.cx;
										//ENG: Store a last horizontal alignment
										//RUS: ���������� ��������?�������������� ������������
										if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) 
											m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign;
										//ENG: Retrieves a vertical coordinates of drawing area
										//RUS: �������� ������������ ���������� ������?���������
										y = VerticalAlignImage(ptOutput.y, szReal.cy);
										//ENG: If an image is exist and not prepare mode
										//RUS: ���� ����������?�������� ?�� ���������� ����?����������
										if (si.nWidth && si.nHeight && (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass))
											//ENG: Add an output area to hyperlink list if needed
											//RUS: ���� ���������� ��������� ������?������ ?������ ����������?
											StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + szReal.cx, y + szReal.cy);
											//ENG: If a mouse over an image then applies a hot styles
											//RUS: ���� ���� ��?������������, �� ��������� �������������� ����?
											if (m_defStyle.nTypeLink != LINK_NONE)
												if (m_nCurIndexLink == m_nHoverIndexLink)
													si.nStyles = si.nHotStyles;
											} //if
											if (!m_bIsEnable)
												si.nStyles = (si.nStyles & 0xFF00) | IMAGE_EFFECT_MONOCHROME;
											//ENG: Drawing an image
											//RUS: ��������?�����������
											m_drawmanager.DrawImageList(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, si.nWidth, si.nHeight, hBitmap,
												si.nIndexImageList, si.cx, si.cy,
												si.bUseMask, si.crMask, si.nStyles, 
												m_szOffsetShadow.cx, m_szOffsetShadow.cy, 
												m_szDepthShadow.cx, m_szDepthShadow.cy, 
										} //if
										//ENG: Moves to a right of the outputed image
										//RUS: ����������? ������ �� ����������?�����������
										ptOutput.x += szReal.cx;
									} //if
									//ENG: If needed delete a handle of an image
									//RUS: ���� ���������� ������� ���������� �����������
									if (bAutoDelete)
								} //if
							else if (NULL != m_hImageList)
								// Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded. 

								if ((int)si.nIndexImageList < ImageList_GetImageCount(m_hImageList))
									hIcon = ImageList_ExtractIcon(NULL, m_hImageList, si.nIndexImageList);
									if (NULL != hIcon)
										sz.cx = si.nWidth;
										sz.cy = si.nHeight;
										if (si.bPercentWidth) sz.cx = ::MulDiv(m_szImageList.cx, si.nWidth, 100);
										if (si.bPercentHeight) sz.cy = ::MulDiv(m_szImageList.cy, si.nHeight, 100);
										szReal.cx = sz.cx;
										szReal.cy = sz.cy;
										if (sz.cx && sz.cy && bShadow)
											szReal.cx += m_szOffsetShadow.cx;
											szReal.cy += m_szOffsetShadow.cy;
										} //if
										int nMaxSize = nTextWrapWidth - ptOutput.x + m_rcOutput.left;
										if (m_nMaxWidth && ((nMaxSize - szReal.cx) < 0) && nTextWrapWidth) 
											//ENG: Not all text was printed (cause text wrap) 
											//RUS: �� ��� ������ ��?�������� (?������ �������� ������)
											m_hline.bWrappedLine = TRUE;
											Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);
											nBeginLineX = ptOutput.x;
											nSpacesInLine = m_hline.nSpaceChars;
											nRealWidth = m_hline.nWidthLine;
										} //if
										nRealWidth -= sz.cx;

										if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) 
											m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign; //Store a last horizontal alignment
										y = VerticalAlignImage(ptOutput.y, szReal.cy);
										if (sz.cx && sz.cy && (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass))
											StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + szReal.cx, y + szReal.cy);
											if (m_defStyle.nTypeLink != LINK_NONE)
												if (m_nCurIndexLink == m_nHoverIndexLink)
													si.nStyles = si.nHotStyles;
											} //if
											if (!m_bIsEnable)
												si.nStyles = (si.nStyles & 0xFF00) | IMAGE_EFFECT_MONOCHROME;
											m_drawmanager.DrawIcon(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, 
												sz.cx, sz.cy, hIcon, si.nStyles, 
												m_szOffsetShadow.cx, m_szOffsetShadow.cy, 
												m_szDepthShadow.cx, m_szDepthShadow.cy, 
										} //if
										ptOutput.x += szReal.cx;
									} //if
								} //if
							} //if
						case TAG_STRING:
							//Draws the string
							nIdRes = 0;
							nIdDll = 0;
							while (nIndex < sProperties.GetLength())
								//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
								//RUS: ����?���������� ����
								sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, nIndex, sParameter);
								//ENG: If a parameter was found
								//RUS: ���� �������� ������
								if (!sParameter.IsEmpty())
									if (sParameter == _T("idres"))
										nIdRes = GetLengthUnit(sValue, nIdRes);
									else if (sParameter == _T("iddll"))
										nIdRes = GetLengthUnit(sValue, nIdDll);
									else if (sParameter == _T("srcdll"))
										sText = GetStyleString(sValue, sText);
								} //if
							} //while
							if (nIdRes || nIdDll)
								if (nIdRes)
									sText = GetStringFromResource(nIdRes);
								else if (nIdDll)
									sText = GetStringFromDll(nIdDll, sText);
								if (!sText.IsEmpty())
									::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sText, sText.GetLength(), &sz);
									if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass) m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign; //Store a last horizontal alignment
									y = VerticalAlignText(ptOutput.y, sz.cy);
									if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
										StoreHyperlinkArea(ptOutput.x, y, ptOutput.x + sz.cx, y + sz.cy);
										::TextOut(m_hDC, ptOutput.x, y, sText, sText.GetLength());
									} //if
									ptOutput.x += sz.cx;
								} //if
							} //if
						} //switch
					} //if
				} //if
		} //if
	} //for
	if (nBeginLineX != ptOutput.x)
		m_hline.bWrappedLine = FALSE;
		Tag_NewLine(&ptOutput, 1, &szTextArea);

	//ENG: Reset an additional interval for space chars
	//RUS: ����?��������������?��������?����?������?
	::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, 0, 0);

	szTextArea.cy = ptOutput.y - lpRect->top;

	//Adds the percent's length to the line's length
	for (i = nFirstLine; i < m_nCurLine; i++)
		m_hline = m_arrHtmlLine [i];
		if (0 != m_hline.nAddPercentWidth)
			m_hline.nWidthLine += ::MulDiv(m_hline.nAddPercentWidth, szTextArea.cx, 100);
			szTextArea.cx = max(szTextArea.cx, m_hline.nWidthLine);
		} //if
	} //for
//	if (NULL != lpSize)
//	{
//		szTextArea.cx = m_szOutput.cx;
//		szTextArea.cy = m_szOutput.cy;
//	} //if
	return szTextArea;
} //End DrawHtmlString

void CPPHtmlDrawer::StoreHyperlinkArea(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
	if (m_defStyle.nTypeLink != LINK_NONE)
		link.rcArea.left = left;
		link.rcArea.top = top;
		link.rcArea.right = right;
		link.rcArea.bottom = bottom;
		link.sHyperlink = m_defStyle.sHyperlink;
		link.nTypeLink = m_defStyle.nTypeLink;
		link.nIndexLink = m_nCurIndexLink;
	} //if
} //StoreHyperlinkArea

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SelectNewHtmlStyle(LPCTSTR lpszNameStyle, STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE & cs)
	//Unpack a new styles
	UnpackTextStyle(GetTextStyle(lpszNameStyle), cs);

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::StoreRestoreStyle(BOOL bRestore)
	if (bRestore)
		//Restore styles
		if (m_arrStack.size() > 0)
			STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE cs = m_arrStack.back();
			if (cs.strTag == m_defStyle.strTag)
				m_defStyle = cs;
				bOk = TRUE;
			} //if
		} //if
		bOk = TRUE;
	} //if

	return bOk;
} //End StoreRestoreStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::UpdateContext()
	::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hOldFont);
	m_lfDefault.lfHeight = m_defStyle.nSizeFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfWeight = m_defStyle.nWeightFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfItalic = m_defStyle.bItalicFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfStrikeOut = m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont;
	m_lfDefault.lfUnderline = m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont;
	_tcscpy (m_lfDefault.lfFaceName, m_defStyle.sFaceFont);
	m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&m_lfDefault);
	m_hOldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hFont);
	::GetTextMetrics(m_hDC, &m_tm);
	::SetBkMode(m_hDC, m_defStyle.nBkMode);
	::SetTextColor(m_hDC, m_defStyle.crText);
	::SetBkColor(m_hDC, m_defStyle.crBkgnd);
} //End UpdateContext

int CPPHtmlDrawer::VerticalAlignText(int y, int nHeight)
	//Vertical align
	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		//If calculate then don't output text
		m_hline.nDescentLine = max(m_hline.nDescentLine, nHeight - m_tm.tmAscent);
		m_hline.nHeightLine = max(m_hline.nHeightLine, m_tm.tmAscent);
	else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
		switch (m_defStyle.nVertAlign)
			y += (m_hline.nHeightLine - m_tm.tmHeight) / 2;
			y += m_hline.nHeightLine - m_hline.nDescentLine - m_tm.tmAscent;
			y += m_hline.nHeightLine - m_tm.tmAscent;
		} //switch
	} //if
	return y;
} //End VerticalAlignText

int CPPHtmlDrawer::VerticalAlignImage(int y, int nHeight)
	//Vertical align
	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		//If calculate then don't output text
		m_hline.nHeightLine = max(m_hline.nHeightLine, nHeight);
	else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
		switch (m_defStyle.nVertAlign)
			y += (m_hline.nHeightLine - nHeight) / 2;
			y += m_hline.nHeightLine - m_hline.nDescentLine - nHeight;
			y += m_hline.nHeightLine - nHeight;
		} //switch
	} //if
	return y;
} //End VerticalAlignImage

void CPPHtmlDrawer::Tag_NewLine(LPPOINT lpPoint, int nNum, LPSIZE lpSize)
	//New line
	if (nNum <= 0)
		nNum = 1;

	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		if (!m_hline.nHeightLine)
			m_hline.nHeightLine = m_tm.tmHeight;
		lpSize->cx = max(lpSize->cx, lpPoint->x - m_rcOutput.left);
		m_hline.nWidthLine = lpPoint->x - m_rcOutput.left; //Adds the real length of the lines
		m_hline.nHeightLine += m_hline.nDescentLine; //Adds the real height of the lines
		m_arrHtmlLine [m_nCurLine] = m_hline;
	} //if
	m_nCurLine ++;

	lpPoint->y += m_hline.nHeightLine * nNum;
	lpPoint->x = InitNewLine(m_rcOutput.left);	
} //End Tag_NewLine

int CPPHtmlDrawer::InitNewLine(int x)
	if (MODE_FIRSTPASS == m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: Creates a new line with default parameters
		//RUS: �������� ����?����??����������?��-��������?
		m_hline.nAddPercentWidth = 0;
		m_hline.nDescentLine = 0;
		m_hline.nHeightLine = 0;
		m_hline.nWidthLine = 0;
		m_hline.nHorzAlign = m_defStyle.nHorzAlign;
		m_hline.nSpaceChars = 0;
	else if (MODE_DRAW == m_nNumPass)
		//ENG: Gets the data of the first line and converts the percent value to the real width
		//RUS: �������� ������ ������ ������ ?����������?���������� ������ ?��������
		m_hline = m_arrHtmlLine [m_nCurLine];
		int nRealWidth = m_rcOutput.right - m_rcOutput.left;
		if (m_hline.nAddPercentWidth)
			m_hline.nWidthLine += ::MulDiv(nRealWidth, m_hline.nAddPercentWidth, 100);

		if ((ALIGN_JUSTIFY == m_hline.nHorzAlign) && m_hline.bWrappedLine)
			::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, nRealWidth - m_hline.nWidthLine, m_hline.nSpaceChars);
			::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, 0, 0);
		//ENG: Horizontal coordinate of the begin output
		//RUS: ���������� ������ ������ ?������ ����������?
		switch (m_hline.nHorzAlign)
			x = m_rcOutput.left + (nRealWidth - m_hline.nWidthLine) / 2;
			x = m_rcOutput.left + nRealWidth - m_hline.nWidthLine;
		} //switch
	} //if
	return x;
} //End of InitNewLine

void CPPHtmlDrawer::Tag_Tabulation(LPPOINT lpPoint, int nNum)
	if (!nNum)
		nNum = 1;
	int nWidth = (lpPoint->x - m_rcOutput.left) % m_nTabSize;
	if (nWidth)
		//aligns with tab
		lpPoint->x += m_nTabSize - nWidth;
		nNum --;
	} //if
	lpPoint->x += (nNum * m_nTabSize);
} //End Tag_Tabulation


void CPPHtmlDrawer::Draw(HDC hDC, LPCTSTR lpszHtml, LPPOINT lpPoint)
	//ENG: Preparing an output text
	//RUS: ���������� ������ ?������
	SIZE size;
	PrepareOutput(hDC, lpszHtml, &size);

	//ENG: If output was disabled
	//RUS: ���� ����?��������
	if (!size.cx || !size.cy)
	//ENG: Calculates an output area
	//RUS: ������?������?������
	RECT rect;
	rect.left = lpPoint->x;
	rect.top = lpPoint->y;
	rect.right = rect.left + size.cx;
	rect.bottom = rect.top + size.cy;
	//ENG: Output a prepared text
	//RUS: ����?��������������?������
	DrawPreparedOutput(hDC, &rect);
} //End Draw

void CPPHtmlDrawer::PrepareOutput(HDC hDC, LPCTSTR lpszHtml, LPSIZE lpSize)
	//ENG: Copy initial parameters
	//RUS: ����������?��������?����������
	m_hDC = hDC;

	//ENG: Reset text justification
	::SetTextJustification(m_hDC, 0, 0);

	RECT rect;
	rect.left = rect.right = rect.top = rect.bottom = 0;
//	if (m_bIsTextWrapEnabled)
		rect.right = m_nMaxWidth;
	m_csHtmlText = lpszHtml;
	lpSize->cx = lpSize->cy = 0;
	//ENG: If prepared text wasn't empty then return
	//RUS: ���� �������������� ����?�� ������, �� ����?
	if (!m_csHtmlText.IsEmpty())
		//ENG: Sets a prepare mode
		//RUS: ������������?����?����������
		m_nNumPass = MODE_FIRSTPASS;


		//ENG: Prepares to real output
		//RUS: ���������� ?��������?������
		DrawHtml(lpSize, &rect);

		if (!lpSize->cx && !lpSize->cy)

		//Cuts a tooltip if his real width more than m_nMaxWidth
		if (m_nMaxWidth/*m_bIsTextWrapEnabled*/ && (lpSize->cx > m_nMaxWidth))
			lpSize->cx = m_nMaxWidth;
		lpSize->cx ++;
		lpSize->cy ++;
	} //if
} //End PrepareOutput

// CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawPreparedOutput()
//		Draw a string prepared by PrepareOutput method.
// Parameters:
//		hDC				- Device Context to drawing 
//		lpRect			- Pointer to RECT structure contains a bounding rectangle of
//						  drawing area.
void CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawPreparedOutput(HDC hDC, LPCRECT lpRect)
	//ENG: If prepared text was empty then return
	//RUS: ���� �������������� ����?������, �� ����?
	if (m_csHtmlText.IsEmpty())

	//ENG: Copy initial parameters
	//RUS: ����������?��������?����������
	m_hDC = hDC;
	SIZE size = {0, 0};

	//ENG: Sets a output mode
	//RUS: ������������?����?������
	m_nNumPass = MODE_DRAW;

	RECT rect = *lpRect;
//	if (((rect.right - rect.left) > m_nMaxWidth) && m_bIsTextWrapEnabled)
//		rect.right = rect.left + m_nMaxWidth;

	//ENG: Real output the prepared string
	//RUS: ����?�������������� ������
	DrawHtml(&size, &rect);
} //End of DrawPreparedOutput

// The following appeared in Paul DiLascia's Jan 1998 MSJ articles.
// It loads a "hand" cursor from the winhlp32.exe module
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetDefaultCursor()
	if (m_hLinkCursor == NULL)                // No cursor handle - load our own
#ifdef IDC_HAND
		//This code was added from Zorglab's comments to hyperlink control from Chris Maunder
		m_hLinkCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); // Load Windows' hand cursor
		if (m_hLinkCursor != NULL)                    // if not available, load it from winhlp32.exe
#endif //IDC_HAND
		// Get the windows directory
        CPPString strWndDir;
        GetWindowsDirectory(strWndDir.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH);

        strWndDir += _T("\\winhlp32.exe");
        // This retrieves cursor #106 from winhlp32.exe, which is a hand pointer
        HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(strWndDir);
        if (hModule) 
            HCURSOR hHandCursor = ::LoadCursor(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(106));
            if (hHandCursor)
                m_hLinkCursor = CopyCursor(hHandCursor);
        } //if
    } //if
} //End SetDefaultCursor

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetHyperlinkCursor(HCURSOR hCursor /* = NULL */)
	if ((m_hLinkCursor == hCursor) && (NULL != m_hLinkCursor))

	if (NULL != m_hLinkCursor)
		m_hLinkCursor = NULL;
	} //if

    if (NULL == hCursor)
		m_hLinkCursor = hCursor;
} //End SetHyperlinkCursor

HCURSOR CPPHtmlDrawer::GetHyperlinkCursor() const
    return m_hLinkCursor;
} //End GetHyperlinkCursor

// CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCallbackHyperlink
// This function sets or removes the notification messages from the control before display.
// Parameters:
//	hWnd [in] -    If non-NULL the control will be send the notification 
//				   to specified window
//				   Else the notification will not send
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCallbackHyperlink(HWND hWnd, UINT nMessage, LPARAM lParam /* = 0 */)
//	TRACE(_T("CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCallbackHyperlink()\n"));

	m_csCallbackLink.hWnd = hWnd;
	if (NULL == hWnd)
		m_csCallbackLink.nMessage = 0;
		m_csCallbackLink.lParam = 0;
		m_csCallbackLink.nMessage = nMessage;
		m_csCallbackLink.lParam = lParam;
	} //if
} //End SetCallbackHyperlink

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCallbackRepaint(HWND hWnd, UINT nMessage, LPARAM lParam /* = 0 */)
//	TRACE(_T("CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCallbackRepaint()\n"));

	m_csCallbackRepaint.hWnd = hWnd;
	if (NULL == hWnd)
		m_csCallbackRepaint.nMessage = 0;
		m_csCallbackRepaint.lParam = 0;
		m_csCallbackRepaint.nMessage = nMessage;
		m_csCallbackRepaint.lParam = lParam;
	} //if
} //End SetCallbackRepaint

//  CPPToolTip::SetImageList (public member function)
//    sets the image list to tooltip
//  Parameters :
//		nIdBitmap	[in] - Resource IDs of the bitmap to be associated with the image list
//		cx			[in] - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
//		cy			[in] - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
//		nCount		[in] - Number of images that the image list initially contains.
//		crMask		[in] - Color used to generate a mask. Each pixel of this color in the 
//						   specified bitmap is changed to black, and the corresponding 
//						   bit in the mask is set to one.
//  Returns :
//		None
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetImageList(UINT nIdBitmap, int cx, int cy, int nCount, COLORREF crMask /* = RGB(255, 0, 255) */)
	// Load bitmap
	HBITMAP hBitmap = GetBitmapFromResources(nIdBitmap);
	SetImageList(hBitmap, cx, cy, nCount, crMask);
} //End SetImageList

//  CPPToolTip::SetImageList (public member function)
//    sets the image list to tooltip
//  Parameters :
//		hBitmap		[in] - Handle of the bitmap to be associated with the image list
//		cx			[in] - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
//		cy			[in] - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
//		nCount		[in] - Number of images that the image list initially contains.
//		crMask		[in] - Color used to generate a mask. Each pixel of this color in the 
//						   specified bitmap is changed to black, and the corresponding 
//						   bit in the mask is set to one.
//  Returns :
//		None
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetImageList(HBITMAP hBitmap, int cx, int cy, int nCount, COLORREF crMask /* = RGB(255, 0, 255) */)
	//ENG: Removes previously image list
	//RUS: ������� ���������� ������ ����������?
	if (NULL != m_hImageList)

	//ENG: If don't need to create a new image list
	//RUS: ���� �� ����?��������?����?������ ����������?
	if (NULL == hBitmap)

	// Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded. 
	m_hImageList = ImageList_Create(cx, cy, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, nCount, 1);
	ImageList_AddMasked(m_hImageList, hBitmap, crMask);
	m_szImageList.cx = cx;
	m_szImageList.cy = cy;
} //End SetImageList

//  CPPToolTip::GetImageList (public member function)
//    gets the image list from tooltip
//  Parameters :
//		sz		   [out] - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
//  Returns :
//		A pointer to a CImageList object
//CImageList * CPPHtmlDrawer::GetImageList(CSize & sz)
//	sz = m_szImageList;
//	return &m_ImageList;
//} //End GetImageList

void CPPHtmlDrawer::EnableEscapeSequences(BOOL bEnable /* = TRUE */)
	m_bEnableEscapeSequences = bEnable;

void CPPHtmlDrawer::LoadResourceDll(LPCTSTR lpszPathDll, DWORD dwFlags /* = 0 */)
	if (NULL != lpszPathDll)
		hInst = ::LoadLibraryEx(lpszPathDll, NULL, dwFlags);

	if (NULL != hInst)
		m_bFreeInstDll = TRUE;
} //End LoadResourceDll

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetResourceDll(HINSTANCE hInstDll /* = NULL */)
	if (NULL != m_hInstDll)
		if (!m_bFreeInstDll)
		m_hInstDll = NULL;
	} //if

	m_bFreeInstDll = FALSE;

	if (NULL != hInstDll)
		m_hInstDll = hInstDll;
} //End SetResourceDll

CPPDrawManager * CPPHtmlDrawer::GetDrawManager()
	return &m_drawmanager;
} //End GetDrawManager

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::IsImageWithShadow(_STRUCT_IMAGE & si)
	DWORD dwStyles = si.nStyles | si.nHotStyles;
	if ((dwStyles & IMAGE_EFFECT_MONO_SHADOW) || 
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

// Map of the styles
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetDefaultCssStyles()
	CPPString str = _T("");
	str += _T("body {font-size: 10pt; color:black; font-family:Verdana}\r\n");
	str += _T("p {font-size: 10pt; color:black; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h1 {font-size: 14pt; color:black; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h2 {font-size: 13pt; color:#ff9900; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h3 {font-size: 12pt; color:#ff9900; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h4 {font-size: 10pt; color:black; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h5 {font-size: 9pt; color:#ff9900; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold}\r\n");
	str += _T("h6 {font-size: 65%; color:#626262; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:normal}\r\n");
	str += _T("pre {font-size: 9pt; font-family:\"Courier\"; background-color:#fbedbb}\r\n");
	str += _T("code {color:#990000; font-family:Arial}\r\n");
	str += _T("a:link {text-decoration:none; color:blue}\r\n");
	str += _T("a:hover {text-decoration:underline; color:blue}\r\n");
	str += _T("sub {font-size:65%; vertical-align:bottom}\r\n");
	str += _T("sup {font-size:65%; vertical-align:top}\r\n");
	str += _T("big {font-size:125%}\r\n");
	str += _T("small {font-size:75%}\r\n");
	str += _T(".cpp-comment {color:green; font-style:italic}\r\n");
//	str += _T("td {text-align:center; color:#ff0000; vertical-align:middle}\r\n");
//	str += _T("table {padding:2; border-width:1; color:red}\r\n");

} //End SetDefaultCssStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCssStyles(DWORD dwIdCssString, LPCTSTR lpszPathDll /* = NULL */)
	CPPString str;
	if (NULL == lpszPathDll)
		str = GetStringFromResource(dwIdCssString);
		str = GetStringFromDll(dwIdCssString, lpszPathDll);
} //End SetCssStyles

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetCssStyles(LPCTSTR lpszCssString /* = NULL */)
	m_mapStyles.clear(); //removes previously styles

	if (NULL == lpszCssString)
		CPPString str = (CPPString)lpszCssString;
		m_strCssStyles = str;
		CPPString strName;
		CPPString strProperty;
		int nBegin;
		TCHAR chSymbol;
		int nIndex = 0;
		while (nIndex < str.GetLength())
			//Passes a space in begin string
			if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(str, nIndex))
				nBegin = nIndex;
				//Searching end of the style name
				chSymbol = GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T(" {"));
				if ((nIndex > nBegin) && (0 != chSymbol))
					strName = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
					if (!strName.IsEmpty())
						if (chSymbol != _T(' '))
							nIndex --;
						chSymbol = GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T("{"));
						if (0 != chSymbol)
							nBegin = nIndex + 1;
							chSymbol = GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T("}"));
							if ((nIndex > nBegin) && (0 != chSymbol))
								strProperty = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
								SetTextStyle(strName, strProperty);
							} //if
						} //if
					} //if
				} //if
			} //if
		} //while
	} //if
} //End SetCssStyles

LPCTSTR CPPHtmlDrawer::GetCssStyles()
	return (LPCTSTR)m_strCssStyles;
} //End GetCssStyles

LPCTSTR CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTextStyle(LPCTSTR lpszStyleName)
	CPPString name = (CPPString)lpszStyleName;
	iter_mapStyles iterMap = m_mapStyles.find(name);
	if (iterMap != m_mapStyles.end())
		return (LPCTSTR)iterMap->second;

	//Not found
	return NULL;
} //End GetTextStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetTextStyle(LPCTSTR lpszStyleName, LPCTSTR lpszStyleValue)
	CPPString name = (CPPString)lpszStyleName;
	iter_mapStyles iterMap = m_mapStyles.find(name);
	if (iterMap != m_mapStyles.end())
		iterMap->second = (CPPString)lpszStyleValue;
		//Add new
		m_mapStyles.insert(std::make_pair(name, (CPPString)lpszStyleValue));
	} //if
} //End SetTextStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::RemoveTextStyle(LPCTSTR lpszStyleName)
	CPPString name = (CPPString)lpszStyleName;
	iter_mapStyles iterMap = m_mapStyles.find(name);
	if (iterMap == m_mapStyles.end())
		return; //item was not found
} //End RemoveTextStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::AddToTextStyle(LPCTSTR lpszStyleName, LPCTSTR lpszAddStyle)
} //End AddToTextStyle

void CPPHtmlDrawer::UnpackTextStyle(CPPString strStyle, _STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE & cs)
	//Gets a string
	if (strStyle.IsEmpty())

	CPPString strName;
	CPPString strParameter;

	int nBegin;
	TCHAR chSymbol;
	int nIndex = 0;
	CPPString str;

	while (nIndex < strStyle.GetLength())
		//Passes a space in begin string
		if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(strStyle, nIndex))
			nBegin = nIndex;
			//Searching end of the style name
			chSymbol = GetIndexNextChars(strStyle, nIndex, _T(" :"));
			if (0 != chSymbol)
				//Gets a property's name
				strName = strStyle.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);

				//Gets a property's value
				strParameter = GetParameterString(strStyle, nIndex, _T(':'));

				//Analyzing name
				if (strName == _T("font-size"))
					cs.nSizeFont = GetLengthUnit(strParameter, cs.nSizeFont, TRUE);
				else if (strName == _T("font-family"))
					if (!strParameter.IsEmpty())
						cs.sFaceFont = strParameter;
				else if (strName == _T("font-style"))
					cs.bItalicFont = GetStyleFontStyle(strParameter, cs.bItalicFont);
				else if (strName == _T("font-weight"))
					cs.nWeightFont = GetStyleFontWeight(strParameter, cs.nWeightFont);
				else if (strName == _T("text-align"))
					cs.nHorzAlign = GetStyleHorzAlign(strParameter, cs.nHorzAlign);
				else if (strName == _T("text-transform"))
					cs.nTextTransform = GetStyleTextTransform(strParameter, cs.nTextTransform);
				else if (strName == _T("color"))
					if (m_bIsEnable)
						cs.crText = GetStyleColor(strParameter, cs.crText);
						cs.crText = GetColorByName(_T(""));
				else if (strName == _T("background-color"))
					if (((strParameter == _T("transparent")) && strParameter.IsEmpty()) || !m_bIsEnable)
						cs.nBkMode = TRANSPARENT;
						cs.nBkMode = OPAQUE;
						cs.crBkgnd = GetStyleColor(strParameter, cs.crBkgnd);
					} //if
				else if (strName == _T("text-decoration"))
					StyleTextDecoration(strParameter, cs);
				else if (strName == _T("vertical-align"))
					cs.nVertAlign = GetStyleVertAlign(strParameter, cs.nVertAlign);
				else if (strName == _T("border-color"))
					if (m_bIsEnable)
						cs.crBorderLight = GetStyleColor(strParameter, cs.crBorderLight);
						cs.crBorderLight = GetColorByName(_T(""));
					cs.crBorderDark = cs.crBorderLight;
				else if ((strName == _T("border-width")) || (strName == _T("size")))
					cs.nBorderWidth = StyleBorderWidth(strParameter, cs.nBorderWidth);
					if (!cs.nBorderWidth)
						cs.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL;
					else if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL == cs.nBorderStyle)
						cs.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_SOLID;
				else if (strName == _T("border-style"))
					cs.nBorderStyle = StyleBorder(strParameter, cs.nBorderStyle);
					if ((CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL != cs.nBorderStyle) && !cs.nBorderWidth)
						cs.nBorderWidth = 1;
				else if (strName == _T("margin"))
					cs.nMargin = GetLengthUnit(strParameter, cs.nMargin);
				else if (strName == _T("padding"))
					cs.nPadding = GetLengthUnit(strParameter, cs.nPadding);
				} //if
			} //if
		} //if
	} //while
} //End UnpackTextStyle

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleFontStyle(CPPString & str, BOOL bDefault)
	if ((str == _T("normal")) || str.IsEmpty())
		bDefault = FALSE;
	else if ((str == _T("italic")) || (str == _T("oblique"))) 
		bDefault = TRUE;
	} //if

	return bDefault;
} //End GetStyleFontStyle

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleFontWeight(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if ((str == _T("normal")) || str.IsEmpty())
		nDefault = FW_NORMAL;
	else if (str == _T("bold"))
		nDefault = FW_BOLD;
	else if (str == _T("bolder"))
		nDefault = 900;
	else if (str == _T("lighter"))
		nDefault = 100;
		nDefault = _ttoi(str);
	} //if

	return nDefault;
} //End GetStyleFontWeight

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleHorzAlign(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if ((str == _T("left")) || str.IsEmpty())
		nDefault = ALIGN_LEFT;
	else if (str == _T("center"))
		nDefault = ALIGN_CENTER;
	else if (str == _T("right"))
		nDefault = ALIGN_RIGHT;

	return nDefault;
} //End GetStyleHorzAlign

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleVertAlign(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if ((str == _T("baseline")) || str.IsEmpty())
		nDefault = ALIGN_BASELINE;
	else if ((str == _T("middle")) || (str == _T("vcenter")))
		nDefault = ALIGN_VCENTER;
	else if (str == _T("top"))
		nDefault = ALIGN_TOP;
	else if (str == _T("bottom"))
		nDefault = ALIGN_BOTTOM;
	return nDefault;
} //End GetStyleVertAlign

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleTextTransform(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if ((str == _T("none")) || str.IsEmpty())
	else if (str == _T("uppercase"))
	else if (str == _T("lowercase"))
	else if (str == _T("capitalize"))
	return nDefault;

COLORREF CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleColor(CPPString & str, COLORREF crDefault)
//	if (!m_bIsEnable)
//		return GetColorByName(_T(""));
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		if (str.GetAt(0) == _T('#'))
			if (str.GetLength() == 7)
				CPPString strHex = _T("0x");
				strHex += str.Mid(5, 2);
				strHex += str.Mid(3, 2);
				strHex += str.Mid(1, 2);
				crDefault = (COLORREF)_tcstoul(strHex, 0, 0);
			} //if
		else if ((str.GetAt(0) >= '0') && (str.GetAt(0) <= '9'))
			crDefault = (COLORREF)_tcstoul(str, 0, 0);
			crDefault = GetColorByName(str, crDefault);
	} //if 

	return crDefault;
} //End GetStyleColor

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetLengthUnit(CPPString & str, int nDefault, BOOL bFont /* = FALSE */)
	if (str.IsEmpty())
		return nDefault;
	if (IsPercentableValue(str))
		//Percent value
		int percent = _ttoi(str.Left(str.GetLength() - 1));
		return ::MulDiv(nDefault, percent, 100);
	} //if

	int nSign = 0;
	if (str.GetAt(0) == _T('+')) nSign = 1;
	else if (str.GetAt(0) == _T('-')) nSign = -1;
	if (0 != nSign) str = str.Right(str.GetLength() - 1);
	//ENG: This code fragment fixed by Reinhard Steiner(2004/10/20).
	int nValue = _ttoi(str);
	CPPString strUnit;
	if(str.GetLength() >= 2)
		strUnit = str.Right(2);

	if (strUnit == _T("px"))		nDefault = nValue;
	else if (strUnit == _T("ex"))
		SIZE szText;
		CPPString strText = _T("x");
		::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, strText, strText.GetLength(), &szText);
		nDefault = nValue * szText.cy;
	else if (strUnit == _T("em"))	nDefault = nValue * m_tm.tmHeight;
		//Gets pixel in inch
		nValue *= ::GetDeviceCaps(m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
		if (strUnit == _T("in"))		nDefault = nValue;
		else if (strUnit == _T("cm"))	nDefault = (int)((double)nValue / 2.54);
		else if (strUnit == _T("mm"))	nDefault = (int)((double)nValue / 25.4);
		else if (strUnit == _T("pt"))	nDefault = nValue / 72;
		else if (strUnit == _T("pc"))	nDefault = nValue / 6;
			nValue = _tcstoul(str, 0, 0);//_ttoi(str);
			if ((nValue > 0) && (nValue < 8) && bFont)
				int nSize [] = {8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36};
				nDefault = nSize [nValue - 1];
				nDefault = nValue;
			} //if
		} //if
	} //if
	return nDefault;
} //End GetLengthUnit

void CPPHtmlDrawer::StyleTextDecoration(CPPString & str, _STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE & cs)
	if (str.IsEmpty())
		str = _T("none");
	int nBegin = 0;
	int nEnd = 0;
	CPPString strTemp;
	while (nBegin < str.GetLength())
		if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(str, nBegin))
			nEnd = nBegin;
			GetIndexNextChars(str, nEnd, _T(" ,"));
			strTemp = str.Mid(nBegin, nEnd - nBegin);
			nBegin = nEnd;
			if (strTemp == _T("none"))
				cs.bUnderlineFont = FALSE;
				cs.bStrikeOutFont = FALSE;
				cs.bOverlineFont = FALSE;
			else if (strTemp == _T("underline"))
				cs.bUnderlineFont = TRUE;
			else if (strTemp == _T("line-through"))
				cs.bStrikeOutFont = TRUE;
			else if (strTemp == _T("overline"))
				cs.bOverlineFont = TRUE;
			}  //if
		} //if
	} //while
} //End StyleTextDecoration

int CPPHtmlDrawer::StyleBorderWidth(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if (str ==_T("thin"))		nDefault = ::MulDiv(75, nDefault, 100);
	else if (str ==_T("thick"))	nDefault = ::MulDiv(125, nDefault, 100);
	else if (str !=_T("medium"))nDefault = GetLengthUnit(str, nDefault);

	return nDefault;
} //End StyleBorderWidth

int CPPHtmlDrawer::StyleBorder(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if ((str == _T("none")) || str.IsEmpty()) nDefault = CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL;
	else if (str == _T("solid")) nDefault = CPPDrawManager::PEN_SOLID;
	else if (str == _T("dotted")) nDefault = CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOT;
	else if (str == _T("dashed")) nDefault = CPPDrawManager::PEN_DASH;
	else if (str == _T("double")) nDefault = CPPDrawManager::PEN_DOUBLE;

	return nDefault;
} //End StyleBorder

void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetDefaultStyles(_STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE & cs)
	m_defStyle.strTag.Empty();		//The name of the last opened tag
	m_defStyle.nSizeFont = 16;		//The height of the logic font
	m_defStyle.nWeightFont = FW_NORMAL;	//The weight of the logic font
	m_defStyle.bItalicFont = FALSE;	//Is italic logic font?
	m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont = FALSE;//Is underline logic font?
	m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont = FALSE;//Is strikeout logic font?
	m_defStyle.bOverlineFont = FALSE; //Is overline logic font?
	m_defStyle.sFaceFont = _T("Verdana");  //The face name of the logic font
	m_defStyle.crText = RGB (0, 0, 0);	//The foreground color 
	m_defStyle.crBkgnd = RGB (255, 255, 255);	//The background color (also begin for the gradient)
	m_defStyle.crBorderLight = RGB (0, 0, 0);	//The border color
	m_defStyle.crBorderDark = RGB (0, 0, 0);	//The border color
	m_defStyle.crMidBkgnd = RGB (255, 255, 255);//The middle background color
	m_defStyle.crEndBkgnd = RGB (255, 255, 255);//The end background color
	m_defStyle.nBkMode = TRANSPARENT;		//The background mode for the text (TRANSPARENT, OPAQUE)
	m_defStyle.nFillBkgnd = -1;	//The fill effect of the background
	m_defStyle.nHorzAlign = ALIGN_LEFT;	//The horizontal align
	m_defStyle.nVertAlign = ALIGN_BASELINE;	//The vertical align
	m_defStyle.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL;	//The border style
	m_defStyle.nBorderWidth = 0;	//The width of the border
	m_defStyle.nTextTransform = TEXT_TRANSFORM_NONE;//Transformation of the text (NONE, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, CAPITALIZE)
	m_defStyle.nMargin = 2;
	m_defStyle.nPadding = 0;
	m_defStyle.nTypeLink = LINK_NONE;		//The type of the link (NONE, HREF, MESSAGE)
	m_defStyle.sHyperlink.Empty(); //The additional parameter for the link
} //SetDefaultStyles

// Search body of the next tag
// Parameters:
//     In: str    - a string with html text
//         nIndex - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//    Out: nIndex - an index of the char in the string after found tag's text
//         strTag - a string contained the tag's text if was found
// Return: A string before found tag's text 
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchNextTag(CPPString & str, CPPString & strTag, int & nIndex)
	int nBegin;
	CPPString sText = _T("");

	while (nIndex < str.GetLength())
		nBegin = nIndex;
		//Searching a chars of the begin tag
		nIndex = str.Find(_T("<"), nIndex);
		if (nIndex < 0)
			nIndex = str.GetLength(); //A tag wasn't found
		sText += str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
		if (nIndex < str.GetLength())
			//May be it is a begin of the tag?
			if ((nIndex < (str.GetLength() - 1)) && (_T('<') != str.GetAt(nIndex + 1)))
				//Yes of cause!!!
				strTag = GetTagBody(str, nIndex);
				return sText;
			//No, it is a char '<'
			sText += _T("<");
			nIndex += 2;
		} //if
	} //while
	return sText;
} //End SearchNextTag

// CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTagBody
//	Gets a name of tag with a parameters
// Parameters:
//	[in]
//		str		-	a string with html text
//		nIndex	-   an index of the begin of the tag. 
//	[out]
//		nIndex  -	an index of char after the tag
// Return values:
//	A tag's name .
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTagBody(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	CPPString sTagName = _T("");
	//ENG: Search the tag's end 
	//RUS: ���� ��������?����
	int nEndOfTag = str.Find(_T('>'), nIndex);
	//ENG: The tag's end was found. Passes a tag's begin char ('<')
	//RUS: ����?���� ������?���������� ������ ������ ����
	if (nEndOfTag > nIndex)
		//ENG: Gets a full body of tag
		//RUS: �������� ������ ������ ����
		sTagName = str.Mid(nIndex, nEndOfTag - nIndex);
		//ENG: Jump to next char after the tag
		//RUS: ����������? �� ��������?�� ����?������
		nIndex = nEndOfTag + 1;
	} //if
	return sTagName;
} //End of GetTagBody

// Split a tag to his name and properties
// Parameters:
//     In: sTag    - a string with tag's text
//    Out: sTag	   - a tag's name
// Return: A property's string 
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::SplitTag(CPPString & sTag)
	CPPString sParam(_T(""));
	int nIndex = 0;
	TCHAR tch = GetIndexNextChars(sTag, nIndex, _T(" ="));
	if (tch != _T('\0'))
		//ENG: The separator was found. Splits a tag's body to his name and his parameteres 
		//RUS: ����������?������. ��������� ���� ���� �� ��� ?��������?
		sParam = sTag.Mid(nIndex);
		sTag = sTag.Left(nIndex);
		sParam.TrimLeft(_T(' '));
	} //if
	return sParam;
} //End of SplitTag

CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetNextProperty(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, CPPString & sProp)
	CPPString sValue(_T(""));
	//Passes the spaces before a property
	if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(str, nIndex))
		//The begin of the property was found
		int nBegin = nIndex;
		//Searching end of the property
		GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T(" ="));
		//Gets a property's string
		sProp = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
		TCHAR chFound = GetIndexNextNoChars(str, nIndex, _T(" "));
		if (_T('=') == chFound)
			chFound = GetIndexNextNoChars(str, nIndex, _T(" ="));
			if ((_T('\'') == chFound) || (_T('\"') == chFound))
				chFound = _T(' ');
			} //if
			sValue += chFound;
			nBegin = nIndex;
			GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, sValue);
			sValue = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
			nIndex ++;
		} //if
	} //if
	return sValue;
} //End of GetNextProperty

// Searching the next property of the tag
// Parameters:
//     In: str    - a string with html text
//         nIndex - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//    Out: nIndex - an index of the char in the string after found tag's text
// Return: A property's string 
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchPropertyOfTag(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	CPPString sText = _T("");
	//Passes the spaces before a property
	if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(str, nIndex))
		//The begin of the property was found
		int nBegin = nIndex;
		//Searching end of the property
		TCHAR chFound = GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T(" ="));
		//Gets a property's string
		sText = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
	} //if
	return sText;
} //End SearchPropertyOfTag

// Search a tag
// Parameters:
//     In: str    - a string with html text
//         nIndex - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//    Out: nIndex - an index of the first char of the tag
// Return: TRUE if specified tag was found 
// Example: (strTag = "table") or (strTag = "/table")
BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchTag(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, CPPString strTag)
	strTag = _T("<") + strTag;
	while (nIndex < str.GetLength())
		nIndex = str.Find(strTag, nIndex);
		if (nIndex < 0)
			nIndex = str.GetLength();
			if (nIndex > 0)
				if (str.GetAt(nIndex - 1) != _T('<'))
					return TRUE;
				nIndex += 2;
			else return TRUE;
		} //if
	return FALSE;
} //End SearchTag

// Search a first alpha_num chars or first arithmetic char
// Parameters:
//     In: str    - a string with html text
//         nIndex - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//    Out: nIndex - an index of the first found char
// Return: TRUE if specified char was found 
BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIndexNextAlphaNum(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, BOOL bArithmetic /* = FALSE */)
	TCHAR ch;
	for (; nIndex < str.GetLength(); nIndex++)
		ch = str.GetAt(nIndex);
		if ((ch >= _T('0')) && (ch <= _T('9')))
			return TRUE;
		if ((ch >= _T('A')) && (ch <= _T('Z')))
			return TRUE;
		if ((ch >= _T('a')) && (ch <= _T('z')))
			return TRUE;
		if (ch == _T('.'))
			return TRUE;
		if (bArithmetic)
			if ((_T('+') == ch) || (_T('-') == ch) || 
				(_T('*') == ch) || (_T('/') == ch))
				return TRUE;
		} //if
	} //for
	return FALSE;
} //End GetIndexNextAlphaNum

// Search a first char of the chars set
// Parameters:
//     In: str      - a string with html text
//         nIndex   - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//		   strChars - the set of the chars
//    Out: nIndex   - an index of the first found char
// Return: A found char or zero if chars was not found  
TCHAR CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIndexNextChars(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, CPPString strChars)
	int i;
	for (; nIndex < str.GetLength(); nIndex++)
		for (i = 0; i < strChars.GetLength(); i++)
			if (str.GetAt(nIndex) == strChars.GetAt(i))
				return str.GetAt(nIndex);
		} //for
	} //for
	return 0;
} //End GetIndexNextChars

// Search a first char isn't specified in chars set
// Parameters:
//     In: str      - a string with html text
//         nIndex   - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//		   strChars - the set of the chars
//    Out: nIndex   - an index of the first char isn't from chars set
// Return: A found char or zero if all chars was specified in the chars set  
TCHAR CPPHtmlDrawer::GetIndexNextNoChars(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, CPPString strChars)
	int i;
	BOOL bFound;
	for (; nIndex < str.GetLength(); nIndex++)
		bFound = FALSE;
		for (i = 0; (i < strChars.GetLength()) && !bFound; i++)
			if (str.GetAt(nIndex) == strChars.GetAt(i))
				bFound = TRUE;
		} //for
		if (!bFound)
			return str.GetAt(nIndex);
	} //for
	return 0;
} //End GetIndexNextNoChars

// Is exist a property's parameter?
// Parameters:
//     In: str         - a string with html text
//         nIndex      - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//		   chSeparator - the char is a begin of the parameter
//    Out: nIndex   - an index of the begin parameter (if it exist) or the begin of the next property
// Return: TRUE if parameter was found  
BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::GetBeginParameter(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, TCHAR chSeparator /* = _T(':') */)
	TCHAR ch;
	for (; nIndex < str.GetLength(); nIndex++) 
		//Gets a current char
		ch = str.GetAt(nIndex);
		if (_T(' ') != ch)
			//if it is not space char
			if (chSeparator == ch)
				//if begin of the property's parameter was found
				nIndex ++; //jump to the next char after a begin parameter
				return TRUE;
				return FALSE;
		} //if
	} //for
	return FALSE;
} //End GetBeginParameter

// Gets a parameter for the currrent property
// Parameters:
//     In: str         - a string with html text
//         nIndex      - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//		   chSeparator - the char is a begin of the parameter
//    Out: nIndex   - an index of the first char after the parameter
// Return: String of the property's parameter (empty if it is not exist)  
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetParameterString(CPPString & str, int & nIndex, TCHAR chBeginParam /* = _T(':') */, CPPString strSeparators /* = _T(";") */)
	if (GetBeginParameter(str, nIndex, chBeginParam))
		//Parameter for the current property was found
		TCHAR ch = GetIndexNextNoChars(str, nIndex, strSeparators + _T(" "));
		if (0 != ch)
			int nBegin = nIndex;
			if (_T('"') == str.GetAt(nIndex))
				TCHAR ch = GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T("\""));
				if (_T('"') == ch)
					nIndex ++;
					return str.Mid(nBegin + 1, nIndex - nBegin - 2);
				} //if
				GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, strSeparators);
				return str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
			} //if
		} //if
	} //if
	return _T("");
} //End GetParameterString

// Gets a name of the tag
// Parameters:
//     In: str         - a tag's string
//         nIndex      - an index of the first char to the searching in the string
//    Out: nIndex   - an index of the first char after the parameter
// Return: Name of the tag (empty if it is not exist)  
CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetNameOfTag(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	CPPString strName = _T("");
	GetIndexNextNoChars(str, nIndex, _T(" "));
	int nBegin = nIndex;
	GetIndexNextChars(str, nIndex, _T(" ="));
	if (nIndex > nBegin)
		strName = str.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
	return strName;
} //End GetNameOfTag

// Gets dimensions of the table
//  In: sTable - the string contains a HTML table
// Return: cx - number of the columns
//         cy - number of the row
SIZE CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTableDimensions(CPPString & sTable)
	//ENG: A table dimensions by default
	//RUS: ������?������?�� ��������?
	SIZE szTable = {0, 0};
	int nIndex = 0;
	int nCol = 0;
	while (nIndex < sTable.GetLength())
		//ENG: Search a begin of the row
		//RUS: ���� ������ ������
		if (SearchTag(sTable, nIndex, _T("tr")))
			//ENG: Increment count of the rows
			//RUS: ����������?���������� ����?

			//ENG: Count of the columns in current row
			//RUS: ���������� ������??������?������
			nCol = 0;
			int nEndRow;
			int nNewCell;
				nEndRow = nNewCell = nIndex;
				//ENG: Search an end of the row or a begin of the cell
				//RUS: ���� ����?������ ��?������ �����?
				SearchTag(sTable, nEndRow, _T("/tr"));
				SearchTag(sTable, nNewCell, _T("td"));
				if (nNewCell < nEndRow)
					nIndex = nNewCell;

					//ENG: Passes a tag body and get a properties of the tag
					//RUS: ���������� ��?������ �����??�������� ������ ������?����
					CPPString sTag;
					SearchNextTag(sTable, sTag, nNewCell);
					CPPString sProperties = SplitTag(sTag);

					//ENG: Analyses a properties of the tag
					//RUS: ����������?�������� ����
					SIZE szSpan = AnalyseCellParam(sProperties, style, TRUE);

					//ENG: Increment count of the cells
					//RUS: ����������?���������� ����� ?������
					nCol += szSpan.cx;

					//ENG: Jump to end of the cell
					//RUS: ��������?�� ����?�����?
					SearchEndOfCell(sTable, nIndex);
				} //if
			} while (nNewCell < nEndRow);
			nIndex = nEndRow;
			if (nCol > szTable.cx)
				szTable.cx = nCol;
		} //if
	} //while
	return szTable;
} //End GetTableDimensions

// CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfTable
//	Searching the end of the table
//  Parameter:    
//		str - the string contains a HTML table
//		nIndex - index of the first char after the <table> tag
//	Return values:
//		nIndex - index of the begin char of a </table> tag
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfTable(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	int nBeginTable = nIndex + 7;
	int nEndTable = nIndex + 7;
	int nTable = 1;
		SearchTag(str, nBeginTable, _T("table"));
		SearchTag(str, nEndTable, _T("/table"));
		if (nBeginTable < nEndTable)
			nBeginTable += 7;
		else if (nEndTable < nBeginTable)
			nTable --;
			nEndTable += 8;
		} //if
	while ((nBeginTable != nEndTable) && nTable); //while
	nIndex = nEndTable - 8;
} //End SearchEndOfTable

// CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfRow
//	Searching the end of the row
//  Parameter:    
//		str - the string contains a HTML table
//		nIndex - index of the first char after the <tr> tag
//	Return values:
//		nIndex - index of the begin char of a </tr> tag
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfRow(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	nIndex += 4;
	int nBeginRow, nEndRow, nStartTable;
	int nRow = 1;

		nBeginRow = nEndRow = nStartTable = nIndex;

		SearchTag(str, nBeginRow, _T("tr"));
		SearchTag(str, nEndRow, _T("/tr"));
		SearchTag(str, nStartTable, _T("table"));
		if ((nStartTable < nBeginRow) && (nStartTable < nEndRow))
			SearchEndOfTable(str, nStartTable);
			nIndex = nStartTable + 6;
		else if (nBeginRow < nEndRow)
			nIndex = nBeginRow + 4;
		else if (nEndRow < nBeginRow)
			nRow --;
			nIndex = nEndRow + 5;
		} //if
	while ((nIndex < str.GetLength()) && nRow); //while
	nIndex -= 5;
} //End SearchEndOfRow

// CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfCell
//	Searching the end of the cell
//  Parameter:    
//		str - the string contains a HTML table
//		nIndex - index of the first char after the <td> tag
//	Return values:
//		nIndex - index of the begin char of a </td> tag
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SearchEndOfCell(CPPString & str, int & nIndex)
	nIndex += 4;
	int nEndCell, nStartTable;
		nEndCell = nStartTable = nIndex;

		SearchTag(str, nEndCell, _T("/td"));
		SearchTag(str, nStartTable, _T("table"));
		if (nStartTable < nEndCell)
			SearchEndOfTable(str, nStartTable);
			nEndCell = nIndex = nStartTable + 6;
			nIndex = nEndCell + 5;
		} //if
	while (nStartTable < nEndCell); //while
	nIndex -= 5;
} //End SearchEndOfCell

// Analysing the cell parameters
// Parameters:
//   In: strTag - str string contains parameters of the <table>, <td> or <tr> tags
//           cs - the structures contains the current styles
//		 bTable - 
//  Out:     cs - the structures contains the new styles
SIZE CPPHtmlDrawer::AnalyseCellParam(CPPString & sProperties, _STRUCT_CHANGESTYLE & cs, BOOL bTable)
	SIZE szSpan = {1, 1};
	if (sProperties.IsEmpty())
		return szSpan;
	int i = 0;
	CPPString sParameter;
	CPPString sValue;
	while (i < sProperties.GetLength())
		//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
		//RUS: ����?���������� ����
		sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, i, sParameter);

		//ENG: Processes the specific parameters for <table> tag.
		//RUS: ������������ ������������?��� ���� <table> ��������?
			if (sParameter == _T("cellpadding"))
				cs.nMargin = GetLengthUnit(sValue, cs.nMargin);
			else if (sParameter == _T("cellspacing"))
				cs.nPadding = GetLengthUnit(sValue, cs.nPadding);
			else if (sParameter == _T("background"))
				cs.strNameResBk = sValue;
			} //if
		} //if

		if (sParameter == _T("rowspan"))
			szSpan.cy = GetLengthUnit(sValue, szSpan.cy);
		else if (sParameter == _T("colspan"))
			szSpan.cx = GetLengthUnit(sValue, szSpan.cx);
		else if (sParameter == _T("border"))
			cs.nBorderWidth = GetLengthUnit(sValue, cs.nBorderWidth);
			if (!cs.nBorderWidth)
				cs.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL;
			else if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL == cs.nBorderStyle)
				cs.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_SOLID;
		else if (sParameter == _T("borderstyle"))
			cs.nBorderStyle = StyleBorder(sValue, cs.nBorderStyle);
			if ((CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL != cs.nBorderStyle) && !cs.nBorderWidth)
					cs.nBorderWidth = 1;
		else if (sParameter == _T("bordercolor"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crBorderLight = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crBorderLight);
				cs.crBorderLight = GetColorByName(_T(""));
			cs.crBorderDark = cs.crBorderLight;
		else if (sParameter == _T("bordercolorlight"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crBorderLight = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crBorderLight);
				cs.crBorderLight = GetColorByName(_T(""));
		else if (sParameter == _T("bordercolordark"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crBorderDark = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crBorderDark);
				cs.crBorderDark = GetColorByName(_T(""));
		else if (sParameter == _T("bgcolor"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crBkgnd = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crBkgnd);
				if (cs.nFillBkgnd < 0)
					cs.nFillBkgnd = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOLID;
			} //if
		else if (sParameter == _T("bgmidcolor"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crMidBkgnd = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crMidBkgnd);
		else if (sParameter == _T("bgendcolor"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.crEndBkgnd = GetStyleColor(sValue, cs.crEndBkgnd);
		else if (sParameter == _T("bgeffect"))
			if (m_bIsEnable)
				cs.nFillBkgnd = GetStyleBkgndEffect(sValue, cs.nFillBkgnd);
		else if (sParameter == _T("align"))
			cs.nHorzAlign = GetStyleHorzAlign(sValue, cs.nHorzAlign);
		else if (sParameter == _T("valign"))
			cs.nVertAlign = GetStyleVertAlign(sValue, cs.nVertAlign);
		else if (sParameter == _T("width"))
			cs.nCellWidth = GetLengthUnit(sValue, cs.nCellWidth);
		else if (sParameter == _T("height"))
			cs.nCellHeight = GetLengthUnit(sValue, cs.nCellHeight);
		} //if
	} //for

	if ((CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL == cs.nBorderStyle) || !cs.nBorderWidth)
		cs.nBorderStyle = CPPDrawManager::PEN_NULL;
		cs.nBorderWidth = 0;
	else if (CPPDrawManager::PEN_SOLID != cs.nBorderStyle)
		cs.nBorderWidth = 1;
	}	//if

	//RUS: ��� ����� ������ ������ ����?1
	if (!bTable && cs.nBorderWidth)
		cs.nBorderWidth = 1;

	return szSpan;
} //End AnalyseCellParam

// Analysing the image parameters
// Parameters:
//   In: sProperties - the sing contains
//           si - the structures contains the image parameters
//  Out:     si - the structures contains the image parameters
void CPPHtmlDrawer::AnalyseImageParam(CPPString & sProperties, _STRUCT_IMAGE & si)
	if (sProperties.IsEmpty())
	int i = 0;
	CPPString sParameter;
	CPPString sValue;
	while (i < sProperties.GetLength())
		//ENG: Searching a parameters of a tag
		//RUS: ����?���������� ����
		sValue = GetNextProperty(sProperties, i, sParameter);

//		sParameter = SearchPropertyOfTag(sProperties, i);
//		sValue = GetParameterString(sProperties, i, _T('='), _T(" "));
		if (sParameter == _T("index"))
			si.nIndexImageList = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nIndexImageList);
		else if (sParameter == _T("idres"))
			si.nIdRes = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nIdRes);
		else if (sParameter == _T("iddll"))
			si.nIdDll = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nIdDll);
		else if (sParameter == _T("handle"))
			si.nHandle = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nHandle);
		else if (sParameter == _T("file"))
			si.strSrcFile = GetStyleString(sValue, si.strSrcFile);
		else if (sParameter == _T("srcdll"))
			si.strPathDll = GetStyleString(sValue, si.strPathDll);
		else if (sParameter == _T("mask"))
			si.crMask = GetStyleColor(sValue, si.crMask);
			si.bUseMask = TRUE;
		else if (sParameter == _T("style"))
			si.nStyles = GetStyleImageShortForm(sValue);
			si.nHotStyles = si.nStyles;
		else if (sParameter == _T("hotstyle"))
			si.nHotStyles = GetStyleImageShortForm(sValue);
		else if (sParameter == _T("cx"))
			si.cx = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.cx);
		else if (sParameter == _T("cy"))
			si.cy = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.cy);
		else if (sParameter == _T("width"))
			si.bPercentWidth = IsPercentableValue(sValue);
			si.nWidth = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nWidth);
		else if (sParameter == _T("height"))
			si.bPercentHeight = IsPercentableValue(sValue);
			si.nHeight = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nHeight);
		else if (sParameter == _T("speed"))
			si.nSpeed = GetLengthUnit(sValue, si.nSpeed);
		} //if
	} //for
} //End AnalyseImageParam

CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleString(CPPString str, CPPString strDefault)
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		strDefault = str;
	return str;

// Analysing the short form of the font style
// Parameters:
//   In: str - string contains parameters of the font in the short form
// Short form styles
//       [+] - positive style
//       [-] - inverse style
//       [b] - bold
//       [i] - italic
//       [u] - underlined
//       [s] - strikeout
//       [o] - overline
void CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleFontShortForm(CPPString & str)
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		BOOL bSetValue = TRUE;
		for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
			switch (str.GetAt(i))
			case _T('-'):
				bSetValue = FALSE;
			case _T('+'):
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			case _T('b'):
				m_defStyle.nWeightFont = (bSetValue) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			case _T('i'):
				m_defStyle.bItalicFont = bSetValue;
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			case _T('u'):
				m_defStyle.bUnderlineFont = bSetValue;
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			case _T('s'):
				m_defStyle.bStrikeOutFont = bSetValue;
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			case _T('o'):
				m_defStyle.bOverlineFont = bSetValue;
				bSetValue = TRUE;
			} //switch
		} //for
	} //if
} //End GetStyleFontShortForm

//Get font style value
UINT CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleImageShortForm(CPPString & str)
	UINT uStyle = 0; //Original image
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
			switch (str.GetAt(i))
			case _T('d'):
			case _T('g'):
			case _T('s'):
				if (m_szOffsetShadow.cx || m_szOffsetShadow.cy)
					if (m_bGradientShadow)
					else uStyle |= IMAGE_EFFECT_MONO_SHADOW;
				} //if
			case _T('l'):
			} //switch
		} //for
	} //if
	return uStyle;
} //End GetStyleImageShortForm

BOOL CPPHtmlDrawer::IsPercentableValue(CPPString & str)
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		if (str.GetAt(str.GetLength() - 1) == _T('%'))
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetStyleBkgndEffect(CPPString & str, int nDefault)
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		if (str == _T("transparent"))
			nDefault = -1;
		else if (str == _T("solid"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOLID;
		else if (str == _T("hgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HGRADIENT;
		else if (str == _T("vgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VGRADIENT;
		else if (str == _T("hcgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HCGRADIENT;
		else if (str == _T("vcgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VCGRADIENT;
		else if (str == _T("3hgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3HGRADIENT;
		else if (str == _T("3vgradient"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3VGRADIENT;
#ifdef USE_SHADE
		else if (str == _T("noise"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_NOISE;
		else if (str == _T("diagshade"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_DIAGSHADE;
		else if (str == _T("hshade"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HSHADE;
		else if (str == _T("vshade"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VSHADE;
		else if (str == _T("hbump"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HBUMP;
		else if (str == _T("vbump"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VBUMP;
		else if (str == _T("softbump"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOFTBUMP;
		else if (str == _T("hardbump"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HARDBUMP;
		else if (str == _T("metal"))
			nDefault = CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_METAL;
		else nDefault = GetLengthUnit(str, nDefault);
	} //if

	return nDefault;
} //End GetStyleBkgndEffect

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetTableWidth(CPPString & str, int nClientWidth, int nMinWidth, BOOL bSet /* = FALSE */)
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		int i = 0;
		CPPString strProperty;
		CPPString strParameter;
		while (i < str.GetLength())
			strProperty = SearchPropertyOfTag(str, i);
			strParameter = GetParameterString(str, i, _T('='), _T(" "));
			if (strProperty == _T("width"))
				if (IsPercentableValue(strParameter))
					int nWidth = GetLengthUnit(strParameter, 100);
					if (bSet)
						if (nWidth <= 100)
							nClientWidth = ::MulDiv(nMinWidth, 100, nWidth);
							nClientWidth = ::MulDiv(nMinWidth, nWidth, 100);
						if (nWidth < 100)
							nClientWidth = ::MulDiv(nClientWidth, nWidth, 100);
					} //if
					nClientWidth = GetLengthUnit(strParameter, nMinWidth);
				} //if
			} //if
		} //while
	} //if

	if (nClientWidth < nMinWidth)
		nClientWidth = nMinWidth;

	return nClientWidth;
} //End GetTableWidth

void CPPHtmlDrawer::DrawBackgroundImage(HDC hDC, int nDestX, int nDestY, int nWidth, int nHeight, CPPString strNameImage)
	if (!m_bIsEnable)
	if (strNameImage.IsEmpty())
	if (strNameImage.GetLength() < 6)

	HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;

	int nIndex = 0;
	if (GetIndexNextAlphaNum(strNameImage, nIndex))
		int nBegin = nIndex;
		//Searching end of the style name
		TCHAR chSymbol = GetIndexNextChars(strNameImage, nIndex, _T(" :"));
		if (0 != chSymbol)
			//Gets a property's name
			CPPString strName = strNameImage.Mid(nBegin, nIndex - nBegin);
			//Gets a property's value
			CPPString strParameter = GetParameterString(strNameImage, nIndex, _T(':'));
			if (strName == _T("idres"))
				UINT nID = (UINT)GetLengthUnit(strParameter, 0);
				hBitmap = GetBitmapFromResources(nID);
			else if (strName == _T("iddll"))
				UINT nID = (UINT)GetLengthUnit(strParameter, 0);
				hBitmap = GetBitmapFromDll(nID);
			else if (strName == _T("file"))
				hBitmap = GetBitmapFromFile(strParameter);
			} //if
		} //if
	} //if

	if (NULL == hBitmap)

	SIZE sz;
	m_drawmanager.GetSizeOfBitmap(hBitmap, &sz);
	HDC hSrcDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hSrcDC, hBitmap);
	m_drawmanager.MultipleCopy(hDC, nDestX, nDestY, nWidth, nHeight, hSrcDC, 0, 0, sz.cx, sz.cy);
	::SelectObject(hSrcDC, hOldBitmap);

	hBitmap = NULL;
} //End of DrawBackgroundImage

// CPPHtmlDrawer::SetTooltipShadow()
//		Sets a image's shadow.
// Parameters:
//		nOffsetX, 
//		nOffsetY		- The offsets of the tooltip's shadow from the tooltip's window.
//		nDarkenPercent	- So far as colors under the shadow will be darken (0 - 100)
//      bGradient		- TRUE to use a gradient shadow.
//		nDepthX,
//		nDepthY			- The gradient depths of the tooltip's shadow.
void CPPHtmlDrawer::SetImageShadow(int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY, BYTE nDarkenPercent /* = 50 */, 
								  BOOL bGradient /* = TRUE */, int nDepthX /* = 7 */, int nDepthY /* = 7 */)
	m_szOffsetShadow.cx = nOffsetX;
	m_szOffsetShadow.cy = nOffsetY;
	m_szDepthShadow.cx = nDepthX;
	m_szDepthShadow.cy = nDepthY;
	m_nDarkenShadow = min(100, nDarkenPercent);
	m_bGradientShadow = bGradient;
	BYTE nColor = ::MulDiv(255, 100 - m_nDarkenShadow, 100);
	m_crShadow = RGB(nColor, nColor, nColor);
} //End of SetTooltipShadow

CPPString CPPHtmlDrawer::GetWordWrap(CPPString & str, int nMaxSize, int & nRealSize)
	int nCurIndex = 0;
	int nLastIndex = 0;
	SIZE sz = {0, 0};
	TCHAR tch = _T(' ');
	CPPString sResult = _T("");
	while ((sz.cx <= nRealSize) && (0 != tch))
		nLastIndex = nCurIndex;
		nCurIndex ++;
		tch = GetIndexNextChars(str, nCurIndex, PPHTMLDRAWER_BREAK_CHARS);
		::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, str, nCurIndex, &sz);
	} //while

	if (0 == nLastIndex)
		if (nMaxSize == nRealSize)
			//RUS: �������� ?������ �� ����������, ������?����?��������?������ 
			//     �� ��������, ?�� �� ������
			sz.cx = 0;
			int i = 0;
			for (i = 1; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
				::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, str, i + 1, &sz);
				if (sz.cx > nRealSize)
					sResult = str.Left(i);
					str = str.Mid(i);
					::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sResult, i, &sz);
					nRealSize = sz.cx;
					return sResult;
				} //if
			} //for
			::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, str, i, &sz);
			//RUS: ���������� ������?������, ������?������?
			sResult = str;
			//RUS: ?����������� ����?������?������ �� ������ �� ������ ����?
			sz.cx = 0;
		} //if
		sResult = str.Left(nLastIndex + 1);
		str = str.Mid(nLastIndex + 1);
		::GetTextExtentPoint32(m_hDC, sResult, sResult.GetLength(), &sz);
//		str.TrimRight();
	} //if
	nRealSize = sz.cx;
	return sResult;
} //End of GetWordWrap

int CPPHtmlDrawer::GetCountOfChars(CPPString str, TCHAR tchar /*= _T(' ')*/)
	int nCount = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
		if (tchar == str.GetAt(i))
	} //if
	return nCount;