#include "StdAfx.h" #include "ChineseCode.h" //���Ǹ���strCoding (strCoding.cpp�ļ�) strCoding::strCoding(void) { } strCoding::~strCoding(void) { } void strCoding::Gb2312ToUnicode(WCHAR* pOut,char *gbBuffer) { ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,gbBuffer,2,pOut,1); return; } void strCoding::UTF_8ToUnicode(WCHAR* pOut,char *pText) { char* uchar = (char *)pOut; uchar[1] = ((pText[0] & 0x0F) << 4) + ((pText[1] >> 2) & 0x0F); uchar[0] = ((pText[1] & 0x03) << 6) + (pText[2] & 0x3F); return; } void strCoding::UnicodeToUTF_8(char* pOut,WCHAR* pText) { // ע�� WCHAR�ߵ��ֵ�˳��,���ֽ���ǰ�����ֽ��ں� char* pchar = (char *)pText; pOut[0] = (0xE0 | ((pchar[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)); pOut[1] = (0x80 | ((pchar[1] & 0x0F) << 2)) + ((pchar[0] & 0xC0) >> 6); pOut[2] = (0x80 | (pchar[0] & 0x3F)); return; } void strCoding::UnicodeToGB2312(char* pOut,WCHAR uData) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,NULL,&uData,1,pOut,sizeof(WCHAR),NULL,NULL); return; } //��Ϊ��Urlʹ�� char strCoding:: CharToInt(char ch){ if(ch>='0' && ch<='9')return (char)(ch-'0'); if(ch>='a' && ch<='f')return (char)(ch-'a'+10); if(ch>='A' && ch<='F')return (char)(ch-'A'+10); return -1; } char strCoding::StrToBin(char *str){ char tempWord[2]; char chn; tempWord[0] = CharToInt(str[0]); //make the B to 11 -- 00001011 tempWord[1] = CharToInt(str[1]); //make the 0 to 0 -- 00000000 chn = (tempWord[0] << 4) | tempWord[1]; //to change the BO to 10110000 return chn; } //UTF_8 תgb2312 void strCoding::UTF_8ToGB2312(string &pOut, char *pText, int pLen) { char buf[4]; char* rst = new char[pLen + (pLen >> 2) + 2]; memset(buf,0,4); memset(rst,0,pLen + (pLen >> 2) + 2); int i =0; int j = 0; while(i < pLen) { if(*(pText + i) >= 0) { rst[j++] = pText[i++]; } else { WCHAR Wtemp; UTF_8ToUnicode(&Wtemp,pText + i); UnicodeToGB2312(buf,Wtemp); unsigned short int tmp = 0; tmp = rst[j] = buf[0]; tmp = rst[j+1] = buf[1]; tmp = rst[j+2] = buf[2]; //newBuf[j] = Ctemp[0]; //newBuf[j + 1] = Ctemp[1]; i += 3; j += 2; } } rst[j]='\0'; pOut = rst; delete []rst; } //GB2312 תΪ UTF-8 void strCoding::GB2312ToUTF_8(string& pOut,char *pText, int pLen) { char buf[4]; memset(buf,0,4); pOut.clear(); int i = 0; while(i < pLen) { //�����Ӣ��ֱ�Ӹ��ƾͿ��� if( pText[i] >= 0) { char asciistr[2]={0}; asciistr[0] = (pText[i++]); pOut.append(asciistr); } else { WCHAR pbuffer; Gb2312ToUnicode(&pbuffer,pText+i); UnicodeToUTF_8(buf,&pbuffer); pOut.append(buf); i += 2; } } return; } //��str����Ϊ��ҳ�е� GB2312 url encode ,Ӣ�IJ��䣬����˫�ֽ� ��%3D%AE%88 string strCoding::UrlGB2312(char * str) { string dd; size_t len = strlen(str); for (size_t i=0;i<len;i++) { if(isalnum((BYTE)str[i])) { char tempbuff[2]; sprintf(tempbuff,"%c",str[i]); dd.append(tempbuff); } else if (isspace((BYTE)str[i])) { dd.append("+"); } else { char tempbuff[4]; sprintf(tempbuff,"%%%X%X",((BYTE*)str)[i] >>4,((BYTE*)str)[i] %16); dd.append(tempbuff); } } return dd; } //��str����Ϊ��ҳ�е� UTF-8 url encode ,Ӣ�IJ��䣬�������ֽ� ��%3D%AE%88 string strCoding::UrlUTF8(char * str) { string tt; string dd; GB2312ToUTF_8(tt,str,(int)strlen(str)); size_t len=tt.length(); for (size_t i=0;i<len;i++) { if(isalnum((BYTE)tt.at(i))) { char tempbuff[2]={0}; sprintf(tempbuff,"%c",(BYTE)tt.at(i)); dd.append(tempbuff); } else if (isspace((BYTE)tt.at(i))) { dd.append("+"); } else { char tempbuff[4]; sprintf(tempbuff,"%%%X%X",((BYTE)tt.at(i)) >>4,((BYTE)tt.at(i)) %16); dd.append(tempbuff); } } return dd; } //��url GB2312���� string strCoding::UrlGB2312Decode(string str) { string output=""; char tmp[2]; int i=0,idx=0,ndx,len=str.length(); while(i<len){ if(str[i]=='%'){ tmp[0]=str[i+1]; tmp[1]=str[i+2]; output += StrToBin(tmp); i=i+3; } else if(str[i]=='+'){ output+=' '; i++; } else{ output+=str[i]; i++; } } return output; } //��url utf8���� string strCoding::UrlUTF8Decode(string str) { string output=""; string temp =UrlGB2312Decode(str);// UTF_8ToGB2312(output,(char *)temp.data(),strlen(temp.data())); return output; }