// Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) - Version 2.5
// A high quality rendering engine for C++
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev
// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
//          mcseemagg@yahoo.com
//          http://antigrain.com
// AGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// AGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with AGG; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
// MA 02110-1301, USA.
// The Stack Blur Algorithm was invented by Mario Klingemann, 
// mario@quasimondo.com and described here:
// http://incubator.quasimondo.com/processing/fast_blur_deluxe.php
// (search phrase "Stackblur: Fast But Goodlooking"). 
// The major improvement is that there's no more division table
// that was very expensive to create for large blur radii. Insted, 
// for 8-bit per channel and radius not exceeding 254 the division is 
// replaced by multiplication and shift. 


#include "agg_array.h"
#include "agg_pixfmt_transposer.h"

namespace agg

    template<class T> struct stack_blur_tables
        static int16u const g_stack_blur8_mul[255];
        static int8u  const g_stack_blur8_shr[255];

    template<class T> 
    int16u const stack_blur_tables<T>::g_stack_blur8_mul[255] = 

    template<class T> 
    int8u const stack_blur_tables<T>::g_stack_blur8_shr[255] = 
          9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 
         17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 
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    template<class ColorT, class CalculatorT> class stack_blur
        typedef ColorT      color_type;
        typedef CalculatorT calculator_type;

        template<class Img> void blur_x(Img& img, unsigned radius)
            if(radius < 1) return;

            unsigned x, y, xp, i;
            unsigned stack_ptr;
            unsigned stack_start;

            color_type      pix;
            color_type*     stack_pix;
            calculator_type sum;
            calculator_type sum_in;
            calculator_type sum_out;

            unsigned w   = img.width();
            unsigned h   = img.height();
            unsigned wm  = w - 1;
            unsigned div = radius * 2 + 1;

            unsigned div_sum = (radius + 1) * (radius + 1);
            unsigned mul_sum = 0;
            unsigned shr_sum = 0;
            unsigned max_val = color_type::base_mask;

            if(max_val <= 255 && radius < 255)
                mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[radius];
                shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[radius];

            m_buf.allocate(w, 128);
            m_stack.allocate(div, 32);

            for(y = 0; y < h; y++)

                pix = img.pixel(0, y);
                for(i = 0; i <= radius; i++)
                    m_stack[i] = pix;
                    sum.add(pix, i + 1);
                for(i = 1; i <= radius; i++)
                    pix = img.pixel((i > wm) ? wm : i, y);
                    m_stack[i + radius] = pix;
                    sum.add(pix, radius + 1 - i);

                stack_ptr = radius;
                for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    if(mul_sum) sum.calc_pix(m_buf[x], mul_sum, shr_sum);
                    else        sum.calc_pix(m_buf[x], div_sum);

                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - radius;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;
                    stack_pix = &m_stack[stack_start];


                    xp = x + radius + 1;
                    if(xp > wm) xp = wm;
                    pix = img.pixel(xp, y);
                    *stack_pix = pix;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix = &m_stack[stack_ptr];

                img.copy_color_hspan(0, y, w, &m_buf[0]);

        template<class Img> void blur_y(Img& img, unsigned radius)
            pixfmt_transposer<Img> img2(img);
            blur_x(img2, radius);

        template<class Img> void blur(Img& img, unsigned radius)
            blur_x(img, radius);
            pixfmt_transposer<Img> img2(img);
            blur_x(img2, radius);

        pod_vector<color_type> m_buf;
        pod_vector<color_type> m_stack;

    template<class T=unsigned> struct stack_blur_calc_rgba
        typedef T value_type;
        value_type r,g,b,a;

        AGG_INLINE void clear() 
            r = g = b = a = 0; 

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& v)
            r += v.r;
            g += v.g;
            b += v.b;
            a += v.a;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& v, unsigned k)
            r += v.r * k;
            g += v.g * k;
            b += v.b * k;
            a += v.a * k;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void sub(const ArgT& v)
            r -= v.r;
            g -= v.g;
            b -= v.b;
            a -= v.a;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& v, unsigned div)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            v.r = value_type(r / div);
            v.g = value_type(g / div);
            v.b = value_type(b / div);
            v.a = value_type(a / div);

        template<class ArgT> 
        AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& v, unsigned mul, unsigned shr)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            v.r = value_type((r * mul) >> shr);
            v.g = value_type((g * mul) >> shr);
            v.b = value_type((b * mul) >> shr);
            v.a = value_type((a * mul) >> shr);

    template<class T=unsigned> struct stack_blur_calc_rgb
        typedef T value_type;
        value_type r,g,b;

        AGG_INLINE void clear() 
            r = g = b = 0; 

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& v)
            r += v.r;
            g += v.g;
            b += v.b;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& v, unsigned k)
            r += v.r * k;
            g += v.g * k;
            b += v.b * k;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void sub(const ArgT& v)
            r -= v.r;
            g -= v.g;
            b -= v.b;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& v, unsigned div)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            v.r = value_type(r / div);
            v.g = value_type(g / div);
            v.b = value_type(b / div);

        template<class ArgT> 
        AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& v, unsigned mul, unsigned shr)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            v.r = value_type((r * mul) >> shr);
            v.g = value_type((g * mul) >> shr);
            v.b = value_type((b * mul) >> shr);

    template<class T=unsigned> struct stack_blur_calc_gray
        typedef T value_type;
        value_type v;

        AGG_INLINE void clear() 
            v = 0; 

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& a)
            v += a.v;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void add(const ArgT& a, unsigned k)
            v += a.v * k;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void sub(const ArgT& a)
            v -= a.v;

        template<class ArgT> AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& a, unsigned div)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            a.v = value_type(v / div);

        template<class ArgT> 
        AGG_INLINE void calc_pix(ArgT& a, unsigned mul, unsigned shr)
            typedef typename ArgT::value_type value_type;
            a.v = value_type((v * mul) >> shr);

    template<class Img> 
    void stack_blur_gray8(Img& img, unsigned rx, unsigned ry)
        unsigned x, y, xp, yp, i;
        unsigned stack_ptr;
        unsigned stack_start;

        const int8u* src_pix_ptr;
              int8u* dst_pix_ptr;
        unsigned pix;
        unsigned stack_pix;
        unsigned sum;
        unsigned sum_in;
        unsigned sum_out;

        unsigned w   = img.width();
        unsigned h   = img.height();
        unsigned wm  = w - 1;
        unsigned hm  = h - 1;

        unsigned div;
        unsigned mul_sum;
        unsigned shr_sum;

        pod_vector<int8u> stack;

        if(rx > 0)
            if(rx > 254) rx = 254;
            div = rx * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[rx];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[rx];

            for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                sum = sum_in = sum_out = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                pix = *src_pix_ptr;
                for(i = 0; i <= rx; i++)
                    stack[i] = pix;
                    sum     += pix * (i + 1);
                    sum_out += pix;
                for(i = 1; i <= rx; i++)
                    if(i <= wm) src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_step; 
                    pix = *src_pix_ptr; 
                    stack[i + rx] = pix;
                    sum    += pix * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_in += pix;

                stack_ptr = rx;
                xp = rx;
                if(xp > wm) xp = wm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(xp, y);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    *dst_pix_ptr = (sum * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr += Img::pix_step;

                    sum -= sum_out;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - rx;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;
                    sum_out -= stack[stack_start];

                    if(xp < wm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_step;
                        pix = *src_pix_ptr;
                    stack[stack_start] = pix;
                    sum_in += pix;
                    sum    += sum_in;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix = stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out += stack_pix;
                    sum_in  -= stack_pix;

        if(ry > 0)
            if(ry > 254) ry = 254;
            div = ry * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[ry];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[ry];

            int stride = img.stride();
            for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                sum = sum_in = sum_out = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                pix = *src_pix_ptr;
                for(i = 0; i <= ry; i++)
                    stack[i] = pix;
                    sum     += pix * (i + 1);
                    sum_out += pix;
                for(i = 1; i <= ry; i++)
                    if(i <= hm) src_pix_ptr += stride; 
                    pix = *src_pix_ptr; 
                    stack[i + ry] = pix;
                    sum    += pix * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_in += pix;

                stack_ptr = ry;
                yp = ry;
                if(yp > hm) yp = hm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, yp);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    *dst_pix_ptr = (sum * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr += stride;

                    sum -= sum_out;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - ry;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;
                    sum_out -= stack[stack_start];

                    if(yp < hm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += stride;
                        pix = *src_pix_ptr;
                    stack[stack_start] = pix;
                    sum_in += pix;
                    sum    += sum_in;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix = stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out += stack_pix;
                    sum_in  -= stack_pix;

    template<class Img> 
    void stack_blur_rgb24(Img& img, unsigned rx, unsigned ry)
        typedef typename Img::color_type color_type;
        typedef typename Img::order_type order_type;
        enum order_e 
            R = order_type::R, 
            G = order_type::G, 
            B = order_type::B 

        unsigned x, y, xp, yp, i;
        unsigned stack_ptr;
        unsigned stack_start;

        const int8u* src_pix_ptr;
              int8u* dst_pix_ptr;
        color_type*  stack_pix_ptr;

        unsigned sum_r;
        unsigned sum_g;
        unsigned sum_b;
        unsigned sum_in_r;
        unsigned sum_in_g;
        unsigned sum_in_b;
        unsigned sum_out_r;
        unsigned sum_out_g;
        unsigned sum_out_b;

        unsigned w   = img.width();
        unsigned h   = img.height();
        unsigned wm  = w - 1;
        unsigned hm  = h - 1;

        unsigned div;
        unsigned mul_sum;
        unsigned shr_sum;

        pod_vector<color_type> stack;

        if(rx > 0)
            if(rx > 254) rx = 254;
            div = rx * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[rx];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[rx];

            for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                sum_r = 
                sum_g = 
                sum_b = 
                sum_in_r = 
                sum_in_g = 
                sum_in_b = 
                sum_out_r = 
                sum_out_g = 
                sum_out_b = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                for(i = 0; i <= rx; i++)
                    stack_pix_ptr    = &stack[i];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (i + 1);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (i + 1);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (i + 1);
                    sum_out_r       += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_out_g       += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_out_b       += src_pix_ptr[B];
                for(i = 1; i <= rx; i++)
                    if(i <= wm) src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_width; 
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[i + rx];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_in_r        += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g        += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b        += src_pix_ptr[B];

                stack_ptr = rx;
                xp = rx;
                if(xp > wm) xp = wm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(xp, y);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    dst_pix_ptr[R] = (sum_r * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[G] = (sum_g * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[B] = (sum_b * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr   += Img::pix_width;

                    sum_r -= sum_out_r;
                    sum_g -= sum_out_g;
                    sum_b -= sum_out_b;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - rx;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_start];

                    sum_out_r -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b -= stack_pix_ptr->b;

                    if(xp < wm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_width;
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_r += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r    += sum_in_r;
                    sum_g    += sum_in_g;
                    sum_b    += sum_in_b;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out_r += stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g += stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b += stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_in_r  -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_in_g  -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_in_b  -= stack_pix_ptr->b;

        if(ry > 0)
            if(ry > 254) ry = 254;
            div = ry * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[ry];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[ry];

            int stride = img.stride();
            for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                sum_r = 
                sum_g = 
                sum_b = 
                sum_in_r = 
                sum_in_g = 
                sum_in_b = 
                sum_out_r = 
                sum_out_g = 
                sum_out_b = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                for(i = 0; i <= ry; i++)
                    stack_pix_ptr    = &stack[i];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (i + 1);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (i + 1);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (i + 1);
                    sum_out_r       += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_out_g       += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_out_b       += src_pix_ptr[B];
                for(i = 1; i <= ry; i++)
                    if(i <= hm) src_pix_ptr += stride; 
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[i + ry];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_in_r        += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g        += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b        += src_pix_ptr[B];

                stack_ptr = ry;
                yp = ry;
                if(yp > hm) yp = hm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, yp);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    dst_pix_ptr[R] = (sum_r * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[G] = (sum_g * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[B] = (sum_b * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr += stride;

                    sum_r -= sum_out_r;
                    sum_g -= sum_out_g;
                    sum_b -= sum_out_b;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - ry;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;

                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_start];
                    sum_out_r -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b -= stack_pix_ptr->b;

                    if(yp < hm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += stride;
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_r += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_r    += sum_in_r;
                    sum_g    += sum_in_g;
                    sum_b    += sum_in_b;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out_r += stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g += stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b += stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_in_r  -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_in_g  -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_in_b  -= stack_pix_ptr->b;

    template<class Img> 
    void stack_blur_rgba32(Img& img, unsigned rx, unsigned ry)
        typedef typename Img::color_type color_type;
        typedef typename Img::order_type order_type;
        enum order_e 
            R = order_type::R, 
            G = order_type::G, 
            B = order_type::B,
            A = order_type::A 

        unsigned x, y, xp, yp, i;
        unsigned stack_ptr;
        unsigned stack_start;

        const int8u* src_pix_ptr;
              int8u* dst_pix_ptr;
        color_type*  stack_pix_ptr;

        unsigned sum_r;
        unsigned sum_g;
        unsigned sum_b;
        unsigned sum_a;
        unsigned sum_in_r;
        unsigned sum_in_g;
        unsigned sum_in_b;
        unsigned sum_in_a;
        unsigned sum_out_r;
        unsigned sum_out_g;
        unsigned sum_out_b;
        unsigned sum_out_a;

        unsigned w   = img.width();
        unsigned h   = img.height();
        unsigned wm  = w - 1;
        unsigned hm  = h - 1;

        unsigned div;
        unsigned mul_sum;
        unsigned shr_sum;

        pod_vector<color_type> stack;

        if(rx > 0)
            if(rx > 254) rx = 254;
            div = rx * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[rx];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[rx];

            for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                sum_r = 
                sum_g = 
                sum_b = 
                sum_a = 
                sum_in_r = 
                sum_in_g = 
                sum_in_b = 
                sum_in_a = 
                sum_out_r = 
                sum_out_g = 
                sum_out_b = 
                sum_out_a = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                for(i = 0; i <= rx; i++)
                    stack_pix_ptr    = &stack[i];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (i + 1);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (i + 1);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (i + 1);
                    sum_a           += src_pix_ptr[A] * (i + 1);
                    sum_out_r       += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_out_g       += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_out_b       += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_out_a       += src_pix_ptr[A];
                for(i = 1; i <= rx; i++)
                    if(i <= wm) src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_width; 
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[i + rx];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_a           += src_pix_ptr[A] * (rx + 1 - i);
                    sum_in_r        += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g        += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b        += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_a        += src_pix_ptr[A];

                stack_ptr = rx;
                xp = rx;
                if(xp > wm) xp = wm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(xp, y);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(0, y);
                for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    dst_pix_ptr[R] = (sum_r * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[G] = (sum_g * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[B] = (sum_b * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[A] = (sum_a * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr += Img::pix_width;

                    sum_r -= sum_out_r;
                    sum_g -= sum_out_g;
                    sum_b -= sum_out_b;
                    sum_a -= sum_out_a;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - rx;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_start];

                    sum_out_r -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b -= stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_out_a -= stack_pix_ptr->a;

                    if(xp < wm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += Img::pix_width;
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_in_r += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_a += src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r    += sum_in_r;
                    sum_g    += sum_in_g;
                    sum_b    += sum_in_b;
                    sum_a    += sum_in_a;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out_r += stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g += stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b += stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_out_a += stack_pix_ptr->a;
                    sum_in_r  -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_in_g  -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_in_b  -= stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_in_a  -= stack_pix_ptr->a;

        if(ry > 0)
            if(ry > 254) ry = 254;
            div = ry * 2 + 1;
            mul_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_mul[ry];
            shr_sum = stack_blur_tables<int>::g_stack_blur8_shr[ry];

            int stride = img.stride();
            for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
                sum_r = 
                sum_g = 
                sum_b = 
                sum_a = 
                sum_in_r = 
                sum_in_g = 
                sum_in_b = 
                sum_in_a = 
                sum_out_r = 
                sum_out_g = 
                sum_out_b = 
                sum_out_a = 0;

                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                for(i = 0; i <= ry; i++)
                    stack_pix_ptr    = &stack[i];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (i + 1);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (i + 1);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (i + 1);
                    sum_a           += src_pix_ptr[A] * (i + 1);
                    sum_out_r       += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_out_g       += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_out_b       += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_out_a       += src_pix_ptr[A];
                for(i = 1; i <= ry; i++)
                    if(i <= hm) src_pix_ptr += stride; 
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[i + ry];
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r           += src_pix_ptr[R] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_g           += src_pix_ptr[G] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_b           += src_pix_ptr[B] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_a           += src_pix_ptr[A] * (ry + 1 - i);
                    sum_in_r        += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g        += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b        += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_a        += src_pix_ptr[A];

                stack_ptr = ry;
                yp = ry;
                if(yp > hm) yp = hm;
                src_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, yp);
                dst_pix_ptr = img.pix_ptr(x, 0);
                for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    dst_pix_ptr[R] = (sum_r * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[G] = (sum_g * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[B] = (sum_b * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr[A] = (sum_a * mul_sum) >> shr_sum;
                    dst_pix_ptr += stride;

                    sum_r -= sum_out_r;
                    sum_g -= sum_out_g;
                    sum_b -= sum_out_b;
                    sum_a -= sum_out_a;
                    stack_start = stack_ptr + div - ry;
                    if(stack_start >= div) stack_start -= div;

                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_start];
                    sum_out_r -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b -= stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_out_a -= stack_pix_ptr->a;

                    if(yp < hm) 
                        src_pix_ptr += stride;
                    stack_pix_ptr->r = src_pix_ptr[R];
                    stack_pix_ptr->g = src_pix_ptr[G];
                    stack_pix_ptr->b = src_pix_ptr[B];
                    stack_pix_ptr->a = src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_in_r += src_pix_ptr[R];
                    sum_in_g += src_pix_ptr[G];
                    sum_in_b += src_pix_ptr[B];
                    sum_in_a += src_pix_ptr[A];
                    sum_r    += sum_in_r;
                    sum_g    += sum_in_g;
                    sum_b    += sum_in_b;
                    sum_a    += sum_in_a;
                    if(stack_ptr >= div) stack_ptr = 0;
                    stack_pix_ptr = &stack[stack_ptr];

                    sum_out_r += stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_out_g += stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_out_b += stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_out_a += stack_pix_ptr->a;
                    sum_in_r  -= stack_pix_ptr->r;
                    sum_in_g  -= stack_pix_ptr->g;
                    sum_in_b  -= stack_pix_ptr->b;
                    sum_in_a  -= stack_pix_ptr->a;

    template<class ColorT, class CalculatorT> class recursive_blur
        typedef ColorT color_type;
        typedef CalculatorT calculator_type;
        typedef typename color_type::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename calculator_type::value_type calc_type;

        template<class Img> void blur_x(Img& img, double radius)
            if(radius < 0.62) return;
            if(img.width() < 3) return;

            calc_type s = calc_type(radius * 0.5);
            calc_type q = calc_type((s < 2.5) ?
                                    3.97156 - 4.14554 * sqrt(1 - 0.26891 * s) :
                                    0.98711 * s - 0.96330);

            calc_type q2 = calc_type(q * q);
            calc_type q3 = calc_type(q2 * q);

            calc_type b0 = calc_type(1.0 / (1.578250 + 
                                            2.444130 * q + 
                                            1.428100 * q2 + 
                                            0.422205 * q3));

            calc_type b1 = calc_type( 2.44413 * q + 
                                      2.85619 * q2 + 
                                      1.26661 * q3);

            calc_type b2 = calc_type(-1.42810 * q2 + 
                                     -1.26661 * q3);

            calc_type b3 = calc_type(0.422205 * q3);

            calc_type b  = calc_type(1 - (b1 + b2 + b3) * b0);

            b1 *= b0;
            b2 *= b0;
            b3 *= b0;

            int w = img.width();
            int h = img.height();
            int wm = w-1;
            int x, y;


            for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
                calculator_type c;
                c.from_pix(img.pixel(0, y));
                m_sum1[0].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, c, c, c);
                c.from_pix(img.pixel(1, y));
                m_sum1[1].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, m_sum1[0], m_sum1[0], m_sum1[0]);
                c.from_pix(img.pixel(2, y));
                m_sum1[2].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, m_sum1[1], m_sum1[0], m_sum1[0]);

                for(x = 3; x < w; ++x)
                    c.from_pix(img.pixel(x, y));
                    m_sum1[x].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, m_sum1[x-1], m_sum1[x-2], m_sum1[x-3]);
                m_sum2[wm  ].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, m_sum1[wm  ], m_sum1[wm  ], m_sum1[wm], m_sum1[wm]);
                m_sum2[wm-1].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, m_sum1[wm-1], m_sum2[wm  ], m_sum2[wm], m_sum2[wm]);
                m_sum2[wm-2].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, m_sum1[wm-2], m_sum2[wm-1], m_sum2[wm], m_sum2[wm]);
                m_sum2[wm  ].to_pix(m_buf[wm  ]);

                for(x = wm-3; x >= 0; --x)
                    m_sum2[x].calc(b, b1, b2, b3, m_sum1[x], m_sum2[x+1], m_sum2[x+2], m_sum2[x+3]);
                img.copy_color_hspan(0, y, w, &m_buf[0]);

        template<class Img> void blur_y(Img& img, double radius)
            pixfmt_transposer<Img> img2(img);
            blur_x(img2, radius);

        template<class Img> void blur(Img& img, double radius)
            blur_x(img, radius);
            pixfmt_transposer<Img> img2(img);
            blur_x(img2, radius);

        agg::pod_vector<calculator_type> m_sum1;
        agg::pod_vector<calculator_type> m_sum2;
        agg::pod_vector<color_type>      m_buf;

    template<class T=double> struct recursive_blur_calc_rgba
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef recursive_blur_calc_rgba<T> self_type;

        value_type r,g,b,a;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void from_pix(const ColorT& c)
            r = c.r;
            g = c.g;
            b = c.b;
            a = c.a;

        AGG_INLINE void calc(value_type b1, 
                             value_type b2, 
                             value_type b3, 
                             value_type b4,
                             const self_type& c1, 
                             const self_type& c2, 
                             const self_type& c3, 
                             const self_type& c4)
            r = b1*c1.r + b2*c2.r + b3*c3.r + b4*c4.r;
            g = b1*c1.g + b2*c2.g + b3*c3.g + b4*c4.g;
            b = b1*c1.b + b2*c2.b + b3*c3.b + b4*c4.b;
            a = b1*c1.a + b2*c2.a + b3*c3.a + b4*c4.a;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void to_pix(ColorT& c) const
            typedef typename ColorT::value_type cv_type;
            c.r = (cv_type)uround(r);
            c.g = (cv_type)uround(g);
            c.b = (cv_type)uround(b);
            c.a = (cv_type)uround(a);

    template<class T=double> struct recursive_blur_calc_rgb
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef recursive_blur_calc_rgb<T> self_type;

        value_type r,g,b;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void from_pix(const ColorT& c)
            r = c.r;
            g = c.g;
            b = c.b;

        AGG_INLINE void calc(value_type b1, 
                             value_type b2, 
                             value_type b3, 
                             value_type b4,
                             const self_type& c1, 
                             const self_type& c2, 
                             const self_type& c3, 
                             const self_type& c4)
            r = b1*c1.r + b2*c2.r + b3*c3.r + b4*c4.r;
            g = b1*c1.g + b2*c2.g + b3*c3.g + b4*c4.g;
            b = b1*c1.b + b2*c2.b + b3*c3.b + b4*c4.b;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void to_pix(ColorT& c) const
            typedef typename ColorT::value_type cv_type;
            c.r = (cv_type)uround(r);
            c.g = (cv_type)uround(g);
            c.b = (cv_type)uround(b);

    template<class T=double> struct recursive_blur_calc_gray
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef recursive_blur_calc_gray<T> self_type;

        value_type v;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void from_pix(const ColorT& c)
            v = c.v;

        AGG_INLINE void calc(value_type b1, 
                             value_type b2, 
                             value_type b3, 
                             value_type b4,
                             const self_type& c1, 
                             const self_type& c2, 
                             const self_type& c3, 
                             const self_type& c4)
            v = b1*c1.v + b2*c2.v + b3*c3.v + b4*c4.v;

        template<class ColorT> 
        AGG_INLINE void to_pix(ColorT& c) const
            typedef typename ColorT::value_type cv_type;
            c.v = (cv_type)uround(v);

