/** \file fb2def.h
    \brief FictionBook2 format defitions

    When included w/o XS_IMPLEMENT_SCHEME defined,
    declares enums for element, attribute and namespace names.

    When included with XS_IMPLEMENT_SCHEME defined,
    defines fb2_elem_table, fb2_attr_table and fb2_ns_table tables
    which can be passed to document to define schema.
    Please include it with XS_IMPLEMENT_SCHEME only into once in project.

    CoolReader Engine

    (c) Vadim Lopatin, 2000-2006
    This source code is distributed under the terms of
    GNU General Public License.

    See LICENSE file for details.


#if !defined(__FB2_DEF_H_INCLUDED__) || defined(XS_IMPLEMENT_SCHEME)
#define __FB2_DEF_H_INCLUDED__

#include "dtddef.h"

// el_ definitions

XS_TAG1T( autoBoxing )

XS_TAG2( xml, "?xml" )
XS_TAG2( xml_stylesheet, "?xml-stylesheet" )
XS_TAG1( FictionBook )
XS_TAG1D( genre, true, css_d_none, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1( annotation )
XS_TAG1T( id )
XS_TAG1T( version )
XS_TAG1( output )
XS_TAG1( part )
XS_TAG1( param )
XS_TAG1T( body )
XS_TAG1T( p )
XS_TAG1( coverpage )
XS_TAG1OBJ( image )
XS_TAG1OBJ( img )
XS_TAG1T( lang )
XS_TAG1( section )
XS_TAG1D( form, true, css_d_none, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( binary, true, css_d_none, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG2T( text_author, "text-author" )

XS_TAG1T( div )
XS_TAG1( svg )
XS_TAG1( dl )
XS_TAG1T( dt )
XS_TAG1T( dd )
XS_TAG1( ol )
XS_TAG1( ul )
XS_TAG1D( li, true, css_d_list_item, css_ws_inherit )
XS_TAG1T( h1 )
XS_TAG1T( h2 )
XS_TAG1T( h3 )
XS_TAG1T( h4 )
XS_TAG1T( h5 )
XS_TAG1T( h6 )
XS_TAG1D( pre, true, css_d_block, css_ws_pre )
XS_TAG1T( blockquote )
XS_TAG1I( em )
XS_TAG1I( q )
XS_TAG1I( span )
XS_TAG1I( br )

XS_TAG1D( title, true, css_d_block, css_ws_normal )

XS_TAG1I( b )
XS_TAG1I( i )

// type="styleType"
XS_TAG1I( strikethrough )
XS_TAG1I( sub )
XS_TAG1I( sup )
XS_TAG1I( style )
XS_TAG1I( strong )
XS_TAG1I( emphasis )
XS_TAG1D( code, true, css_d_inline, css_ws_pre )
XS_TAG1I( a )

XS_TAG1( html )
XS_TAG1( head )

XS_TAG1( hr )

// table
XS_TAG1D( table, false, css_d_table, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( caption, true, css_d_table_caption, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( col, false, css_d_table_column, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( colgroup, false, css_d_table_column_group, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( tr, false, css_d_table_row, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( tbody, false, css_d_table_row_group, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( thead, false, css_d_table_header_group, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( tfoot, false, css_d_table_footer_group, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( th, true, css_d_table_cell, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( td, true, css_d_table_cell, css_ws_normal )

XS_TAG1T( cite )
XS_TAG1T( v )
XS_TAG1( stanza )
XS_TAG1( epigraph )
XS_TAG1T( subtitle )
XS_TAG1( poem )
XS_TAG2( empty_line, "empty-line" )

XS_TAG1T( history )
XS_TAG1( author )
XS_TAG1T( date )
XS_TAG1T( year )
XS_TAG1T( sequence )

XS_TAG1D( stylesheet, true, css_d_none, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG1D( description, false, css_d_none, css_ws_normal )
XS_TAG2( title_info, "title-info" )
XS_TAG2( src_title_info, "src-title-info" )
XS_TAG2( document_info, "document-info" )
XS_TAG2( publish_info, "publish-info" )
XS_TAG2T( custom_info, "custom-info" )

// type="xs:string"
XS_TAG2T( home_page, "home-page" )
XS_TAG2T( src_url, "src-url" )
XS_TAG1T( email )

// type="textFieldType"
XS_TAG2T( book_title, "book-title" )
XS_TAG2T( program_used, "program-used" )
XS_TAG2I( first_name, "first-name" )
XS_TAG2I( middle_name, "middle-name" )
XS_TAG2I( last_name, "last-name" )
XS_TAG2T( src_ocr, "src-ocr" )
XS_TAG2T( book_name, "book-name" )
XS_TAG1T( publisher )
XS_TAG1T( city )
XS_TAG1T( isbn )
XS_TAG1T( nickname )
XS_TAG1T( keywords )

XS_TAG1( DocFragment )


// attr_ definitions

XS_ATTR( id )
XS_ATTR( class )
XS_ATTR( value )
XS_ATTR( name )
XS_ATTR( number )
XS_ATTR( href )
XS_ATTR( type )
XS_ATTR( mode )
XS_ATTR( price )
XS_ATTR( style )
XS_ATTR( width )
XS_ATTR( height )
XS_ATTR( colspan )
XS_ATTR( rowspan )
XS_ATTR( align )
XS_ATTR( valign )
XS_ATTR( currency )
XS_ATTR( version )
XS_ATTR( encoding )
XS_ATTR( l )
XS_ATTR( xmlns )
XS_ATTR( genre )
XS_ATTR( xlink )
XS_ATTR( link )
XS_ATTR( xsi )
XS_ATTR( schemaLocation )
XS_ATTR( include )
XS_ATTR2( include_all, "include-all" )
XS_ATTR2( content_type, "content-type" )
XS_ATTR( StyleSheet )
XS_ATTR( title )
XS_ATTR( subtitle )
XS_ATTR( suptitle )


// ns_ definitions

XS_NS( l )
XS_NS( xsi )
XS_NS( xmlns )
XS_NS( xlink )
XS_NS( xs )


#endif // __FB2_DEF_H_INCLUDED__