Commit cbd73dbe authored by wangsong's avatar wangsong

add line api

parent a783e533
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class StatisticsController {
public MapMessage applications(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", required = false) Integer latestDays, @RequestParam(value = "topN", required = false) Integer topN) {
public MapMessage applications(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", defaultValue = "7") Integer latestDays, @RequestParam(value = "topN", required = false) Integer topN) {
List<StatItem> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
List<AuthClient> clientList = authClientService.listAll();
if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(clientId)){
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class StatisticsController {
public MapMessage environments(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", required = false) Integer latestDays) {
public MapMessage environments(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", defaultValue = "7") Integer latestDays) {
Map<String, List<StatItem>> result = new HashMap<>();
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("loginSuccessFlag", true);
......@@ -172,4 +172,116 @@ public class StatisticsController {
return MapMessage.successMessage().add("data", result);
* 认证热点单位统计
* @return
public MapMessage authHotOrgs(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", defaultValue = "7") Integer latestDays, @RequestParam(value = "topN", required = false) Integer topN) {
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("loginSuccessFlag", true);
if (clientId != null){
Date startDate = getStartDay(latestDays);
List<String> schoolNames = authLogService.distinct("logUserInfo.schoolName", param, startDate);
List<StatItem> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(schoolNames)){
for (String name : schoolNames) {
long count = authLogService.count(param, startDate);
StatItem item = new StatItem();
if (result.size()>topN){
return MapMessage.successMessage().add("data", result);
* 认证身份统计
* @return
public MapMessage authUserTypes(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "startDay") Integer startDay, @RequestParam(value = "endDay") Integer endDay) {
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("loginSuccessFlag", true);
if (clientId != null){
List<Map<String,Object>> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
Date startDate = DateUtils.stringToDate(String.valueOf(startDay), "yyyyMMdd");
Date endDate = DateUtils.stringToDate(String.valueOf(endDay), "yyyyMMdd");
String yearMonthDay = DateUtils.dateToString(startDate, "yyyy-MM-dd");
param.put("yearMonthDay", yearMonthDay);
long all_auth = authLogService.count(param);
long teacherCount = authLogService.count(param);
long studentCount = authLogService.count(param);
startDate = DateUtils.calculateDateDay(startDate, 1);
Map<String,Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("date", yearMonthDay);
data.put("teacherCount", teacherCount);
data.put("studentCount", studentCount);
data.put("otherCount", all_auth - teacherCount - studentCount);
return MapMessage.successMessage().add("dataList", dataList);
public MapMessage authUserTypeSum(@RequestParam(value = "clientId", required = false) String clientId, @RequestParam(value = "latestDays", defaultValue = "7") Integer latestDays) {
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("loginSuccessFlag", true);
if (clientId != null){
Date startDate = getStartDay(latestDays);
long days = DateUtils.dayDiff(new Date(), startDate);
long all_auth = authLogService.count(param, startDate);
long teacherCount = authLogService.count(param, startDate);
long studentCount = authLogService.count(param, startDate);
Map<String,Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("totalCount", all_auth);
data.put("teacherCount", teacherCount);
data.put("studentCount", studentCount);
data.put("otherCount", all_auth - teacherCount - studentCount);
data.put("avgTotalCount", all_auth/days);
data.put("avgTeacherCount", teacherCount/days);
data.put("avgStudentCount", studentCount/days);
data.put("avgOtherCount", (all_auth - teacherCount - studentCount)/days);
return MapMessage.successMessage().add("data", data);
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